A colleague in New Zealand and I have been submitting Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to various institutions in Canada, NZ, Australia, Germany, the U.K., England, Ireland and the U.S., seeking any records that describe the isolation of a “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased human patient.
Our requests have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institutions, or limited to records authored by the respective institutions, rather they have been open to any records held by the institutions describing “COVID-19 virus” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, any time.
As of today (updated December 1, 2020) 39 institutions/offices have provided their responses, and in total these responses have yielded zero records, or citations of records, describing the isolation/purification of a “SARS-COV-2 virus” from a diseased patient, by anyone, anywhere, ever. All 39 of these FOIs responses can be accessed at the following link, along with a compilation pdf containing 38 of them: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
New Zealand’s University of Otago
Researchers at New Zealand’s University of Otago claimed months ago to have “isolated the virus” and shared their so-called “isolate” for use in the development of vaccines, testing of antivirals and other “COVID-19” research.
Below are quotes from the Otago Daily Times, 13 June 2020; the full article entitled On the offensive: Otago Uni’s fight against Covid-19 is available here:
Positive cases and access to a high-containment lab meant his team was able to grow the SARS-CoV-2 virus and isolate its RNA, its genetic material; the first New Zealand lab to do so
“I have a list of more than 20 groups contacting me to work with, you name it, any compounds they want to test against the virus to see if it has antiviral properties; vaccine development; how to kill the virus, for example, detergents or UV light so that PPE can be reused; clinical studies …”
Early on, professors Quinones-Mateu and Ussher made the decision to start researching a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
…At that point, there was no government funding for vaccine research. But they, in collaboration, with researchers elsewhere in New Zealand formed a consortium with the goal of getting a vaccine for New Zealand “at the earliest opportunity”, Prof Ussher says.
Prof Ussher was vocal and persistent in his call for the Government to fund national efforts to produce an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
…The Government listened. A fortnight ago, Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters announced a National Vaccine Strategy that came with a $37 million budget. Almost half will be for New Zealand research and manufacture, a further $15 million is for international research collaboration and $7 million will fund vaccine distribution in developing countries.The money is “fantastic” and “the best way for New Zealand to contribute to the global effort”, Prof Ussher says.
…His “best case scenario” prediction is that it will take 12 to 18 months for a successful vaccine candidate somewhere to be identified and go through clinical trials. It will then need to be manufactured and distributed…
Then on August 6, 2020 in an article entitled Covid-19 unmasked: experts discuss coronavirus, Radio New Zealand quoted University of Otago virologist Miguel Quiñones-Mateu as saying “But once we isolated the virus and we had it… then we started sharing the genetic material. … It opened the door for projects like the vaccine initiative we’re involved in… If we didn’t have that opportunity of working with the virus, we wouldn’t be where we are” …
and reported that “University of Otago virologist Jemma Geoghegan is involved in sequencing samples of the coronavirus and by comparing mutations she is helping map the spread of the disease”: https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/ourchangingworld/audio/2018757890/covid-19-unmasked-experts-discuss-coronavirus
Exciting and lucrative times at the University of Otago. But how legitimate is their claim of having “isolated the virus”? To find out, my colleague in New Zealand submitted an FOI request seeking any records held by the University that describe the isolation of “SARS-COV-2” from a sample taken from a diseased human patient that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material (typically monkey kidney cells and fetal bovine serum).
Below is a screenshot of page 1 from the University of Otago’s “no records” response. The University’s Registrar and Secretary to the Council “can confirm that the University holds no records which fall within the scope of your request...”

The University of Otago has made clear that in their world “isolating a virus” means something different than the plain English meaning of the phrase, which is the meaning intended by Koch’s Postulates (which are still taught in universities today and can be modified to work with viruses). We’ll get back to Koch’s Postulates further below.
This brings us to page 2 – the enclosed letter from Professor Miguel Quiñones-Mateu, Ph.D.
Note that Professor Quiñones-Mateu is one of the scientists quoted in the news reports above, claiming to have isolated the virus. Below is a screenshot of his letter. The University of Otago’s full pdf response can be accessed here:

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At the link below, my colleague in New Zealand explains how Professor Quiñones-Mateu’s letter is inaccurate and his “isolation” method is unscientific.
University of Otago’s Fake Isolation Process, by my colleague in NZ:
(On October 22, 2020 my colleague in NZ spoke on the NZ radio call-in program “Magic Mornings” with host Peter Williams for several minutes, re the non-isolation of the theoretical, never-proven-to-exist “SARS-COV-2 virus” – his segment begins at the 1:13:20 mark: https://www.magic.co.nz/home/shows/talk/magic-mornings.html.)
So Professor Quiñones-Mateu’s idea of “virus isolation” is a combination of:
1) the typical monkey business of mixing a patient sample with Vero (aka monkey kidey) cells and universal transport medium – which Professor Quiñones-Mateu neglected to mention typically includes fetal bovine serum (another source of genetic contamination) and toxic drugs,
2) irrationally blaming “the virus” (that was never looked for or found in the patient sample) for any toxic effects on the Vero cells,
3) passing off cell-free supernatant from the resulting concoction as “viral isolate”,
4) useless PCR testing,
5) comparing the results of PCR tests performed on 1) total RNA from a patient sample mixed with fetal bovine serum and on 2) total RNA from Vero cells that were mixed with a patient sample and fetal bovine serum versus 3) total RNA from Vero cells not mixed with a patient sample or fetal bovine serum, and illogically attributing the results to “the virus” that was never looked for or found in the patient sample,
6) metagenomics analysis involving alleged genomes of “SARS-COV-2” that were in fact manufactured, not discovered,
7) matching of “whole genome sequences” found in 2 mixtures that each include the patient sample – both of which also include genetic contamination from the fetal bovine serum.
When do we get to the science??
Here’s a 3 second clip from a presentation by Professor Quiñones-Mateu re “COVID-19” and his lab. “Partners in crime” – was that a Freudian slip? https://youtu.be/DeuudSy4-Cw

Here is the full video of Professor Quiñones-Mateu’s presentation; note that 1) they had to use synthetic genes to test their PCR test since they had no actual “SARS-COV-2 virus”, 2) he neglected to provide any estimate of the test’s sensitivity or specificity (probably because no valid gold standard – “virus” – actually exists to compare the test results with), and 3) he gave a plug for the very deadly and expensive drug Remdesivir: https://www.otago.ac.nz/global-health/otago739539.mp4.
March 30, 2021 New Zealand’s University of Otago confirmed they still have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone anywhere. Full response pdf here:
September 22, 2021:
New Zealand’s University of Otago confirmed that they still have no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification, by anyone, anywhere:
June 22, 2022:
The Otago “isolation” paper was finally published earlier this year. Here is a disturbing but not surprising quote:
“Altogether, this seminal work allowed for early access to SARS-CoV-2 isolates in New Zealand, paving the way for numerous clinical and scientific research projects in the country, including the development and validation of diagnostic assays, antiviral strategies, and a national COVID-19 vaccine development program.“
And, Michael has been trying to get FOI responses with more information about the invalid/insufficient “controls” used in the publication (they are clearly insufficient because they were not treated in the exact same way as the experimental group minus the alleged virus). Sadly, Otago has been extremely uncooperative, vexatious even.
So Michael was forced to get creative, with the following result:
June 22, 2022:
Kelsey Kennard acting in the Office of the Registrar at New Zealand’s University of Otago confessed to Michael S. that the paper titled “Characterization of the First SARS-CoV-2 Isolates from Aotearoa New Zealand as Part of a Rapid Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” by “virologist” Miguel Quiñones-Mateu is merely a descriptive paper with no hypothesis and nothing to prove or disprove… in other words Miguel employed no scientific method and his paper cannot accurately be called “science”.
August 3, 2022:
In response to a later FOI from Michael, Kelsey absurdly insisted that the exact same paper – that is merely descriptive – scientifically proves the existence of “SARS-COV-2” in New Zealand!
August 25, 2022:
People acting for the University of Otago, New Zealand have previously confessed to my colleague Michael S. that no one there has any record of any SARS-COV-2 being found in and purified from any bodily fluid/tissue on the planet, by anyone, anywhere, ever.
Kelsey Kennard, acting in the Office of the Registrar, later confessed that the so-called “isolation” paper by Otago researcher Miguel Quiñones-Mateu is merely descriptive, has no hypothesis and nothing to prove or disprove. Yet Kelsey later insisted that the exact same descriptive paper – that has no hypothesis to test – is scientific proof of the imaginary virus.
Michael has attempted to obtain further details from Otago about the invalid/insufficient “controls” used in this unscientific descriptive paper. They are clearly insufficient because they were not treated in the same way as the experimental group, minus the fake virus. But Otago has been extremely uncooperative with Michael, vexatious even.
Kelsey has now responded to a new and distinct FOI from Michaelfor scientific proof that the (imaginary) SARS-COV-2 causes “covid-19” (which is “confirmed” with fraudulent, meaningless “tests” that have no gold standard). Kelsey has rejected Michael’s FOI based on the following false claims and insinuations:
– that his FOI is frivolous or vexatious,
– that it’s Michael’s fault that Quiñones-Mateu has not managed to provide a shred of “covid” science thus far,
– that Michael’s FOIs constitute improper pressure or harassment, and
– that nonexistent covid records are publicly available.
As of August 26, 2022, we now have FOI responses from 208 institutions in well over 35 countries. No one has isolated/purified the alleged virus from any patient in the world, or knows of anyone else who has:
We’ve all been lied to for the last 2+ years.
At this point you might be scratching your head and wondering…
“What The Hell Is Going On”?
If so, the collection of presentations, articles and facts on the page linked below will reveal the fraud and trickery that’s behind the fake pandemic known as “COVID-19”.
If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at Christine.Massey@protonmail.com.
Connect with me (CM) on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisMasseyFOIs
Would you like to help expose the fraud?
If you would like to submit your own FOI request to another institution, or obtain an updated response from an institution that has already been FOI’d, here is a suggested template that may assist you:
Please share with me any responses that you receive!)