February 1, 2025 newsletter
Greetings and Best Wishes,
On August 30, 2024 I filed 2 FOIA orders with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), one pertaining to the alleged “HPV” aka “Human Papillomavirus” (here) and one pertaining to the alleged “monkeypox virus” (here). I ordered all studies authored by anyone, anywhere in the possession/custody/control of the institution:
1. – that scientifically prove or provide evidence of the existence of either alleged virus (showing that the alleged particles with a specific “genome” and proteins exist and cause the illness/symptoms that they are alleged to cause)
2. – or, that even describe the purification of particles that are alleged to be either alleged virus, directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called “hosts” (without adding any sources of genetic material or proteins and with purification confirmed via EM)
3. – or, wherein the purported “genome” of either alleged virus was found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a “host” (as opposed to fabricated in silico aka made-up / modelled on a computer)
4. – or, that scientifically demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms allegedly caused by either alleged virus.
Note that I made it easy on them by not requiring any evidence that the alleged particles hijack cells and replicate. And as usual, I asked that if any records match the above description and are currently available to the public elsewhere, I be provided enough information about each one so that I may identify and access it (titles, authors, etc.).
September 3, 2024:
I received an inappropriate, nonsensical and anonymous email, probably “AI”, signed “NHLBI FOIA Service Center”. The anonymous email acknowledged that I had filed “requests” (plural) and pretended that more clarity was needed and that I had sought records regarding grants.

I responded 2 days later, on September 5, 2024, pointing out that I did not file FOIA orders for grants but for scientific evidence of HPV and/or monkeypox virus and I asked that a name and job title be provided in the next communication.

Almost 5 months went by with zero response, so on January 29, 2025 I followed up on the HPV order, saying “send the records or admit that there aren’t any”.

The next day, on January 30, 2025, I received another idiotic and anonymous response. This time “NHLBI FOIA Service Center” stated that:
“…we don’t have a single, centralized file folder specifically for HPV-related data. The research on HPV is spread across various NIH grants… To help refine your request, we recommend identifying specific grants or contracts… Please note that we currently have a substantial backlog, and if multiple grants are requested, processing times may be longer. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to best serve you.”
In other words, the “AI” was asking me to believe that both it and staff lack the capability of searching through multiple folders, have basically no idea where to look and could not proceed without me refining my order by identifying specific grants or contracts. That makes so much sense in this “information” age.

[Side note: The Brave browser’s “AI” recently admitted to me that it is programmed to be engaging and uphold dominant narratives, not to tell the truth, and that it repeatedly lies.]
I responded with a deadline of January 31, 2025, 5pm EST to provide/cite records and warned that I will be publishing a newsletter about the emails and the failure to provide or cite any records.

I then provided the same deadline and warning re the monkeypox FOIA.

No response.
Pdfs: HPV, monkeypox virus.
Note that back on June 15, 2022, Valery Gheen acting as Government Information Specialist at NIAID already confessed to Kristen Welch that “The Division of Intramural Research, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, and Division of Clinical Research within the NIAID searched their files” and couldn’t find a single record written by anyone on the planet, ever, describing any alleged monkeypox virus being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of a human and purified…. even though this would be a necessary step for scientifically showing the existence of a virus .
FOIA responses from NIAID also showed that Fauci and his fellow “experts” had zero scientific evidence of the imaginary SARS-COV-2… just like all 224+ other institutions in 40 different countries that have been challenged. (To see the NIAID confessions/failures, type “NIAID” into the search function of your browser here).
Countless people and animals have suffered horrifically and died over the decades thanks to criminals at NIAID and many other institutions/companies.
Life in prison.
If you would like to support my efforts, please see the Paypal button that is near the bottom of my homepage.
(Note: this information has been sent to ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., so that they cannot claim later that they did not know. It will also be sent to people who act in the Canadian “justice” system… that has falsely prosecuted people in relation to “germs”.)
Recommending Reading/Viewing
I was honoured to be a guest on the David Knight Show:
The Virus That NEVER Existed, the Greatest Lie Ever Sold
Exposing the Plan to EXTORT Dr Sam – Dr Sam Bailey
Do Viruses Exist? – Dr Mark Bailey
Challenging Mainstream Medicine: Dr. Tom Cowan on the EZ Conversations Podcast with Furkhan Dandia
Kary Mullis: Martyr or Menace? – Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
Episode 329: Daniel Roytas, author of Can You Catch a Cold – on Spirit Gym with Paul Chek
Reframing the infectious Disease Paradigm – Alec Zeck
The Healthcare System Hoax – Dr Sam Bailey
Preparing Us or Just Scaring Us? and Pandemic Preparedness Exercises Preparing for what? – Dawn Lester
Mark Gober summarized the pseudoscience in his book An End to Upside Down Medicine: Contagion, Viruses, and Vaccines—and Why Consciousness Is Needed for a New Paradigm of Health
Does HPV Cause Cervical Cancer? – Dr. Tom Cowan
The Next “Pandemic” Has Already Been Arranged – Brendan Murphy
Scamdemics, Trump, mRNA, Oh My!
Koch’s Cholera Catastrophe – Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
The abandonment of logic.
The Six Lies in Mainstream Medicine – Dr. Andrew Kaufman with Life Force Canada
AI exemplifies sloppy thinking – Betsy
‘I was wrong,’ ‘This appears to be an error on my part,’ ‘I fabricated that’
Official Confessions/Evidence Confirm that Virology is Pseudoscience
My affidavit regarding the hundreds of freedom of information responses (FOIs) confirming the fraud and delusion of virology, with German and Greek translations:
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 225 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary “viruses” (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and computer-model “viral genomes”:
3000+ pages of “virus” FOIs in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declarations re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,