True timeline and emails with CHD consultant, Jay Couey

Posted January 20, 2023

Briefly, in an effort to set the record straight:

I wrote to Mary Holland and RFK Jr. asking for evidence of the “virus” they keep talking about. They cited none.

Mary then introduced Children’s Health Defense consultant Jay Couey and I via email. I had never heard of Jay up to that point and wasn’t sure why she was introducing us, or whether she expected Jay to address the questions I had posed to Mary and RFK Jr.

Jay eventually wrote to me, 2 weeks later, and wanted 30+ minutes of my time to listen to a nonsensical-sounding “hypothesis” involving, according to what he described, viruses both existing and not existing. This was 3 days after I was unlawfully incarcerated and I was still very stressed and distracted with that situation. So I politely declined but invited him to send me a written summary. Jay didn’t bother to send me anything.

Two weeks later, I learned that Jay had publicly slammed and accused no-virus people during an interview, and claimed that we’re wrong. And 3 days after that, Jay did a 2 hour livestream where he reviewed my entire interview with Michel Chossudovsky and a video of Tom Cowan’s, and made many insulting and misleading statements about us and wild claims about “viruses”. Repeatedly, he spoke in a dumb-sounding voice and mocked us.

After becoming aware of each video I wrote to Jay, asking for evidence of said “viruses” and copied Mary and RFK Jr. so that they would see whether or not their yes-virus consultant can back up his claims. All of those emails are here:

In response to Jay’s videos, Tom wrote to Jay, Robert and Mary inviting Jay to join us on a recorded discussion, and letting them know that IF he declines we would discuss his footage instead (something he had already done to us!).  I wasn’t copied on that email, and to my knowledge neither was Andy, Alec or Mark.  I saw Tom’s draft, and it was not inappropriate in any way and Tom’s style is not remotely aggressive.  

Robert and Mary were copied, due to their huge influence and to make sure they know what is going on with their “viruses exist” consultant. 

Despite Jay’s claims, there have been zero group emails with no-virus people ganging up on him, ever, that I know of.  Certainly none that I was involved in. Jay’s claims about our communications are just as misleading as his comments about “viruses”.  He also made blatantly false statements about RFK Jr. having spoken to all of us and “given us the floor”. 


Oct 26 – my 1st email to Mary and RFK Jr.
Oct 31 – my follow up email
Nov 6 – Mary sent me some yes-virus paragraphs, without saying who wrote them (I later realized it was Jay), answering none of my questions except for saying that the no-virus position is not nuanced/viable enough
Nov 9  – I asked Mary/Robert once again for answers
Nov 17 – Mary e-introduced me to Jay
Dec 1 –  Jay emailed me asking for 30+ minutes to tell me his hypothesis (his word) that both the no-virus and yes-virus sides are right.
Dec 1  –  I declined but invited Jay to send a written summary (and said I’d share it with colleagues), which he has never done
Dec 15 – my final follow up with Mary
Dec 15 – Mary says sorry they can’t help 
(Alec Zeck also spoke with Jay on the phone around this time, and says they had a good conversation)
Dec 17 – Jay’s 1st interview (that I know of) where he made misleading and accusatory remarks about no-virus was published
Dec 17 – Alec sent a friendly email to Jay offering to discuss virology again (no response, ever, to my knowledge)
Dec 17 – I wrote to Jay about the interview, we had some back and forth, with me asking for evidence for alleged viruses (none was ever given)
Dec 20 – Jay’s 2nd video about no-virus (a live stream)
Dec 20 – I wrote to Jay about it, we had some back and forth
Dec 22 – I published the emails I’d had with Mary, Robert and Jay:
January, 1st week – Tom Cowan emailed Jay, Mary, RFK Jr inviting Jay to do a recorded discussion with himself, Mark Bailey, Andy Kaufman, Alec Zeck and I, disclosing that IF Jay declines we will instead discuss his recent videos about no-virus people
Jan 9 – Jay made more wild remarks about us and our invitation, on his livestream starting at 24:10
Jan 10  – Mark, Tom, Andy, Alec and I prerecorded a video response to Jay’s first 2 videos
Jan 19: Tom, Andy, Mark, Alec, Christine’s video response to Jay was published:
Jan 20: Investigative reporter Eric Coppolino published an interview with Jay; again Jay has made many, many false, misleading and accusatory statements, particularly about myself and Tom Cowan but also the entire no-virus movement and my FOIs, and made nonstop claims about “viruses”, “clones of viruses”, “viral” this and “viral” that, while making it abundantly clear that he is unable to cite a shred of scientific evidence for any alleged virus:

I will graciously accept Jay’s public apology and retraction of his false/misleading statements, if/when he ever issues one.

Jan 22: Eric Coppolino publishes an Open Letter to Jay Couey
Jan 24: Jay, having finally read Mark Bailey’s Farewell to Virolog essay which he refers to as “eloquent”, still talks about “coronaviruses”, “ghosts of coronaviruses”, clones (of coronaviruses), and implies that the problem is simply one of “exaggeration”: “I think we’re over the target about how clones have been used…. and how virology has been exaggerated…. how sequencing has been exaggerated until nanopore sequencing was brought onto the scene”, and claims “people are trying to disrupt my family life, people are trying to disrupt my professional life, people don’t want me to stream anymore and I don’t know why“.