December 2, 2022: this page is a work in progress
Note: I communicate in everyday English; I am not fluent in legalese.
My friend Pam’s backstory is long and complex. She made allegations of pedophilia and sex trafficking – allegations that to this day have never been investigated. Instead her beloved daughter was taken from her years ago with the assistance of so-called public servants – a mother’s worst nightmare. Earlier this year, Pam – who is literally the calmest, coolest man or woman I know (I try to avoid the word “person”) – was criminally charged and jailed, in connection with trying to reclaim her daughter.
On September 22, 2022, Pam, also known as Parmjit, was set free from the infamous jail / hell-hole known as “Vanier Centre of Women” (a for-profit service corporation with D-U-N-SⓇ Number “247216141”, yet listed as a “healthcare center”), as per a court order.
Prior to that day, people acting as lawyers and “justices” had admitted on the record that Pam had already spent more time in the Vanier hell-hole (56 days) than would be expected if she had been found “guilty” of the false/fraudulent charges against her (a trial has not taken place).
All of that time, Pam was kept in solitary confinement for refusing to submit to a fraudulent convid test and for refusing to participate in a massive fraud that is inherent to the legal system of “justice”.
(To this day, no public thief/servant will tell Pam what they have done with her car, or how she can get it back. She has served countless lawful notices seeking the return of her daughter, her car, etc. to no avail. Her life is dedicated to seeking justice, being reunited with her daughter and helping others who also struggle with the corrupt legal (not lawful) system and fake “law enforcement”.)
Kidnapped and jailed again on November 13th – without charge
Two months after being released, during the evening of Sunday, November 13, 2022, Pam was kidnapped from her home in Brampton. Eight (8) people working for Halton Regional Police Service (a service corporation) broke into her home on the premise that they needed to make sure that Pam would attend a trial the following day – a trial which, in fact, the people acting as “lawyers/justices” where not prepared to conduct.
Pam was innocently sleeping inside her home when the people working for Halton Police arrived and immediately starting banging, extremely loudly, on her front door, which they eventually busted in.
No charge was even laid, but “public servants” forcibly detained Pam until Wednesday November 16, 2022. They simply kidnapped her because they wanted to; she had done nothing to anyone.
In the audio recording below, of a court proceeding the following day (November 14, 2022), Ann-Marie Calsavara dressed up as “judge” can be heard denying Pam a chance to speak, claiming that Pam would be “disruptive”, and saying that she cannot act as judge during a trial because she was involved in the case previously. In other words, the kidnapping of the night before was for a trial that she had no intention of conducting.
Later in the day, Pam was forced back to the Vanier hell-hole, and held for 2 more nights. More “appearances” were scheduled for both November 15 and 16, some of which was captured on audio, below.
(the man in the picture is not Mark Curtis)
A False/Fraudulent “Release Order”
On November 16, 2022, I was coerced into agreeing to act as “surety” in order to obtain the release of my friend Pam from the kidnappers; I agreed to ensure that Pam would show up for a trial at 10 am on November 28, 2022 in Milton, and was asked to sign/autograph a written agreement, which I did under duress.
Later when Pam and I read the agreement, we found that it listed many elements that we had not agreed to while discussing the matter in court.
And so, as per our right to rescind a contract within 3 days, Pam and I both rescinded our autographs from the false/fraudulent written “surety” agreement that we had been coerced into autographing.
Below is my notice that was sent via registered mail with Canada Post.

Nevertheless, when Monday November 28, 2022 arrived, Pam and I headed off to the Milton OCJ courthouse. We first went to the court services office, to obtain the public access zoom log-in details, and for Pam to file a lawful Notice. The woman shown in the video below did inform Pam that the hearing had been moved, back on Friday, to the OCJ courthouse in Burlington, without our knowledge or consent/agreement. By this time it was approximately 30 minutes until the trial was scheduled to begin.
The woman claimed verbally that someone had tried to phone Pam, while Pam had no record of a call from the court. Then minutes later, this woman handed me a written admission from the “trial coordinator” (shown further below), admitting that no such attempt was ever made; also that the “coordinator” had tried to call me less than 1 hour before trial, while I was driving Pam to the Milton court. (I had never even agreed to be available for communication with the court, and – lol – am I now expected to take calls now while driving?)
Neither Pam nor I even knew the directions from Milton OCJ to Burlington OCJ. Yet the 2 women “serving” Pam acted like this was “no biggie”, and offered zero apology, were unhelpful, uncooperative and had the nerve to give us attitude for recording their “service”, meanwhile the courthouse is full of cameras that film hundreds of people day in, day out, without their consent.
Note also how the “coordinator” who wrote the email below referred to legal fictions (“the accused”, “Surety Christine MASSEY”), not living people/women.

Meanwhile, it turns out that many people and legal fictions throughout the province had been notified of the location-change back on Friday. How very interesting.

They must not consider everyone equal under the law. Nor do the people acting as police (aka corporate policy enforcers, with no regard for law), who showed up and trespassed against Pam and I by way of kidnapping, bodily harm, forcible confinement, robbery (of my laptop containing all of my convid research, etc.) and more, and charged our ALLCAPSNAMES with “criminal harassment” and “trespassing” – yeah, right!
They also threatened to charge us for filming – in violation of their corporate bylaws – lol!
Newsflash, buddy: I’m not “Madame” so save your degrading titles, and no I am not “civil” (aka Roman) either.
Below are blatantly fraudulent papers that were mixed in with my property, by a tall man acting as kidnapper and policy officer at the for-profit “Ontario Court of Justice” at the town of Milton Ontario.
(He kicked me out into the cold through a garage door at the side of the building, with some of my belongings, including my winter coat – but not my laptop or audio recorder – in a plastic bag that he threw on the ground. I then went to the front door of the building to try to find Pam and report the robbery/kidnapping, but a very unpleasant woman who took part in the kidnapping/robbery, etc refused to let me back into the building claiming I was banned, and refused to take a crime report. Neither the tall man or this woman would even tell me whether Pam had been set free; I had no idea where she was).
The kidnappers kidnapped me, and then Pam, at approximately 10 am, and finally let me go several hours later, I believe some time between 2 and 3 pm. Yet 19:02 hrs, aka 7:02 pm, is written on the fraudulent papers. Initially the fraudster had written “11:02” which was inaccurate and I called him out on it in front of his colleagues. So later he (or someone) added little circles to make the 11s look like 19s. The funny thing is that the courthouse was closed long before 7 pm and I was not even in Milton at 7 pm.
And of course the ALLCAPS NAME is entered, which is not my name.

Refused for cause
No contract
No consent
Pam and I did sanely rescind within 72 hours all of the papers that were given to us by the people dressed up as policy officers (not shown), and notified various people of such via registered mail.
Below is my Notice (prior to the affixing of Canada Post tracking stickers) that has been served to Doug Downey who acts as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Ontario, via registered mail, with delivery already confirmed by Canada Post. This is just part of the package that was served on Doug and others.

Delivery confirmations from Canada Post, for the above Notice and Pam’s Notice as well:
Update December 19, 2022:
Neither my friend Pam nor I (or should I say, our ALLCAPS names) are listed on the “dock-ets” for today, in/at Milton, or Burlington, “Ontario Court of Justice” (; nor on the court-case look-up website (
And here is a notarized declaration regarding the fact that I have zero lawful contract with the people acting as agents at/for/through “Ontario Court of Justice” and/or Halton Regional Police Service:

Update December 21, 2022:
Notice of Trespass
sent by registered mail, December 19, 2022
apparently a disinformation in so-called “case 1211998221210303201” was sworn on December 8, 2022 against a “party” called MASSEY, CHRISTINE – 10 days after my friend Parmjit and i, christine were kidnapped;
and, on the 19th day of December, year 2022, further trespass did occur against i, christine at the Ontario Court of Justice, Milton, this time by the man called “Mark J. Curtis” acting as Justice of the Peace, who did trespass by way of threat, conspiracy and coercion;
on the record in courtroom M9, Mark did threaten that i, christine and other people of the land must attorn ourselves to the court by estating the name (for example “CHRISTINE MASSEY”) and nothing else, or else he would issue warrants for our arrest;
(obviously stating a name, especially when tricked into doing so, is not the same thing as voluntarily consenting to attorn/give lawful jurisdiction, but the legal system is not a system of law; hence, earlier in the day Mark did claim that a man had attorned himself to the court simply by stating THE NAME on the record; also in February of 2022 another man called Mark Donohue who was acting as so-called “Justice” in the Ontario Court of Justice, did tell me that i could not challenge jurisdiction because i had already attorned myself to the court simply by saying “Christine Massey”; ridiculous, but that is how the corrupt courts work);
i, christine have no lawful obligation to attorn myself to the court; no verified claim of trespass (claiming that i caused them harm or loss) from any man or woman has been provided to i, christine;
Mark did issue a warrant for arrest; i, christine refuse for cause, no contract, no consent;
i require the following relief in good faith:
the warrant (war-rant) canceled immediately; a written apology from Mark on the public record within 24 hours of receipt of this notice; a certified affidavit citing the cancelation, under penalty of perjury, with wet ink signature, court stamp and court seal, sent via registered mail within 24 hours of receipt of this notice at:

See Pam’s AskCommonSenseQuestions channel on Telegram for more details about this matter and insights into the true nature of the system of so-called law that is practiced in the courts:
May 16, 2024 update:
Some good news: it looks like property of which I was robbed by people acting as agents of Halton Regional Police Service back on November 28, 2022 will soon be restored 🙂

This came about because recently I began writing to Doug Downey who acts as Attorney General again, asking if the bogus warrant has been quashed yet and the false “charges” withdrawn. No response as always, but then a letter was mailed by an agent of Halton police saying that Christine Massey must phone and make an appointment and show identification within 30 days (by May 10th) to get the property back, otherwise they would “dispose of” it (of all the nerve!).
So I wrote back to the AG twice basically saying no way, have your agents deliver the device to the address I provided you, I’m not going near your agents after the way they treated me. And in my last communication I told him that my fee for destruction of the property without my explicit written consent is $1,000,000.
On May 15, 2024, 5 days after the deadline had passed, I received an email from a Halton police agent saying they are having the property delivered.
I didn’t cite any “laws” or even common law, equity or rights. Just simple letters based on facts, logic, evidence with all rights reserved.
The only unusual things I did were to 1) not give a “last name” and 2) I referred to “the man or woman acting as such” b/c I don’t know if Doug the man has delegated his corporate “powers/duties” to someone else.
Here are the letters (I’m not including here the extra docs/evidence that I sent to the AG, just my letters) and the communications from Halton police agents. My 2nd letter was handwritten just b/c my printer’s ink ran out.
(I also still want and claim the $404,000,000 that is owed to me for the unlawful jailing in Milton, as per the Notices and fee schedule that I provided to “REGINA” and agents when communicating to them regarding the bogus “criminal charges” in Peterborough lol.)
Thank you to all the many great people who have been teaching and providing an example of how to stand our ground and assert ourselves when dealing with these confused “public servants”.