Written By: Karen Spencer
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The latest Canadian study finds that young children born to mothers living in fluoridated communities are at risk of having lower IQs. Sub-populations vulnerable to fluoride poisoning also include bottle-fed babies, the elderly and those in fragile health
The study published by JAMA Pediatrics is the latest in a series of recent studies from two projects, MIREC in Canada and ELEMENT in Mexico. Findings from both projects confirm 25 years worth of findings in dozens of human studies and hundreds of laboratory studies. Fluoridated water poisons brains as well as bodies and bones, and that poisoning begins in the womb. Although many doctors privately counsel their patients to avoid fluoride, organizational reluctance to acknowledge the implications of modern scientific evidence documenting harm allows fluoridation lobbyists to perpetuate medical assault and battery on consumers.
To: Leadership at American, Canadian, Mexican & other Schools of Public Health and Schools of Nutrition; and the Health & Medicine Division at the U.S. National Academies of Sciences
Dear Deans & Directors,
In a July 2019 report to the City of Calgary, the O’Brien Institute of Public Health at the University of Calgary acknowledged the high quality science that has consistently found a prenatal dose-response pattern of life-long adverse effects from maternal ingestion of low doses of fluoride consistent with ‘optimal’ fluoridation programs. Although not quite a reversal of their policy of aggressively promoting fluoridation as a public health initiative, the O’Brien Institute advised that fluoridation policy decision making belongs to legislatures. They also advised monitoring ‘the issue’ of prenatal neurological harm.
In August 2019, the highest ranking pediatric journal in the world published yet another study from the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) project using Canadian data. The MIREC findings validate the findings of a series of similar high-quality longitudinal cohort studies of Mexican mother-child pairs. These recent Canadian and Mexican studies confirmed a pattern of significantly lowered IQ and increased risk of learning disabilities resulting from low fluoride doses during pregnancy. Studies in these series and other studies have also noted fluoride’s impact on hormonal functioning. Therefore, whether from food or water, maternal doses of fluoride endorsed by fluoridation proponents poison babies’ bodies and brains in the womb.
The Mexican studies are part of the Early Life Exposures in Mexico to ENvironmental Toxicants (ELEMENT) project. They were conducted by expert researchers at the University of Toronto, the University of Michigan and Harvard University in collaboration with the Mexican government. Another major 2017 report from expert researchers in South America took it a step further. They advised that Chilean national water and food fluoridation policies were ineffective in preventing dental decay and “pose risks of various diseases in the asthmatic-skeletal, neurological, endocrine and skin systems” that disproportionately affect infants, children and adolescents due to timing of exposure.
Studies from the United States validate that bottle-fed babies and toddlers living in optimally fluoridated American communities routinely exceed the upper tolerable limits (UL) set by the Food & Nutrition Board of the National Academies of Science in a controversial 1997 decision that included fluoride as a non-nutrient element on a nutrient chart because of claims of apparent dental benefit and the faulty assumption that there were no adverse health effects up to the politically determined UL.
The resource section of this letter contains the citations to these and other valid studies documenting a range of harm that disproportionately affects consumers based on race, genetics and status. Documented neurological harm is most evident in the very young and the elderly but is by no means the only ill effect from chronic low dose exposure to fluoride. Inflammatory, endocrine and renal diseases are also documented ill effects. Because of the disproportionate harm to Latinos, Indigenous Peoples and Blacks, fluoridation policy constitutes an environmental injustice as well as a medical assault and battery on vulnerable populations. On behalf of consumers who experience chronic disease, lifelong disability and premature death because of the hubris of authority intent on protecting its own professional image rather than public health, we say #WeToo.
The signatories of this statement They offer a substantial grouping of Men Health Pills, Diabetes Medicines, Weight Loss Medicines, Women Health Medicines, HCG Diet Products, Asthma Medicines, Herbal & Naturals Cosmetics, Heart & Cholestrol Medication, Antibiotics Medicines, Digestive try now order generic levitra System Medicines, Herbal Medicine, Eye Care Medicines, Pain Relief Medicines, and so forth. Exercising Since most of the symptoms are caused because of weak Pelvic floor muscles. cialis online sale There are continue reading to find out more cialis price lots of remedies available in the market. You can just envision buy cialis soft the dreadful cost this condition can bring. along with thousands of other professionals are on record in their science-based opposition to fluoridation as a public harm policy. The politicized and immoral decision to fluoridate may rest with legislatures as noted by the O’Brien Institute, but those non-medical and non-scientific bodies are influenced by credentialed authorities in matters of nutrition and health.
It is time for Schools of Public Health, Schools of Nutrition, and credentialed individuals to go on record with statements of opposition to water and food fluoridation schemes as public harm policies. It is time to abandon misguided good intentions and dated dental dogma. It is time to take action based on evidence of harm. Failure to do so amounts to complicity in scientific fraud.
Michael D. Kohn, JD – President, National Whistleblower Center
Hardy Limeback, BSc, DDS, PhD – 2006 National Research Council on Fluoride in Drinking Water
Stephanie Seneff, PhD – Senior Research Scientist, MIT
Kilmer S. McCully, MD – former Chief of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at VA, Boston HealthCare System
Richard Shames, MD – Thyroid Health Specialist & Medical Author
James Fredenberg, MD – Anesthesiologist
Robert C. Dickson, MD, CCFP, FCFP – Founder of Safe Water Calgary
David Egilman, MD, MPH – Clinical Professor at Alpert School of Medicine, Brown University
Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD, MIAOMT – Clinical Instructor of Integrative Medicine & Dentistry
Henry Rodriguez – League of United Latin American Citizens, Texas Chapter
Canadian References
- Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada. Rivka Green, Bruce Lanphear, Richard Hornung, et al. JAMA Pediatrics. August 19, 2019 [online ahead of print].
- Listen to August 19th Podcast with JAMA Pediatrics Editors re quality & controversy (12 min).
- Fluoride exposure and thyroid function among adults living in Canada: Effect modification by iodine status. Ashley J. Malin, Julia Riddell, Hugh McCague, Christine Till. Environment International. Volume 121, Part 1, December 2018, Pages 667-674.
- Community Water Fluoridation and Urinary Fluoride Concentrations in a National Sample of Pregnant Women in Canada. Christine Till, Rivka Green, John G. Grundy, et al. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2018.
- Community Water Fluoridation: Prepared for the Calgary City Council. O’Brien Institute of Public Health. University of Calgary. July 2019.
Mexican References
- Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6-12 Years of Age in Mexico. Morteza Bashash, Deena Thomas, Howard Hu, et al. Environ Health Perspect. Sept 2017. Vol 125, Issue 9.
- OP V – 2 Prenatal fluoride exposure and neurobehavior among children 1-3 years of age in Mexico. Deena Thomas, Brisa Sanchez, Karen Peterson, et al. Occup Environ Med. 2018;75:A10.
- Prenatal fluoride exposure and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children at 6-12 years of age in Mexico City. Morteza Bashash, Maelle Marchand, Howard Hu, et al. Environment International. Volume 121, Part 1, December 2018, Pages 658-666.
- Fluoride exposure and pubertal development in children living in Mexico City. Yun Liu, Martha Téllez-Rojo, Howard Hu, et al. Environ Health. 2019 Mar 29;18(1):26.
American References
- Fluoride Intake of Infants from Formula. Claudia X Harriehausen, Fehmida Z Dosani, Brett T Chiquet, Michelle S Barratt, and Ryan L Quock. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. Oct 2018.
- Are there good reasons for the fluoride labelling of food and drink?. Zohoori FV, Maguire A. British Dental Journal. 2018, 224(4), 215-217.
- Fluoride in the diet of 2-years-old children. Martinez-Mier EA, Spencer KL, Sanders BJ, et al. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2017;00:1-7.
- Impact of water fluoride concentration on the fluoride content of infant foods and drinks requiring preparation with liquids before feeding. Zohoori FV, Moynihan PJ, Omid N, Abuhaloob L, Maguire A. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2012 Oct;40(5):432-40.
- Considerations on Optimal Fluoride Intake using Dental Fluorosis and Dental Caries Outcomes – A Longitudinal Study. John J. Warren, Stephen M. Levy, Barbara Broffitt, et al. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. 2009;69(2):111-115.
Chilean Reference
- [The impact of tap water fluoridation on human health] (Article in Spanish). Verena Romero, Frances J. Norris, Juvenal A. Ríos, et al. Rev. méd. Chile. vol.145 no. 2 Santiago. Feb. 2017.

Currently a semi-retired consultant, Karen Spencer is a former analyst and project leader. She is adept at conducting research and analyzing trends. Her special interests include critical thinking, data-driven decision making, and organizational theory. She and others in her family are among the 15% of Americans with chemical sensitivities triggered by exposure to fluoridated food and drink. Karen became aware of the suppression of fluoride science in 2014. In 2015 and 2016, she compiled resources and drafted letters opposing fluoridation signed by consumer advocate Erin Brockovich and other national experts. She previously published fluoride articles on GreenMed in 2017 and in 2018.Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.
Below is the full letter with additional citations.