Posted September, 2019
On Thursday, May 30, 2019, the University of Washington School of Public Health published an open letter written by Dean Hilary Godwin and the deans of five other University of Washington Health Sciences schools in support of fluoridating other people’s drinking water without their informed consent.
See also: #WeToo Movement’s Open Letter to Public Health Deans & Directors re: Medical Assault and Battery
These deans collectively insisted that water fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure “for people of all ages” and suggested that anyone indicating otherwise is guilty of spreading “misinformation“. They claimed that all of the “over 204 million Americans living in fluoridated communities” are fortunate to have access to the “health and economic benefits of this vital public health measure“.
The 5 additional Deans who signed this letter are:
Gary T. Chiodo, DMD, FACD, Interim Dean, School of Dentistry
Paul Ramsey, MD, Dean, School of Medicine
Azita Emami, PhD, MSN, RNT, RN, FAAN, Dean, School of Nursing
Sean D. Sullivan, BScPharm, PhD, Dean, School of Pharmacy
Edwina Uehara, PhD, MSW, Dean, School of Social Work
This letter (which was likely triggered by a May 1st “Discontinue Fluoridation” recommendation from a prominent University of Washington School of Public Health professor / toxicologist) prompted us to submit a formal Freedom of Information records request to the Washington State Department of Health on June 1, 2019, and later, on May 15, 2020, another records request to the University of Washington.
The Washington State Department of Health’s response dated September 13, 2019 (shown further below) revealed the same disturbing reality as with all Ontario and Alberta institutions we have contacted thus far: they had ZERO peer reviewed studies to suggest that fluoride exposure during pregnancy is safe with respect to childhood IQ or ADHD.
Not even 1 low quality study to counter the rapidly emerging, rigorous, government-funded studies linking maternal fluoride exposure (at levels common in U.S. and Canadian fluoridated cities) to lowered IQs and increased ADHD symptoms in children.
A pdf including the records request and the Washington State Department of Health’s formal response can be accessed here:
From: Joyner, Samuel S (DOH) <samuel.joyner@doh.wa.gov>
Date: Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 6:57 PM
Subject: Public records request
Dear Christine Massey:
We received your public records request on June 1, 2019 for the following records:
“All public record(s) containing, or citing, any published, primary, peer-reviewed scientific research study (or studies) of fluoride exposure during pregnancy showing that fluoride exposure during pregnancy is safe with respect to IQ or ADHD symptoms in human offspring.”
The Department of Health has no records responsive to your public records request. Since there were no identified records responsive to your request, this request is considered closed.
I conducted an electronic search of Prevention and Community Health’s shared drives for the search terms, “Fluoride, pregnancy, IQ, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD and human offspring.”
In searching for records that could be responsive to your request, we identified the locations where the record’s would most likely reside within DOH and performed the following steps:
· Conducted a centralized electronic search for records stored on agency shared drives
Under RCW 42.56.520 you may appeal the agency’s determination via a request for review by the Department of Health’s Public Records Officer. The request must be submitted in writing to either of the following:
Mailing Address:
Public Records Officer
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 47890
Olympia, WA 98504-7890
Email Address:
Samuel Joyner
Public Records Coordinator
Prevention and Community Health
Washington State Department of Health
360-236-3678 | www.doh.wa.gov
Update: As of February 4, 2021 the University of Washington has still not provided their response. The records request that was submitted to the University and a series of emails from the University wherein the institution repeatedly extended their anticipated time frame for responding can be viewed/downloaded here: