Response to gaslighting about the “virus” isolation/purification FOI requests

Posted November 8, 2022 (updated, expanded, December 2023)

Certain people persist in making false/misleading statements about the worldwide collections of FOI requests for records describing isolation/purification of the fake SARS-COV-2 virus (and fake viruses in general). Here is a link to a very recent example, also shown above:

The wording of my requests is freely available for anyone to read at the links provided further below. They all specified records wherein the alleged “virus” was separated from everything else in a clinical sample. Below you can see the the wording that was used in the first request to the CDC, filed by my colleague Michael S. back in 2020.

In the beginning of this FOI project I used the word “isolation”, but later switched to “purification” in order to avoid this nonsense around the word “isolation”. “Purification” is what you will see in all of my later FOIs.

Further, I have often specified purification “using standard laboratory methods for the purification of very small things“. I do not ask for anything that is unusual/unreasonable/impossible for tiny particles that actually exist.

(In some FOIs, I also specified that I am not requiring records that describe an alleged virus floating in a vacuum – since some people have bizarrely claimed that my requests were craftily worded to only return records describing such).

Below is the wording that I used in the most recent (August 16, 2021) FOI that I personally filed with the CDC on the topic of SARS-COV-2 purification from clinical samples:

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“The FOIs are hoax designed to exclude the methods actually used by virologists”

Some people claim that the requests are worded in such a way as to exclude the methods that virologists use to “isolate viruses”, and thus are a hoax designed to mislead people. Yet I have always been clear about the requests and what I have asked for. I have discussed the wording many times in interviews and when sharing the responses on social media, and I have a note about the nature of the requests at the top of on my FOI web page. The requests have always been freely available on my website and I have always encouraged people to read and download them.

The whole point of the FOI project is to show that virologists have not found, purified, sequenced, characterized and studied alleged “virus” particles from so-called “hosts”, and thus have not identified specific particles in “hosts” let alone shown those particles to behave as “viruses”.

Because the FOI responses show that none of the virologists’ procedures involve purified particles that were found in “hosts”, they reveal that the origin of the so-called “viral” RNA and protein cannot be shown to come from any particular particles in “hosts” let alone particles that have been shown to behave as “viruses”.

(Instead, so-called “viral” RNA and proteins have been found in complex substances such as lung fluid – which had often been stored in “transport medium” containing cow serum and other contaminants – or worse, in stressed cell cultures containing material from a monkey, cow and human as well as bacteria and fungi.)

The FOIs show that virologists have not done what most people assume has been done when they hear or read that “the virus has been isolated”.

The FOIs show that virologists do not adhere to the scientific method because none of their experiments involve a valid independent variable: particles found in “hosts” and purified so that controlled experiments can be conducted such that both the experimental and control arms have the same conditions in each with the only variable being the presence/absence of these particles.

These institutions lie about everything related to covid-19 so of course they won’t give you the records

Actually, the people/institutions who push the “virus” agenda have every motivation to supply convincing studies in order to keep us easy-to-manipulate via fear of “viruses”.

Failure to provide valid, convincing studies means their narrative falls apart much more quickly and much more thoroughly.

Red herring: “viruses only replicate inside of cells”

Some people raise the objection that “viruses” only replicate inside of cells, and claim that the requests are therefore disingenuous. Yet this is a red herring because the requests have nothing to do with “viruses” replicating with or without “host” cells. We’ve only been asking for these alleged particles to have been found and purified from sick people.

“Viruses” are not claimed to self-destruct the moment they leave a cell. They are claimed to leave a cell and then move along to “infect” another cell in the same “host” or in a different “host”. So they should exist both inside and outside of cells, and given that they are said to hijack cells and multiply to the extent that they make “hosts” sick, there should be millions and millions of them, readily find-able in the fluids/tissue and/or excrement of their alleged victims.

Mike Stone has written an excellent take-down of the absurd claim that it is necessary to culture (imagined) viruses in a cell line rather than simply find them and purify them from the bodily fluid or tissue of a so-called “host”. As he points out, obviously the “host” would be the ideal “growth” environment if viruses actually existed. Yet despite claiming that there are up to 380 trillion viruses in our bodies at any given time and up to 100 million viruses in each milliliter of bodily fluid, virologists insist that there are so few that they simply would not be able to find them there.

Where’s the “Virus?” – Mike Stone, viroLIEgy

Red herring: “a virus could not be purified without the addition of another medium

Some have claimed that a “virus” could not be purified without the addition of another medium and that this is why no institution can provide/cite records matching the request. But this too is a red herring, because my requests do not rule out studies wherein any medium was added to a clinical sample. The requests only rule out studies wherein any source of genetic material was added to the clinical sample. A study wherein density gradient solution was used in ultracentrifugation would not be ruled out (and, purification would need to be confirmed via EM imaging).

Red herring: “FOIs do not require an institution to provide you with a sample of the virus or to perform new research for you

Absurdly, some people such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his “science” advisor Jay Couey have led people to believe that I don’t even know how freedom of information requests work and that I had (ridiculously) asked institutions to provide me with a sample of the alleged “virus” and/or to perform new research on my behalf – when nothing could be further from the truth.

The gaslighting around the FOI responses is irresponsible and misleading

If virology was actually a science and the imaginary SARS-COV-2 had been found in and purified from clinical samples, we would know this by now. Instead, hundreds of institutions around the world, 220+ in 40 countries, have all shown that they have no record of anyone on Earth ever doing this.

Why people like the so-called Midwestern Doctor and Jeremy Hammond persist in gaslighting on this issue, I don’t know, but it is misleading and irresponsible of them.

Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (220 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged covid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions have no record of any “virus” having been found in a host and isolated/purified. Because virology isn’t a science:


Do virologists perform valid control experiments? Is virology a science?

Freedom of Information responses re contagion


On October 20, 2022 I filed another FOI with the CDC, this time asking for any record, by anyone anywhere ever, of the alleged SARS-COV-2 even being purified from a cell culture [aka manmade monkey/cow/human/bacteria/fungi mixture], with purification of particles confirmed via EM imaging.

The response will be made public and I am confident that they will once again have no record… or, if they do have a record of some particle being purified, which I doubt, there will be zero evidence anywhere on Earth that the particle meets the definition of a “virus”.

Update December 24, 2022:

November 17, 2022:
CDC failed to provide/cite any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 being purified even from a cell culture, instead they cited irrelevant studies and webpages:

And we now have more responses from the CDC:

December 16, 2022:
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was unable to provide any record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 spike protein being found in anyone and purified (as opposed to “recombinant” “spike protein” being created in a lab and then studied, as though that reflects something going on in actual people); and so they responded as though this was another FOI regarding the fake virus, and provided the same useless paragraphs that they’ve been giving people for the past year or so:

December 8, 2022
People at U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry confessed they have no record wherein the alleged “SARS-COV-2 genome” was “sequenced” (virology’s euphemism for “made-up”) and negative controls were implemented by running same process with clinical samples taken from people not suspected of having the alleged “virus”; in other words they confessed that they rely on pseudoscience: