Posted January 20, 2022
Thomas Piggott is the man who works as “Medical Officer of Health” at the so-called “charity” “Peterborough Public Health”.
Peterborough Police have aided security thugs, who in turn have repeatedly obstructed justice by preventing people from accessing the publicly-funded office of “Peterborough Public Health” and our so-called public servants like Thomas, to peacefully, lawfully serve them Notices of Trespass, Cease and Desist, etc.
When a “protest” was lawfully held outside of this “charity” that promotes wildly profitable but harmful and useless injections that are under criminal investigation in the U.K. (see here and here), people working for the corporation Peterborough Police Service stood with the security guards and intimidated the concerned men and women who were protesting, and Thomas Piggott whined and claimed on social media that the concerned men and women outside were “terrorizing” someone.

And so, those seeking justice re the “COVID-19” crimes of our so-called public servants therefore peacefully and lawfully served Thomas Piggott a Notice on the evening of January 19, 2022 at his home.
(For the record, my September 2021 attempt to book an appointment with Larry Stinson, the man who works as Director of Operations, Peterborough Public Health, to discuss the nonexistence of the imaginary virus, and the fraudulent nature of all “COVID-19” tests, diagnoses, statistics and injections, is posted here. My first ever communication to Thomas, dated December 31, 2021, is posted here. My attempt on January 5, 2022 to lawfully, peacefully serve Thomas Piggott at Peterborough Public Health is documented here. My email of January 10, 2022 where I advised Larry that I required an appointment to serve him and Thomas Piggott Notices of Trespass, Liability, Cease and Desist, etc. is posted here. My communication of January 14, 2022 to Thomas, where I accused him of fraud and crimes against humanity, is posted here.)
At roughly 6:45 PM I peacefully visited Piggott’s front porch, joined by 1 colleague who stood 2 or 3 feet behind me, silently filming.
Others filmed from across the street, careful to give “poor Thomas” plenty of space. We carefully documented this visit so that we could prove we had been peaceful, anticipating that we would be falsely accused of behaving otherwise.
I spoke in a friendly manner to Thomas, welcoming him to his new neighbourhood, but he slammed the door in my face before I could hand him his Notice: Trespass and Liability, CEASE AND DESIST (with an Evidence Package attached on a USB key) so I left it in his mailbox and we immediately moved to the sidewalk, stood for maybe 1 minute in front of his house talking to each other, then began walking away.
Within minutes we discovered that Piggott had called the police and told them a blatant lie: that I had tried to hit him. Which was very foolish because the delivery was being filmed and he has his own security camera on his porch, and I made no attempt whatsoever to hit him, nor did I behave in a remotely threatening manner (see the video below).
When we spoke to the women and man who work as policy officers and instantly responded to Piggott’s bogus allegation and stopped to talk to us as we were walking away (around the corner from Piggott’s house), they were unwilling to look at any of the video footage that we offered them. One of them said (on camera) that only if someone were being arrested would they look at the evidence (a little backwards, no?).
A very frustrating conversation ensued with these people who allow and enforce crimes against humanity but instantly come running when a lying medical murderer calls for help!
Video: Peterborough MOH served, LIES to police… (footage from Piggott’s front porch, and footage of the police who immediately responded to his bogus allegation that I had tried to hit him… youtube already removed this video but it’s on rumble):

Below is more footage from Thomas Piggott’s porch. Thomas’ door can be heard slamming shut, causing the paperwork to simply fall to the ground. Notice that “poor Thomas” censored his own video heavily, holding back the super-friendly HI, HOW ARE YOU, NICE TO MEET YOU parts at the beginning of our interaction (either that or someone at Peterborough Police censored the video):
And here is some video footage taken from across the street. Notice that the sidewalk in front of his house was dangerously icy and slippery – so much for public safety!
More footage of the policy women / man who responded to Piggott’s false accusation: and
Below is an email sent by Thomas Piggot an hour after we served his Notice. Thomas falsely claimed that I opened the Tupperware, stepped forward, “lashed out” at him and hit his knuckle, before he “managed” to shut his door. The videos above disprove his wild, slanderous claims. (Note: Thomas’ own partner, who he claims witnessed the entire event from their living room, did not corroborate his claim of me hitting him or speaking to him in a “very threatening” manner.)

Here is Piggott’s audio statement. It starts out with the written statement above, then he answers some questions from Joseph Lemay (#245), who acts for Peterborough Police Service. Compare Piggott’s ridiculous claims to what actually happened, as proven by the video above:
Thomas Piggott claimed that I had:
- spoken to him in a “very threatening voice”;
- “lashed out at” him;
- hit his right hand;
- sent him “at least a dozen” emails saying that he had been served with “legal notice for committing crimes against humanity for vaccinating children and that actions would be taken”;
- sent the same sort of emails to Peterborough Public Health on a “near weekly basis for the past 6 to 12 months”;
- “invaded” his home and his privacy.
None of Thomas’ claims were backed up by any evidence whatsoever, not from his partner’s statement nor from his own surveillance video, nor did he provide the dozens and dozens of alleged emails (because they don’t exist!).
Please judge for yourself… did I, or anyone, hit or try to hit Thomas Piggott? The videos makes it perfectly clear that no such attempt occurred and that Piggott made a false accusation (by definition this is public mischief), wasted public resources, slandered me and showed himself to be an unreliable source of “information”.
Maybe this is why the 1st police officer to review the evidence (Alicia McGriskin, the tall blond lady shown in the video about) informed Thomas Piggott that there was no evidence of an offense and no grounds for any charges?
And maybe this is why Alicia even resisted pressure from above (Scott Gilbert acting as Chief and John Lyons acting as Inspector), conveyed to her by the Staff Sergeant on duty, to lay criminal charges, and instead told them they would have to reassign the case to someone else because she would not be pressing charges (scroll down to see Alicia’s police notes)?
Regardless, at midnight, after new officers had been assigned, 3 “men” posing as “law enforcement” came to my home, woke my elderly Mother and myself, harassed me, and falsely claimed that they had a warrant to arrest me for criminal harassment and intimidation (still without having viewed the most important evidence – the above video of my colleague!).
They ended up scurrying away without having arrested me because it’s 100% clear they have zero grounds for an arrest, and they are in fact the ones doing the harassing and aiding criminals.
[January 20, 2022 Update: 3 more people working for Peterborough Police came to my home today, and admitted that the “men” of last night had no war-rant. These new people, including a man named Ryan Black who wears badge 272, arrested aka unlawfully detained/harassed me for about 5 or 10 minutes, during which time I understood/complied with/agreed to/signed NOTHING. More will be posted re this latest theatre, after I have rested.]
Worse, this morning, January 20, 2022, Tyler Berry reports that 4 police cars and roughly 8 men/women acting for the service corporation “Peterborough Police Service” arrested and charged him with mischief, criminal harassment, intimidation and more. Tyler was 100% peaceful and did absolutely nothing wrong last night. He didn’t even set foot on Piggott’s property.
We are not responsible for the professed “feelings” of a lying, criminal “man” who works as Medical Officer and refuses to face the people he alleges to “serve”.
Thomas Piggott, people working for Peterborough Police, and people working for our so-called justice system (who all work for the same umbrella corporation: CANADA) are trying to criminalize the pursuit of justice.
Video footage of men/women acting for “Peterborough Police Service” harassing and arresting Tyler:

The men and women working for Peterborough Police have failed to protect the public from “COVID-19” tyranny and fraud; in fact they have been complicit via enforcement of said tyranny and fraud, and they are obstructing justice, making it unnecessarily difficult for the public to hold the perpetrators accountable.
The man who serves as “Chief” has been repeatedly provided overwhelming evidence of said fraud, and evidence of the harm it has caused, but to our knowledge has done nothing whatsoever about it and is not even investigating.
January 17, 2022 email to Scott Gilbert:

January 21 2022 update:
So yesterday morning [CORRECTION: it was roughly 1:24 PM on January 20 2022, as shown in the screenshot below], as mentioned above, 3 more people (2 men and 1 woman) who work for the corporation Peterborough Police Service came to my home.

The claimed basis for their unlawful harassment and arrest of this flesh and blood woman Christine Massey (Christine of the Massey family) was the war-rant that they had with them (involving some “MASSEY Christine”) and sections of the “Criminal Code” of the corporation CANADA (a document I have never signed onto and have nothing to do with, as I am a flesh and blood woman, not a fictional entity, not property of any man or woman or corporation, and have never signed away my un-a-lien-able rights to anyone or anything).
The following sections of that irrelevant code were cited and are listed on their war-rant:
Criminal Harassment – beset and watch complainant s 264(2)(c), CC;
Intimidation – Health Services – impede health professional s.423.2(1)(b), CC
Note that the 2nd section listed is newly inserted into that “code,” with the effect of discouraging people from lawfully holding medical officers responsible for their actions, even when they are complicit in world-wide fraud, murder and tyranny.
But since it’s not an actual law, it’s just a corporate rule and has nothing to do with me, and it’s completely unlawful to arrest and charge me on this basis.
Notice that zero wrong or harm is noted on the war-rant, just sections of a code. This is about as meaningful as the fraudulent, fabricated “viral genomes“.
The man who digitally signed the war-rant, Roger J Le Blanc, and the man or woman who sought/obtained said war-rant, might have to be subpoenaed, and the men and woman involved in cuffing and detaining me are definitely going to have some explaining to do. As with the people involved in the unlawful harassment, etc. of Tyler Berry.
They are going to have to explain why they are complicit not only in obstruction of justice, but the harassment, cuffing, etc. of a innocent man and an innocent woman who have done no wrong or harm to anyone.
If you’re on twitter please retweet this in support 🙂 Tweet for Tyler Berry too!! Or email Scott Gilbert, the man who acts as Chief, Peterborough Police:
Update January 22, 2022:
Email to Scott Gilbert, man who works as “Chief”, Peterborough Police (corporation):
“Therefore Scott, you need to see to it that the false and slanderous statement on your website, that has now been regurgitated by media outlets, is corrected and the false claim clearly retracted.”

January 20th, 2022: Discussing the unlawful arrest of this flesh and blood woman with Common law teacher Christopher James of A Warrior Calls:
There is an interesting thread of tweets about Thomas Piggott, starting here:
January 30, 2022:
In the face of “disheartening” resistance to medical fraud, tyranny, and crimes against humanity… Thomas (who identifies as a he/him, not a man) taught his infant child to inject a mythological vaccine into a mythological unicorn to protect against a mythological virus.

Ontario Court of THE Justice??
Have you ever heard of “Ontario Court of the Justice”? Can you find any trace of it online? Me neither.
“Ontario Court of Justice”, yes. “Ontario Court of the Justice”, no.
Nevertheless, the “WARRANT” signed by Roger J Le Blanc, a man who serves as “Justice of the Peace”, and used in my arrest, is labelled “Ontario Court of the Justice”. See for yourself:

3rd Notice of Trespass sent to Scott Gilbert
sent via email and registered mail, February 3, 2022:
“If you do not produce any of the above by the end of tomorrow… then your tacit agreement will be in place that you are in breach of your oaths and fiduciary bonds.”
Scott Gilbert, man who acts as Police Chief, suddenly “retires”, effective Monday
February 4, 2022:

Below is Erica. She works for the service corporation Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).
Erica has been reading the Facebook posts of people who live in Peterborough and have done absolutely nothing wrong. She gets paid by the OPP to go to the homes of people who the government might like to suppress, and falsely imply that rights come from government and that what she is doing has something to do with law enforcement (see video). She does not face criminal charges for doing so.

March 18, 2022 Update:
Below are communications that I had with people acting for Peterborough Police Service today, in regard to the curious omission of the key piece of evidence in this matter.
First I visited the station and met with a determined indifference to the evidence I was bringing forward.
Then I followed up with some emails to the man currently acting as Chief, who responded promptly and helpfully. The full exchange is here:

Next, on Tim’s advice, I followed up with an email to John Lyons, who acts as “Criminal Investigations Inspector” and played a key role in the bogus charges that were laid on Tyler and I 2 months ago (according to police notes in the “disclosure” that I was provided by “the Crown”). (I have no idea why some of the font appears as red below, it was all black in the email.)

In case anyone thinks I am making things about when I say that Scott Gilbert, who served as Chief and has since suddenly “retired”, and “Inspector” John Lyons insisted that criminal charges be laid, and that the original investigating officer refused to lay any charges… below are some snippets from the officer’s notes.

March 30, 2022 Update:
A very ridiculous, closed-to-public “pretrial” took place on March 24th (September 24, 2023 update: see notes here), for the court case between “REGINA” (my “opposing party” as listed on the paperwork provided by the man who acts as “crown attorney”) and I.
Once again, despite my right to face the man or woman who accuses me of trespass against them, “REGINA” failed to show up. And, the people acting against me who claim to speak for “REGINA” (who they also call “the queen”) have still not provided me any verified claim from her.
Everyone agreed that I’d had no dealings with “the queen” on or about January 19th. Nevertheless, despite my objections, a man acting as “judge” and a woman claiming (without proof) to speak for “the queen” pushed ahead with the impossible-to-prove, waste-of-public-resources case against me.
More details will eventually be shared here (including the wild accusations hurled at me by Stuart W. Konyer, the man who acted as “judge”) (September 24, 2023 update: see notes here)… but for now I’d like to show some examples of blatantly false statements from the people acting as “crown attorneys” in this case.
Below is an email from Paul T. Murray falsely claiming that I was charged with “extortion“. (Paul never apologized or admitted his “mistake” after I pointed it out to him.)

Below is another nonexistent charge listed in paperwork dated February 14, 2022 that was provided in “disclosure” by Paul. (It was digitally signed by Sara-Jane MacDonald, the same BAR member who acted against me in the closed-to-public “pretrial”.)
This paperwork called a “charge screening form”, which is apparently considered quite important in their legal world (of which I am not part… no contract), indicates that I was NOT charged with “harassment” and WAS charged with a completely different “intimidation” charge from what was listed on the warrant and on the so-called “Information”. (Scroll back up the page to see the actual charges that were listed on the war-rant.)

More recently, just today in fact, Paul falsely claimed that I had phoned Sara-Jane MacDonald, the BAR member who acted against me in the closed-to-public “pretrial” (see below). Bizarre. Paul seems to be grasping desperately now that his hopeless “case” has been exposed for what it is.

March 31, 2022 update:
I only found this out a couple of days ago, re Tyler’s most recent arrest (wherein he was surrounded by 7 police cars and had his car window smashed in)… here is what he had posted about it… another “mistake” by people acting for Peterborough Police Service? Amazing how the media ignores inconvenient details like this.

Video of that disturbing arrest, which many people in the community actually cheered on… because they are ignorant, having been lied to by “authorities” and the mainstream media:

Update April 4, 2022:
Today I am sharing the so-called “Information” that was used to obtain the (fraudulent) war-rant for my arrest (and Tyler’s). “Misinformation” would be a more accurate term.
The woman who acted as “informant”, Shawna McCurdy, had zero first-hand knowledge of the events. Her “information” was based on an inaccurate, misleading and blatantly contradictory “synopsis” from a man who also had zero first-hand knowledge (Lee Schubert #280) that I will share here soon.
No notes of any kind from Shawna were provided in “disclosure”. In fact Shawna is not mentioned anywhere else in “disclosure”.
According to the man Paul T. Murray who acts as “crown attorney”, Shawna “is a civilian member of the police service who is authorized to review briefs and swear to informations as part of her duties. She has no notes in this matter” (see screenshot below).

Hmm, well according to the so-called “Information” document provided by Paul in the “disclosure”, Shawna’s occupation is “POLICE OFFICER”. Several sources found in a quick internet search indicate her position as “First Class Constable” (and very well paid).
Note that Shawna’s digital signature has for some reason been scrubbed from “disclosure”. Also page 2 is blank, and there is no hint even that that the “intimidation” charge was ever sworn by Shawna, and no signature from anyone acting as Judge/Justice saying that it was sworn before them. This “Form 2” is missing elements of the Form 2 in the Criminal Code.

April 12, 2022:
Zoom criminal court turns out to be a total circus – in more ways than one
Today was my 3rd coerced court appearance, under duress, intending to challenge “the court” on the lawfulness of their jurisdiction. “The court” and “crown” censored, bullied and railroaded once again, this time with the man Mauro William di Carlo acting as “crown” (who did the same during my “first appearance”) and the man Herbert B. Radtke aka H. W. Radtke acting as “Justice”.
After having me state my name, Herbert and Mauro spoke to each other, and to the man acting as Tyler’s lawyer, as though I didn’t exist. Mauro told Herb that I already had disclosure – which was very misleading and dishonest.
Mauro knows perfectly well that there are outstanding disclosures issues, having been copied on my emails to Paul T. Murray on this matter. (Why would you lie like that, Mauro? You know that poor Thomas’ public-mischief, false-alarm calls to police haven’t even been provided to me yet.)
Herb was going to move on to the next “case”, without giving me any chance to speak. I then asserted my existence and asked if he had received the 2-page letter that I had submitted via the trial coordinator the day before. He said no and was going to give me a chance to read it to him… or so it seemed.
Instead, before I had finished an entire sentence, Herb interrupted and insisted there was no need for me to read it, he already knew what it was about. Amazing. Who knew we had such supernaturally gifted people working in our courts?
Here is the censored letter:

So instead of acknowledging all the incoherent and vexatious details regarding my “case”, Herb insisted I be quiet, and when I objected to being silenced once again he said I was disruptive, had me muted and “invited” to a “breakout room”, giving me the impression that my matter would eventually be dealt with further. He had told other people that they could leave, but not me. And why “invite” someone to another room if you are just going to leave them alone there?
The minutes went by in the “breakout room”, and I emailed the “crown lawyers” and court staff asking what was going on, because there was no one else in the “room”. I waited approx. 20 minutes, but no one joined me in the “breakout room” or answered my email. So I logged out and back into the main “room”.
Hours went by, I got bored and eventually busied myself in the chat area.

Someone kept putting pornographic videos on the screen, which lightened the mood. It broke up the monotony, for me at least. Probably some people didn’t appreciate it. I think someone was sending the message that these zoom proceedings are a joke or that they disrespect the people involved. I can’t imagine why, for Heaven’s sake.
I wonder if anyone will sue REGINA for forcing them into an environment where they were subjected to such images? The one below (that I redacted) is actually quite tame compared to some of the others. The BAR members and staff didn’t even apologize, they just acted like it hadn’t even happened. Who knows, maybe it was one of them who did it. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Hours later H.W. Radtke told me I could leave the court. I asked him why I had been put in the breakout room. He had me muted again and said to the clerk that I obviously had mental health issues.
I was told by someone else who was on the call:
“What they said after kicking you out was about the chat messages…. the judge was getting pissy with the observers…saying we can all see the chat…. the crown then told him that all the messages in the chat were Christine Massey’s. The judge told the clerk to please jump on removing you immediately if you joined again.”
June 22, 2022:
In the video below (June 22, 2022) I read out a Notice to Stuart Konyer (the man who would act under the title “Judge” the following day, in a 2nd coerced and closed-to-public pretrial), outside of the courthouse on Simcoe Street before attempting to have it filed into the court’s case file.
Later, inside the courthouse, there was no one working at the counter and a man working for Peterborough Police Service assured me that even if there was, they would never agree to file my communication. He and his colleagues also insisted that we not film inside our allegedly public courthouse that is paid for by the people despite the fact that no one else was around.
(Note in the screenshot the name of the fake court that is listed on the fraudulent warrant and endorsement that was used to arrest me.)

Update June 24, 2022:
Warrant issued for my arrest, for leaving a “completed” pretrial… And new, previously-undisclosed “disclosure”
I have no words for this at the moment:
Bench Warrant Issued for Christine Massey’s ARREST
Brief notes from her CLOSED “pre-trial hearing”
— by my friend Bill Huston, of Bill Huston Podcast

And it’s officially confirmed:
Thomas “false alarm” Piggott, dispenser of endless public-mischief, baseless accusations re VIRUSES, assault, threat, home invasion… none of which he can support with evidence… he who instigates immeasurable local distress, suffering and death… has “PRIORITY STATUS” with Peterborough Police Service. This is confirmed via the audio recording of his false 911 call to police.
You can’t make this up. In his 911 call, Thomas stated:
“Hi help… there are protesters…” (false)
“they tried to lash out and hit me…” (false)
“they’re on my property…. at least 10 people” (false)
“they tried to hit me” (false)
“one of them tried to hit me” (false)
“they disguised themselves” (false)
“I should be on a priority dispatch” (of course you are, poor thing)
“this is the 2nd time this happened this week” (false)
So many false and misleading statements, packed into 2 short minutes!
Poor Thomas’ 911 call to PPS, Jan. 19, 2022
(this is the “redacted” audio given to me by the man Paul Murray who acts as “crown attorney”):
Also, according to further previously-undisclosed “disclosure” that I was only made aware of yesterday (a supplementary occurrence report from PPS), Thomas asked PPS “to determine who in the community was responsible for disclosing the address of his private residence“. Naturally they obliged… as if this too was a crime and a priority for the community.
June 29, 2022
Some of the recent Notices that I sent to people acting as court staff and “the crown” in advance of “appearances”:
Bench Warrant Issued for Christine Massey’s ARREST
Brief notes from her CLOSED “pre-trial hearing”.
Bill Huston Podcast Jun 23
(Note: Stuart Konyer clearly stated 3 times on the record that my (coerced) pretrial was complete. He then muted me. So I left the zoom call. And then he issued a warrant for my arrest for having left the call!)
July 3, 2022 update:
The warrant was rescinded on June 30, 2022, when I “appeared” in “Stuart Konyer’s” zoom “court”. He set a trial date, over my objections, for December 5, 2022 – almost 2 years after my unlawful arrest on false charges.
Later that evening, Christopher James (teacher of law) kindly allowed me to vent about the absurd nature of the proceeding, on his bi-weekly podcast A Warrior Calls.
We Stand For Truth
And today I send Notice to REGINA and all her agents.
August 23, 2022 Update:
The “good cop” Alicia McGriskin has been charged by PPS
Alicia McGriskin is the officer who honourably, courageously refused to lay any bogus charges against Tyler and I even after being pressured to do so by Scott Gilbert (acting as Chief) and John Lyons (acting as Inspector) via a S/Sgt Elliott, as indicated in Alicia’s police notes posted above.
Alicia has now been charged by someone at PPS. It seems highly plausible that this is in retaliation for her lawful, appropriate conduct on the night of January 19, 2022, but this has not been confirmed.
The following appeared in the PPS media release for August 19, 2022:
Police Services Act Hearing Date
As a result of an internal investigation conducted by the Peterborough Police Service Professional Standards Unit, Constable Alicia McGriskin has been charged with Insubordination, Neglect of Duty x 2 and Discreditable Conduct under the Police Services Act.
PC McGriskin is to appear before Hearing Officer (Ret) Deputy Sean Sparling via telephone on September 9, 2022.
The charges are in relation to her conduct during an investigation in early 2022. No further information will be released prior to the Hearing.
To attend Alicia’s hearing on September 9, see the instructions below.
8:30AM on September 9, 2022.
Below are the instructions to take part in the conference call:
1. Dial 1-877-385-4099 (Ottawa Local: 613-212-4220 // Toronto Local: 416-883-0133).
2. When prompted, enter the access code 1361999, followed by the # key.
3. You will be placed on hold until Joël Dubois signs on and brings everyone together.

Some vindication for “the good cop” Alicia McGriskin, Tyler Berry, myself and our colleagues:
Update posted March 9, 2023
February 21, 2023:
‘Fuelled by politics and COVID’: Neglect of duty, insubordination, and discreditable conduct charges withdrawn against Peterborough police officer — by By Todd Vandonk
“Source says charges were in connection with Alicia McGriskin’s unwillingness to lay charges after an investigation at Peterborough medical officer of health’s home in January 2022”
“According to a police statement to Peterborough This Week, the prosecutor formally withdrew the Notice of Hearing on Dec. 22, 2022 as former acting chief of police Tim Farquharson and the parties agreed the matter would be dealt with informally. As the matter has now been addressed informally, police say no further information may be shared.…
…A source says the charges were in connection with McGriskin’s alleged conduct and unwillingness to lay charges during an investigation at Peterborough medical officer of health Dr. Thomas Piggott’s house in January 2022.
“This was fuelled by politics and COVID. She has integrity and she stood up for what was right despite being pushed by people of the highest rank,” a source says.
On the evening of Jan. 19, 2022, Peterborough police officers responded to Piggott’s East City home after a group of COVID-19 protesters tried to serve him papers, including an “evidence package” and “statement of facts” claiming that “COVID-19 is a worldwide lie.”
In a video posted online, McGriskin is seen speaking with the protesters.
The conversation between McGriskin and protesters lasts about 15 minutes.
“I am not saying anything wrong has happened here tonight,” she told the group.
“Our job is to respond to the call. It gets documented and we move on.”
Further, McGriskin said nobody was being arrested or charged.
“You guys are free to go on your way,” she told them.
According to court records, the intimidation of a health official charges against Berry and Massey respectively were withdrawn at the Crown’s request on June 23, 2022.
The Crown continues to prosecute each on the criminal harassment charge. Berry was scheduled to make an appearance on Tuesday, Feb. 21, while Massey is marked for trial on Dec. 5. 2023.
(To get around the paywall, hit Escape rapidly while the page is loading, after the text appears but before it disappears; you might need to refresh and try it a bunch of times. Another option is to quickly copy the text before it disappears, by holding down the control key, and clicking A, then C.)
September 24, 2023 update
I am updating the page today with some additional details.
1. I added additional notes above regarding the ridiculous, closed-to-public “pretrial” that I was coerced into attending March 24th (see the notes here).
2. Paul Murray, who acts as “crown attorney”, sent an email (shown below) to my email address last week about his alleged intention to “stay” the bogus/false “harassment charge” in court on Tuesday September 26, 2023. I wrote an article about this on substack and have now added it to this website.
I’ve received no summons from the court and Paul did not serve me an application in Form 1 as per the “The Criminal Rules of the Ontario Court of Justice“. I have no idea how he managed to schedule something for September 26th, or what time this is taking place at, or whether it will be broadcast via zoom. I don’t know if this is a “motion hearing” or what it is. Or how one can “stay” a “charge” that was never filed with the court in the first place. (More on that below). Or whether another (fake) “warrant” will be issued for my “arrest” if I don’t “appear”. Court staff have not answered my emails asking about this.
Maybe that is why Paul feels free to break the rules – there never really was anything filed with Ontario Court of Justice, as I have recently come to realize. Notice that his email below made no mention of Ontario Court of Justice.

The following MIGHT be zoom details for Tuesday:
Meeting ID: 694 7219 0312
Passcode: 459301
Audio – 855 703 8985
3. Here is the 3rd letter I have sent via registered mail to Doug Downey, the man who acts as “Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Ontario”, about the bogus “charge” and what appears to be a fake court case.
The 2 previous letters might have something to do with the recent email from Paul Murray indicating that he intends to “stay” the remaining “charge” (that appears to have never been filed with an actual court).

September 26, 2023 update, 7:25 am
Yesterday I sent a letter to the people acting as Clerk and Justice/Judge, copied to “crown attorneys”.
I have never been served with any proceeding issued by any court, or contracted / agreed to / promised anything in this “matter”, and thus cannot “fail to appear”.
I feel that I am being harassed, intimidated, coerced via Paul’s email and the corresponding entry in the “docket” for today.

September 26, 2 pm update
Paul Murray (who only identified himself as “Murray, first initial P”) acting/doing business as “crown attorney”, discussed the apparently-imaginary and definitely-false “harassment charge”, making it sound 100% legit.
He then “directed the court” to enter a “stay” as per Criminal Code s 579(1). Timothy Breen was acting/doing business as “judge”.

Apparently Doug Downey acting as Attorney General got involved because I’ve sent him 3 registered letters since August 8, 2023.
Note that a “stay” is not the same thing as a withdrawal. It means they might (legally, not lawfully) be able to resurrect the bogus matter later within a certain time frame, and thus for now:
1) avoid having all the fraud/lies, etc exposed during a trial,
2) keep the fake-charge and possibility of a trial hanging over my head,
3) continue damaging my reputation?
However, see s 579 (2) where it says “the expiration of the time within which the proceedings could have been commenced“.

Given that:
1) 20+ months have already passed since I was handcuffed, etc. and
2) 18 months is generally considered an unreasonable delay (counting from date of “charges” until end of arguments at a trial)…
perhaps they have effectively withdrawn the “matter” altogether but did not want to come out and admit this in plain language.
The never-really-existed “undertaking” (which I never signed or agreed to, and did not give to any peace officer, and which had zero check marks on it indicating any “additional conditions”) is now supposedly “vacated”.
If I contact Thomas Piggott, what do you think will happen?
Timothy Breen acting/doing business as “judge” then responded to Paul Murray’s talk of a “stay” with “ok”, then asked if CHRISTINE MASSEY was on the call.
Here is roughly what I said on the record before being muted:
“My name is Christine, I am the woman handcuffed and told she was “charged” in this so-called matter, appearing specially under threat, duress, coercion, not agreeing to contract or joinder, not incorporated or agreeing to incorporate, not under any oath to the court/crown/state, speaking English not legalese.
I have never been served with any proceedings issued by any court.Or a claim of trespass from a man or woman claiming that I trespassed against them in any way, or a bill of particulars.
I never gave an “undertaking” to any so-called “peace officer”. I’ve never contracted , agreed to or promised to appear, nor am I under an oath to REGINA or the state/crown, and therefore cannot “fail to appear”.
I draw your attention to….”
TIMOTHY INTERUPTED me here so that I couldn’t finish my sentence, which was going to conclude with: “…. the letter and emails that I sent to the court yesterday and today, and stand on that. The only lawful thing you can do is strike/dismiss/discharge/withdraw this alleged matter altogether, permanently.”
Timothy Breen acting/doing business as “judge” had heard me speaking and responded to me. Others on the zoom call also heard me.
Timothy then blathered about “the charge” having already been “stayed”.
I responded repeatedly: “There is no charge. There is no charge.”
And then Timothy had me muted and they kicked me out of the zoom “court” altogether.
And, “they” somehow prevented my voice (and only my voice) from being heard on a recording of the zoom call, even when I was not muted. My voice is severely scrambled and unintelligible.
Also, Paul Murray failed basic math this morning. He claimed on the record that I’d been on “bail terms” (nonexistent, actually) for “18 months”.
It was >12 + 8 = >20 months since the “arrest” aka unlawful detainment, etc.
Also he mentioned “vacating” an October 18 date for a “confirmation hearing” – which I have never heard anything about until today. See the “next appearance date” that has been posted online since June 30, 2022, below. It’s December 5, 2023, not October 18, 2023.

Here are the 3 letters that I sent via registered mail to Doug Downey, who acts as MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ONTARIO since August 8, 2023:
I have another letter ready to print and mail to him tomorrow, asking for confirmation that the alleged “charge” is gone forever, etc.
September 27, 2023 update
The email below speaks for itself.

Here is the starting page for looking up court cases. It will lead to the site.
September 28, 2023 update
Here is the letter that I sent yesterday via registered mail to Doug Downey, who acts as MINISTER OF JUSTICE AND ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ONTARIO in an effort to get clarity about this “matter” and a removal of the website entry that damages my reputation and causes me stress. Proof of delivery is shown on the last page.

October 26, 2023
Here is an article that I published on October 5, 2023:
Clown court update