April 29, 2024 newsletter
Note: this newsletter has been sent to almost 200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man and the U.S., so they cannot claim they don’t know.
Greetings and Best Wishes,
I became aware of Gregg Gonsalves through a recent article by Rebecca Culshaw Smith. Rebecca describes Gregg as a “longtime ACT UP activist posing as an objective journalist… and, importantly, co-founder of Treatment Action Group (who are absolutely Pharma pushers…”
Gregg acts as Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases) at Yale School of Public Health – which is shielded from freedom of information requests since Yale is a private institution. (Epidemiology of course is not a scientific discipline since it’s not based on the scientific method.)
Gregg also acts as Associate (Adjunct) Professor of Law at Yale Law School and as Co-Director of the school’s “Global Health Justice Partnership” – where Gregg is described as “a leading HIV/AIDS activist”.
In 2018 Gregg was named a “MacArthur Fellow”. Apparently MacArthur Fellowships are also referred to as “genius grants”. Wow, that sounds impressive.
According to his bio: “For more than 30 years, he worked on HIV/AIDS and other global health issues…”
So on March 10, 2024 I decided to challenge Gregg to cite valid primary and scientific evidence showing that “HIV” (the specific alleged particle with the purported genome and proteins) exists and causes AIDS, and evidence of contagion. I let him know up front that his response or lack thereof would be made public.

Please note that the challenge has nothing at all to do with whether or not people with health conditions actually have health conditions. No one is questioning the existence of health conditions. The issue is the purported causal agent and the purported contagious nature of their conditions.
Gregg’s entire response on March 11, 2024 consisted of the URL (https://www.aidstruth.org/) for a website called “AIDSTruth”. The website’s tagline is “The scientific evidence for HIV/AIDS” .

So I politely reminded the genius grant recipient and Yale professor that a URL is not valid scientific evidence of anything, and asked if he could cite specific studies that meet the challenge.

This time Gregg let me know that he doesn’t deal with “denialists”. He also claimed to have sent me a “compendium of evidence”, wished me a good day and told me not to contact him again.

The website that Gregg had referred me to is quite focused on “denialists” and how to respond to them. You would think that, if “HIV” has been shown to exist and cause the various health conditions that are referred to as AIDS, and if Gregg has actually known what he’s been talking about for the last 30+ years, the evidence would be cited on this website.
But the website, while making very strong claims about “HIV” and “denialists”, doesn’t cite any scientific evidence of “HIV” existing at all.

It’s almost as if the authors of AIDSTruth think that repeating “denialist” enough times will make “HIV” real in their readers’ minds.
I wrote back to Gregg and explained that the “Debunking Denialist Myths”page of the site doesn’t even address the existence of “HIV”. I pointed out that all of the so-called myths are either premised on the alleged existence of “HIV” or don’t involve “HIV”.
I also explained that of the 5 so-called Scientific Studies listed under the section titled “The Discovery of HIV and its relationship to AIDS” (as shown below):
- one is a retrospective,
- one is a website,
- one refers to some videos with a hyperlinked page that says “Page Not Found”,
- 2 are studies but the scientific method was not applied; instead the authors describe indirect un-validated tests and culturing that lacks a valid independent variable among other things; both rely on circular reasoning and neither are designed to test for the existence of a disease-causing particle; in neither study was a particle even found in bodily fluid/tissue, purified and then sequenced and characterized.
I reminded Gregg that I would be publishing our emails and asked if he would like to make a final comment. That was a month and a half ago and I’ve never heard back from him.

In summary, Greg Gonsalves, the long-time HIV/AIDS activist who acts as professor at a private Ivy League university and received a “genius grant” failed to cite even a shred of scientific evidence showing the existence of the imaginary “HIV”, its supposed causation of the health conditions referred to as “AIDS”, or contagion… which is not surprising since none exists and virology isn’t a science.
What remains to be seen is how much longer it will take for Gregg and others to finally admit this.
The communications:
Who else confessed to having zero scientific evidence of “HIV”?
November 15, 2021:
Roger Andoh acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry confessed that the agencies have no record of any “HIV” being found in and purified from any patient sample, by anyone, by any method, anywhere on Earth, ever… even though this is a necessary step in order for valid sequencing, characterization and controlled experiments to take place:
December 20, 2021:
Andrea Burrows acting as Team Leader, Access to Information and Privacy Operations, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) confessed that PHAC has no record of any alleged “virus” of any kind having been found in and purified from any clinical sample taken from any diseased human, by anyone, anywhere on Earth, ever, period.
Andrea then gave a red herring excuse, implying that my request had ruled out studies wherein any other medium was used to achieve purification, when in fact it had only ruled out the addition of genetic material.
Andrea then claimed that “isolation in cell culture” (an oxymoron) is the gold standard for determining the presence of “intact virus”, and applied circular reasoning by asserting that stressed cells breaking down are evidence of a “virus” since a “virus” would cause cells to break down – which is akin to asserting that finding presents under a Christmas tree is the gold standard evidence for the presence of Santa Claus.
The so-called “non-profit” Peterborough Public Health (PPH, where the current chief-virus-pusher makes false reports to police and plays the victim to distract from his constructive fraud, baseless terrorism, etc.) and former “Medical Officer” Rosana Salvaterra confessed that PPH has no record describing purification of the alleged “HIV” (or “SARS-COV-2” or “Hep B virus” or “Hep C virus”) from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever.
Brighton and Hove City Council confessed to a friend on the land known as England that they have no record regarding purification of the alleged “HIV” from a sick person, by anyone, anywhere, ever:
Nottingham City Council/Public Health also confessed to said friend that they have no record:
Public Health at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council confessed to said friend that they have no record:
Leicestershire County Council in the UK confessed the same to said friend:
Derby City Council in the UK confessed the same to said friend:
Hertfordshire County Council in the UK, same confession:
Rutland County Council in the UK, same confession:
December 14, 2021:
London Borough of Bromley, same:
January 2022:
Derbyshire County Council in the UK, same:
Karen Leaper who acts as Information Governance Assistant, Kirklees Council, UK also confessed to said friend that the people of Kirklees Council have no record:
November 18, 2021:
The unidentified people working on the Disclosures Team, Customer Relations and Information, Cheshire West and Chester Council, UK confessed the same to said friend regarding the alleged Zika virus, HIV, Ebolavirus, Polio virus, MERS virus, Measles virus, HPV, Influenza virus and SARSCOV-2:
London Borough of Lambeth confessed the same regarding “HIV”:
January 31, 2022:
West Sussex, UK responded to a series of FOIs from said friend for records of various alleged “viruses” including “HIV” being found and purified from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement by anyone, anywhere on Earth, or proving a causal link between any of the said alleged “viruses” and the relevant dis-ease.
“The Authority” responded that they had now completed a search for the information and “may” hold relevant records (lol), however rather than handing over the imaginary records that they “may” have, they were choosing to apply an exemption based on “vexatious or repeated requests”… which makes no sense.
(On the last page, the sender of the response appears to have forgotten to delete some draft wording that they ended up choosing not to use.)
Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos and The Perth Group decimated the “HIV” narrative decades ago
Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist by training whose historic “measles virus” court victory would have ended virology years ago in a sane world, patiently explained decades ago that “HIV” has never been shown to exist: video
The Emperors New Virus? – An Analysis of the Evidence for the Existence of HIV — documentary by Brent Leung
The ‘Alternative’ History of the Regulation of HIV Testing in Great Britain – monograph by Kevin Corbett, 2020 (find more Corbett/HIV material, including his 2020 interview with the late David Crowe, here)
40 Years On: First announcement of the ‘AIDS virus’ by the federal government – Eric Coppolino spoke with Rebecca Culshaw Smith
The Yin and Yang of HIV — Dr Sam Bailey’s video version of the essay by Valendar Turner and Andrew McIntyre
HIV Transmission Rare or Non-Existent? — Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
Montagnier’s Monster — Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
My HIV/AIDS investigation, and the parallels to the COVID hoax — Jon Rappoport
Video: Dr. Robert Willner injecting himself with blood from an “HIV+” man on tv to show that “it” does not cause AIDS
Dutch subtitles: End of Germ Theory – the 1st 30 minutes of Steve Falconer’s comprehensive documentary
Drs. Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey are still waiting for someone to take them up on their latest “virus” challenge
Samuel Eckert is still waiting for a virologist to come forward with scientific evidence of a “coronavirus” so that they can claim his 1.5 million Euro reward
Official Confessions/Evidence Showing that Virology is Pseudoscience:
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (222 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 222 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “virus genomes”:
3000+ pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,