and a policy officer issues vague threats
March 14, 2024 newsletter
Greetings and Best Wishes,
Michelle Haywood, “BSc MSc PhD”, “MHK for Rushen”, “Member of House of Keys”, Isle of Man was challenged a couple of days ago to cite valid primary scientific evidence of the imaginary “SARS-COV-2” and other alleged “coronaviruses” and contagion.

Michelle has failed like everyone else…. which is all she could do since virology is pseudoscience and every attempt to demonstrate contagion has failed. Her feeble efforts began by citing a summary of official dogma, point-and-declare EM images and CDC webpage about “human coronavirus types”.

Not long ago, Michelle previously had “department memberships” in the Department of Health and Social Care and Department of Environment Food and Agriculture. According to her facebookpost, last year she also “took on the Business Agency within Department for Enterprise“.
She is now “joining Treasury with delegated responsibility for Social Security” and her emails identify her as “Member, House of Keys Committee – Assisted Dying” – which she insists is all about kindness and compassion… which of course is how programs like MAID in Canada get started.
On Tuesday Michelle celebrated the cowardly jailing of a former healthcare innovation advisor in “Isle of Man Government’s” Cabinet Office – Justice for Jabbed champion courtenay – for his efforts to point out and prevent horrific fake-“virus”-related crime/trespasses against the people of the island.

After her embarrassing 1st crack at the challenge, Michelle then made things worse for herself by grasping at logical fallacies (circular reasoning, appealing to her own authority, reification fallacies), attempting to reverse the burden of proof, falsely implying that I may have failed to fulfill some “public duty” to “relevant authorities” and citing a Wikipedia entry (pg 4)… instead of citing specific, valid, primary scientific evidence of “coronaviruses” and contagion as she was challenged to do (or admitting that there are none).

Since I’m a kind and patient woman, I offered Michelle a 3rd and final chance to meet the challenge and I gladly demonstrated that I was not covering anything up, by copying in well over a hundred men and women who fancy themselves “authorities” on the island and on the land known as Canada.

Next, Stu Peters who identifies as “MHK for Middle, Chairman Isle of Man Post, Political Member Department of Infrastructure, Member Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs and Justice, Member SCAR Committee” intervened with commentary about an imaginary “threatening tone” in my emails and expressing bewilderment as to why he had been copied, almost as though he hadn’t actually read the emails. [SCAR = Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.]

I then patiently explained to Stu that giving Michelle a heads-up that I would publish our emails is not a “threat” but a courtesy and that I don’t appreciate being falsely accused of “threats”. I challenged him to point out an actual “threat”, which he could not do since there weren’t any to point out (pgs 8, 9).
I then graciously extended the “coronavirus” and contagion challenge to everyone copied on the emails:

Mark Hempsall who acts for Isle of Man “Police” (policy enforcement) then sent 2 vague threats that he would “complain” about me if I email him again. This left me feeling somewhat stressed and unsafe, given the state of “law enforcement” on the land known as Canada.
I responded by asking Mark to disclose the grounds for his “complaint” and inviting him to serve me with a claim that I have trespassed against him in some way, and have heard nothing from him since (pgs 12-15).

Michelle then deflected/distracted from the nonexistence of valid primary scientific evidence showing any “coronavirus” or contagion and from the fraud/delusion in which she is complicit, by resorting to an ad hominen line of argument (while doing the same on my facebook post about our exchange), making a childish accusation and hinting that she too might make a “complaint” about me.
She also falsely indicated that I consider the people copied on the emails to be “authorities”, based on the fact that I’d copied some people who fancy themselves “authorities”.
She also suggested that everyone else block me so that they don’t “have to look into making a complaint to the Canadian authorities about her conduct, allegations and relentless missives.” Just a tad childish, especially for someone in Michelle’s position.

Michelle then sent the same email several more times, plus a completely blank email (pgs 16-20). Perhaps she was getting rattled by her own “public” inability/failure to cite a shred of valid primary scientific evidence.
In summary, Michelle was challenged and failed and quickly descended into irrelevant distractions.
I then graciously provided some of the early fake-covid “science” for anyone copied on the emails who is willing to face reality, not that I’m holding my breath.

Communications with Michelle, Stu and Mark:
A video from 5 years ago, before courtenay had learned that virology is pure pseudoscience and he still believed in “viruses”:
Isle of Many TV: “Courtenay Heading explains why he thinks there needs to be a public debate into the future use of the HPV vaccine.”
courtenay’s twitter account: “@courtenaymanx”
courtenay’s website: Justice for Jabbed
courtenay and I spoke a few days before the clown court ruling:
No Viruses Mann: Update from courtenay of rhumsaa MARCH 9 2024
Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience:
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (220 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 220 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “virus genomes”:
3000+ pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,