225 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever

As of September 28, 2024:

225 institutions (mainly health and science institutions) in 40 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the alleged “SARS-COV-2” having been found in any sick human and purified, in order to sequence and characterize “it” and study “it” with controlled experiments.

In other words, none of these institutions can prove that the alleged RNA genome of ~30,000 bases surrounded by a protein shell and spikey envelope actually exists…. let alone that “it” causes an allegedly new respiratory disease that is allegedly spread from host to host via contagion.

No one on the planet has a pure sample of the alleged virus.

There are no validated tests. Validation of a test for a “virus” would require a gold standard – the alleged virus.

Excel file listing 225 institutions:

Click this link to see the actual responses:


  1. Jozef

    Hi. Thank you for this list. I can post you 1 response from uvzsr.sk and 2 unresponded requests from biomedcentrum.sav.sk and health.gov.sk.


  2. There’s another institution that was missed on this post: Health Service Executive (HSE) South Dublin, Ireland

    Of course, the fact [sic] checkers labeled it false by stating the following: “The HSE would likely not hold such distinct records because it is a scientific fact that SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) exists.”
    That is nonsense. Any conclusion based on science requires proof. If it is a “scientific fact”, as this fake-news “journalist” states, then proof must exist. In order for the HSE to declare a state of emergency, it would have had to have been given that proof. Otherwise, the HSE did it illegally and the person who signed the order must be charged criminally.
    source for “fact” checking: https://www.thejournal.ie/freedom-of-information-request-covid-19-hse-does-not-exist-5312279-Dec2020/

  3. Brockland A.T.

    Just two points/questions –

    1. How many pathogenic viruses – not bacteria – VIRUSES, have been isolated to this particular standard of purification, and,

    2. How does this disprove the existence of a SARS Cov-2/Covid-19 virus presently identified by a unique genetic signature?


    1. Viruses are very tiny; total isolation without noise may be difficult. Identification by unique genetic signature may be easier and cheaper for most countries.

    2. (a) If SARS Cov-2 is a biological weapon, proliferation and rogue development (germ warfare research is always rogue, but you should get the idea…) can be discouraged by reducing the number of ‘purified’ samples available for research and release.

    2. (b) If SARS Cov-2 is a biological weapon, as many suspect, for various reasons possession of purified samples will not only be discouraged but denied by those who can ‘purify’ virus samples to a high level and retain them for whatever purposes.

    3. Why has no-one actively promoted nutritional first defense with vitamins D,C, K and zinc as well as other basic micronutrents like thiamine (vitamin B1)?

    Regardless of whether SARS Cov-2 exists or not, something is killing people like colds and flus do, even if its just colds and flus.

    Conclusion: None of the COVID-1984 measures are valid, for the simple reasons that they do not work and are cures worse than the disease at many levels of social being from physical and mental health to economic health and civil rights.

    Claiming SARS Cov-2 does not exist, does not solve the underlying problems of vitamin malnutrition and health care cutbacks that made an overhyped pandemic crisis out of a beatable cold that’s nowhere on the level of the original Spanish influenza.

    Claiming SARS Cov-2 does not exists does not explain the widespread suppression of therapeutics that cure COVID-19 such as ivermectin. Instead, this exonerates those that denied effective treatments and left people to die. After all… by the standard of SARS Cov-2 does not exist, there was nothing to treat??! (Even though, there was.)

    Claiming SARS Cov-2 does exists, removes pressure for scrutiny on germ warfare and who may have created and released SARS Cov-2, some of the earliest recorded traces having been found in Spain and Italy, then the U.S., then finally China where SARS Cov-2 was formally recognized.

    Claiming SARS Cov-2 does not exist with no caveat may convince some people to lower their guard and become victim to deadly ‘reset’ health care that clearly desires mass casualties. Reset cultists wouldn’t properly treat a common cold if they could get away with de facto murder.

    • Christine

      Zero viruses have ever been purified, characterized, sequenced and shown to spread disease via natural modes of exposure, to my knowledge. Virology is simply not a science, it is a cover story for real causes of disease, much of which is industrial and caused by government policies and actions, and for gross abuses that people would never otherwise put up with. And “maybes” don’t cut it in science. Purification is required so that only the thing of interest is sequenced. You need to review the actual methods used to “sequence a virus”, there is nothing scientific or remotely logical about it.

    • Bela Nagy

      “You here assume smallpox to be a thing, an entity.
      This blunder is committed by nearly all the followers of the self-styled “regular school”, and it will probably be a new idea to you to be told that neither smallpox nor any other disease is an entity, but is a condition.”
      – Dr Montague R. Leverson M.D. 1909

  4. Rolfe Michaelson


    Has anyone, to your, knowledge attempted to contact this institution. The university of Nebraska medical center?

    My wife participated in Vax trial at this institution based on the false c19 premise.”Why? “I asked her, response “for the greater good”. I believe there will be a very short rope waiting for those who coerced and profligated this hoax.

    The govoner of tthe State of Nebraska is technically the head of the institution. I’m wondering if he will be found to have committed and participated in the world’s opinion, a War Crime against humanity. I have zero doubtt, he or a member of his family, have profited handsomely from this debacle!

  5. PJM

    The spurious pandemic is explained and revealed by one sentence of a 2015 statement from Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance: “Investors will respond if they see profit….”


    “M-CAM International Innovation Risk Management Chairman Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to attorney Reiner Fuellmich after scrutinizing thousands of patents since the early 2000’s for the SarsCov spike protein injections, naming companies, universities, and major players, including DARPA and government entities.

    “One cannot patent something found in nature, so they created computer-generated genome sequences claimed to be coronaviruses, patented those man-made sequences, allowing patenting the PCR test sequence to detect their contrived sequence, then allowing patenting the jab, comprised of synthetic lab-made proteins to “treat” the contrived, patented coronavirus, detected by the patented test, to detect the make-believe virus, “and then they poison you.”

    “According to him, “outbreaks” are merely PCR test fraud looking for made-up patented sequences using the name coronavirus, SARS, etc. They only exist on paper for patent reasons; the real bioweapon is in the jab, not an actual virus circulating the public.”

    NIAID patented SARS, 19 April, 2002 with US Patent #7279327, filed for an “infectious, replication-defective Corona virus” specifically targeted for human lung epithelium.

    SARS was developed as a biological weapon candidate prior to any “outbreak”.


    The alleged 2002-03 SARS China outbreak was followed by an April 2003 US Patent #7220852 CDC filing, including the entire gene sequence of SARS corona virus, in violation of 35 US Code Section 101, which states a naturally occurring substance cannot be patented.

    US Patent #7220852 was associated with numerous other patents, including US Patents #46592703P and #776521, covering means of detection using RT-PCR.

    The SARS patent is owned by the holder of the patent for its detection, providing complete control of virus provenance AND detection.

    US Patent Office twice rejected filings on the gene sequence, as it was in the public domain prior to filing, with 99.9% identity with existing corona viruses.

    The CDC appealed the patent examiner rejections with a fine 2006-07, overrode the Patent Office to obtain the patent, bribed/provided an additional fee to keep patents private, despite claims the patents would allow for public domain research.

    SARS-CoV-2 is a sub-clade of and 85% identical to CDC SARS patents filed in 2003, 2005, 2006.

    28 April 2003, three days after CDC filing, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed US Patent #7151163 for anti-viral agents, treatment and control of infections by corona virus. The Sequoia treatment patent was issued and published before the CDC SARS patent!

    As the CDC paid a Patent Office fee to keep the patent private, insider information shared between CDC, Patent Office and Sequoia was used to patent a treatment for a virus patent which had yet to be published; treatment for an unidentified pathology cannot be created.

    Sequoia patents later became part of Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson patent holdings.

    The same fraudulent pattern was used for the current “pandemic” as NIAID provided Moderna the spike protein sequence, via telephone, prior to definition of “novel” sub-clade SARS-CoV-2.

    This pattern is the very definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion, an exact example of violation of the US Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

    5 June 2008, concurrent with DARPA investigating corona virus as a biological weapon, Ablinx, now part of Sinofi, filed a series of patents which specifically targeted the so-called “novel” features of SARS-CoV-2, being the poly-basic cleavage site, “novel” spike protein and ACE2 receptor binding domain,11-12 years PRIOR to SARS-CoV-2 alleged definition.

    US Patent #9193780 granted 24 November, 2015, AFTER US gain-of-function moratorium.

    2016, 2017 and 2019, a series of patents were filed and issued to Ablinx/Sinofi, covering RNA strands and sub-components of the gene strands.

    Numerous pharmaceutical companies, universities and other institutes, filed 73 patents between 2008 and 2017, all identifying every attribute of SARS-CoV-2, specifically, the poly-basic cleavage site, “novel” spike protein and ACE2 receptor binding domain.

    73 patents on the reported “novel” attributes of SARS-CoV-2 were issued before 2019!

    There was never an “outbreak” of SARS, as all clinically “novel” components of the clinically unique, clinically contagious SARS-CoV-2 were engineered.

    By 2016, Ralph Baric, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, published a paper, funded during the US gain-of-function moratorium, stating SARS was not only poised for human emergence but was patented for commercial exploitation.

    2015, Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance): “We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

    Daszak opposed a lab leak theory, as he was aware the “pandemic” was an intentional bio-weaponisation of the spike protein within the “vaccines”, which should be referred to as experimental genetic manipulation. Lab leak theories and studies are Red Herrings meant to distract from patents filed and issued, dating back to 1999.

    US Patent #7279327, on the recombinant nature of lung-targeting coronavirus, was transferred from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill to NIH in 2018.

    November 2019, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Moderna and NIAID began sequencing of a spike protein vaccine, one month prior to the spurious “outbreak”.

    6 January 2004, Moderna wrote the script for the “pandemic”, including the notion of the “New Normal” campaign adopted by the WHO.

    March, 2019, Moderna amended four rejected patent filings, specifically referencing “deliberate or accidental release of coronavirus” in order begin vaccine development, relying on technology the company did not own.

    Moderna negotiated rights to the lipid nano-particle vaccine delivery system patents held by two Canadian pharma companies.

    Moderna developed its “vaccine” prior to SARS-CoV-2 definition and “pandemic” declaration.

    From 2016 until 2019, at every NIAID Advisory Council Board meeting, Fauci expressed disappointment regarding lack of acceptance for a universal influenza vaccine.

    March, 2019, Moderna amended four patent filings stating need for “a coordinated, global experience of a respiratory pathogen release which, by September, 2020, must put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control and the acceptance of a universal vaccine mandate.”

    117 ACE2 receptor targeting mechanism patents were filed for SARS coronavirus, well prior to 2019.

    Patent records of gene sequences are evidence “…that any assertion this pathogen is unique or ‘novel’…” is false.

    2008, coronavirus was declared by the WHO to be eradicated, yet billions have been spent, globally, to develop a vaccine since said declaration!

    By 2005, coronavirus “was unquestionably a weapon of choice.”

    That SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were developed to fight a virus is an illusion; the jabs only inject a computer simulation of an mRNA sequence, “not derived from nature”, known and patented for many years.

    The “vaccines” are not prophylactic as “no company has made an effort to combat the virus.”

    Mass injection of the harmful S1 spike protein is the goal.

    The US Patent Office rejected Fauci’s previous mRNA vaccine filings to treat HIV/AIDS, as they did not meet “even the lowest” patentable, clinical or legal standard, stating they were “not persuasive….The immune response produced by a vaccine must be more than merely some immune response but, must also be protective…a compound which prevents infection.”

    As SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated and purified, it does not exist; there are no variants, only computer simulations, with no distinction from patents!

    No published evidence SARS-CoV-2 has clinical distinction from anything known and published prior to November, 2019, in 73 patents dating to 2008.

    The CDC and FDA have admitted RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 tests are completely false.

    The variant illusion is a result of biased observation of RT-PCR tests, which detect only segments or fragments of RNA or DNA, attributable to any pathogen or variant an observer wishes to find! RT-PCR cannot detect or identify a given, specific virus; it is a scientific research and manufacturing tool, not a medical diagnostic, as repeatedly stated by its 1993 Nobel Prize-winning inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis.

    The Ralph Baric gene patent #7279327 is, according to the Patent Office, an “organism” of “artificial sequence.”

    Regulatory FDA submissions for Emergency Use Authorization do not include a standard for identification.

    Christian Drosten’s PCR test standard is a fraud, meant to enable “vaccine” sales.

    “Need to create the illusion of demand. There is nothing…better to create the illusion of demand than the urgency of an event that you’ve manufactured.”

    The “pandemic is “…not a public health crisis. This was an opportunistic marketing campaign to address a stated objective”, namely to convince the public to accept a pan-coronavirus countermeasure, using media to create “hype” with investors following “when they see profit.”

    “The actual statement of the actual perpetrator” proves hoax and massive crime.

    “First, do no harm.”

    Drosten 45 cycle threshold PCR protocol is fraud – PCR is not a medical diagnostic – cannot culture anything above 25-30 ct’s.

    Kary Mullis invented PCR and repeatedly warned it must not be used as a medical diagnostic, because the observer can find whatever they wish to find.

    SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated or purified – does not exist outside of a computer model – over 4000 US patents for SARS since 1999 prove that, because nothing occurring naturally may be patented.

    Survival rate across ALL age groups is more than 98% – 50 or younger in relatively good health above 99.9% – 70 in relatively good health, above 97%.

    Global all-cause death rate has not increased above the 2018 flu season – data is available on the CDC website.

    Normally takes 7-10 years or more for vaccine approval.

    No corona virus vaccine has ever made it through clinical trials.

    A vaccine is prophylactic and prevents transmission – mRNA does neither – it is NOT a vaccine.

    FDA did NOT approve Pfizer – merely extended emergency use – a copy of the August 23rd FDA letter to Pfizer has been leaked and verified.

    Pfizer began injecting its study control group immediately after emergency use was authorized – that is not science – there will be no comparative data from the study – think about that.

    Dr. Robert Malone developed mRNA and categorically stated it must not be used in humans – warns of inevitable holocaust – millions upon millions injected will die within 3-5 years, if not soon after injection, as many already have.

    VAERS injury reporting data is only 1%-10% of all actual injuries – while the CDC has reported close to 20,000 deaths in the US directly attributable to mRNA – do the math – in ’76 the US stopped swine flu vaccine after only 50 deaths.

    Physicians are being forced to violate the Hippocratic Oath – pressured or ordered to comply – they all know natural immunity from a previous infection offers more protection than any vaccine and vaccinating someone who already has antibodies for a given virus is dangerous – SARS-CoV-2 is influenza.

    This is unprecedented slaughter – intentional holocaust

    • Christine

      Read the so-called “SARS virus” patent. They described and cited the typical monkey cell nonsense mode of “virus isolation”. And as Dr. Martin explained in his dossier, they provided zero causal data. I have yet to see any “isolation” study, or “gain of function” study or patent that actually describes the discovery or creation of a “virus” that spreads disease from host to host via natural modes of exposure. Virology is not a science, period.

    • Christine

      June 21, 2021:
      Dr. Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, Director of Virology, Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive Lazzaro Spallanzani (National Institute of Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani), Italy failed to provide or cite even 1 record re purification of the alleged COVID-19 virus aka “SARS-COV-2”.

      Details from Dr. Fabio Franchi, author of “COVID-19. The catastrophe caused by the virus that is not there”:

      “The UHRTA association in Trieste submitted a request for access to acts at the Spallanzani Institute in Rome last June via Michele RODARO, with the question of whether there was documentation proving the viral isolation. Professor Maria Rosaria CAPOBIANCHI replied with a letter and an attachment listing 14 works of her research group.”

      Dr. Franchi’s response to Capobianchi was sent on Sept. 10, by lawyer Michele Rodaro of URHTA.

      Capobianchi’s FOI response and Dr. Franchi’s (priceless!) reply (including attachments) is posted here, with English translations (also from Dr. Franchi):

      About Dr. Franchi:

      “I worked as a physician (“Dirigente medico”) in an Infectious Diseases ward until retirement.

      Medical Doctor
      Specialized in:
      Hygiene and Preventive Medicine
      Infectious Diseases

      Associated to Scientific Society for the Principle of Precaution (SSPP), Italy (registered association).

      I published two books above the last one: “AIDS, la grande truffa (the great scam)”, in 1996, and “Vaccinazioni di massa: successo o fallimento?”, in 2019.

      In 1998 a review article: “In search of virus HIV” (Italian – English), and in 1995 showed the same for HCV, and this last received an appreciation by some top researchers.

      In 2016 I was among the first to show microcefalia epidemic was not due to Zika virus (published in a blog). Two years later (in 1998) two independent groups made observations and conclusions similar to mine, in published papers.”

    • Christine

      Lol, did you miss the entire point of the FOIs? No one on the planet has purified the alleged virus. And what virologists call “isolation” is the exact opposite of isolating anything.

  6. Brockland A.T.

    I say again, why would a genetically unique virus be disproven by the lack of any ‘purified’ samples, and how many viruses match this level of purity?

    Deleting my comment only proves to me you are on the other end of the spectrum of reset fanatics; you want people to take no precautions and get sick, perpetuating the crisis.

    People are getting sick of something. May as well call it SARS Cov-2.

    • Christine

      1) I rarely check the comments on my website, they don’t even enter my mind and I don’t have enough time anyways. 2) Purification is required, so that sequencing, characterization and controlled experiments are carried out ON THE THING OF INTEREST. Virologists prefer to work with soups of unidentified material, with which to fabricate their faux “genomes” and perform wildly uncontrolled, anti-scientific procedures. Convid is nothing more than a collection of fraudulent re-classifications of many REAL diseases (and perfectly healthy people). There is no common denominator to the “cases” whatsoever.

    • Bela Nagy

      How can any scientist say that a disease is caused by a virus if they don’t have definite proof that it is a virus exists?
      Your logic is flawed.

    • Kelvin

      The pandemic is getting worse after the vaccine roll outs. We can ALL see that. You wanna blame that on a person who is warning us about the vaccines? How do you even classify it as a vaccine if it doesn’t cure or keep people from transmitting? There aren’t gonna be too many Sheeple on a site like this.

  7. Great job, Christine!
    But shame you haven’t got any from Japan.
    I have two I can send you. ;o)

    *My blogs were forcefully locked cause I revealed a FAKE Government’s agents in the U.S.

  8. Hi Christine,
    I followed your letter and received one from the California Department of Public Health. I sent your letter and then they asked for more clarification so I sent more info. Here was there answer

    “After reviewing your initial request, and subsequent clarifying information, CDPH has determined it is not in possession of records that are responsive to the request.”

    Let me know if you are interested in seeing the correspondence.

  9. Hi Christine,

    From my end, also Massachusetts DPH, Office of the Governor-Mass, and CDC/DHHS again…

    New FOIA Request Reveals Entire Pandemic Based on Scientific Fraud: CDC Concedes Inability to Locate Purified Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus or Delta Variant by Koch’s Postulates, Says Viruses can be Isolated “Only by Growth in Cell Culture”/https://everydayconcerned.net/2021/09/04/new-foia-request-reveals-entire-pandemic-based-on-scientific-fraud-cdc-concedes-inability-to-locate-purified-isolate-of-sars-cov-2-covid-19-virus-or-delta-variant-by-kochs-postulates-says-viruses/

    Massachusetts Department of Health Reports “No Responsive Documents” to FOIA Request for Information on Purified Isolate of Professed SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus & Delta Variant Forming Basis for all State COVID Restrictions/https://everydayconcerned.net/2021/08/30/massachusetts-department-of-health-reports-no-responsive-documents-to-foia-request-for-information-on-purified-isolate-of-professed-sars-cov-2-covid-19-virus-delta-variant-forming-basis-for-all/

    Office of the Governor, Massachusetts Admits They Have No Information on Isolate of SARS-COV-2/COVID-19 Virus –and No Basis Therefore for All COVID Restrictions, Mandates, Vaccine-Pushes by Governor and Government/https://everydayconcerned.net/2021/09/03/office-of-the-governor-massachusetts-admits-they-have-no-information-on-isolate-of-sars-cov-2-covid-19-virus-and-no-basis-therefore-for-all-covid-restrictions-mandates-vaccine-pushes-by-governor/

  10. Keith

    Hi Christine,
    No disrespect meant to fluoridefreepeel but these FOIs need their own website to enhance their credibility. Others with whom I have shared this site have also made the same suggestion. Great work by you and the other FOIers!

  11. WENDY

    Hi Christine
    i am writing to you from South Africa.
    Thank you for this great information, which I have saved as my company is trying to enforce mandatory vaccination.
    So we have a lot of people who I work with who are against this and we will be putting a case against them, showing this information that how can a vaccine be produced when they haven’t even isolated the virus.
    We have an amazing man Riccardo Baartman who has put a case against our Government for the proof of the virus, as according to our Health Department they have isolated it, They are on their 2nd trial date and he is being pushed from pillar to post, as our Health Minister was fired for corruption + theft of Covid Funds and our Professor Karim has resigned. So he has put a case against our President who keeps saying that there is a deadly virus out there killing people. So now the case has been postponed again.
    Appreciate you if you could email me any further information, when it gets updated

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