Prompted by his suggestion, I am publishing the email exchange that I had today with Michael Yeadon.
This is not a personal attack on Dr. Yeadon, or an attack at all. It’s simply a respectful discussion between a grown man and a grown woman.
For the record, Dr. Yeadon has always been kind and respectful in the few communications we have had (below and in the past), and I still have hope that he will eventually come forward publicly, clearly telling the full story re the purely theoretical/imaginary SARS-COV-2.
He has already helped many see from other angles that we are being horrifically lied to about the fake pandemic.
It can’t be easy after a lifetime of conditioning and a career so closely associated with virology to have to confront this core fraud/misconception, so kudos to Dr. Yeadon for coming this far.
(The pdf of the emails is posted at the bottom of this page.)
Subject: proof of a transmissible “covid-19” agent?
from: Sat, May 28, 2022 at 1:34 PM
To: mike yeadon
Hi Dr. Yeadon,
In this recent interview, you talked about transmissible agents and infectious agents and said that replicating “viruses” cause the common cold; you also mentioned “scores of other viruses”. Many times you made reference to “virus(es)”.
Then later you claimed that your arguments don’t rely on the existence of viruses.
You then stated that you “think” that SARS-COV-2 does exist, and that every time “the virus” replicates it makes typographical errors. Later you spoke of “Ebola virus”. You spoke of “viruses” a great deal throughout the interview.
I understand that you are tired of being asked about the existence of viruses, but as long as you continue to talk about “them” as though they do exist you will be challenged to provide proof.
Do you have any scientific evidence proving the existence of any “virus” or any other transmissible agent that is released from airways and causes colds or “covid-19”?
Do you have any evidence showing that “covid-19” is a unique disease, or that there is 1 specific cause of the “cases” that were actually sick?
Do you have scientific proof of transmission for colds or “covid-19”?
Also, how do you know that avoiding sick people is an instinctive behavior and not the result of cultural conditioning?
Thank you and best wishes,
from: mike yeadon Sat, May 28, 2022 at 4:49 PM
To: Christine Massey
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your message. I do not doubt your sincerity for a moment.
However, your opening question only reinforces the problem we all face in the existential question about viruses. You asked if I was aware of unequivocal proof of existence. My reply is no, I don’t think there is such evidence.
However, I’m not the one claiming they do exist. It’s you who claim they don’t. So, I reject your assertion that the burden of proof is on me. I choose to focus on things like masks don’t work & lockdowns are illogical & ineffective.
Here’s the problem though. The absence of evidence IN NO WAY serves as PROOF of absence. It just doesn’t. You’ll probably have heard the saying “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”?
It certainly helps if your initial position is that you’re sceptical, but please recognise that the other side “know, deep in their hearts” that they DO exist (even if they’re wrong, the belief is strong).
Arguing that the experimental evidence for their existence is weak will persuade not a single person. Many will even cite evidence supporting existence which the non-expert will probably be unable to refute. And so it goes, around and again. Beliefs aren’t enough.
PROVING THE ABSENCE of something is impossible, using the scientific method. The best the scientific method can do is fail to find evidence supportive of their presence. Not the same thing at all.
That’s why I mention the doubts. I have them, those doubts. But I assure you, anyone who states with certainty that they don’t exist isn’t doing so based on the scientific method.
I’ve been around this debate dozens of times. I realised on the first occasion it arose that it wasn’t possible to resolve definitively. Those who believe they exist will not yield. That’s not unreasonable. They’re awaiting PROOF of nonexistence. That’s not available & will never be.
So, what do I do?
I think rather effectively I’ve proven that governments & their scientific/medical advisors have lied repeatedly about everything. No one has refuted a single claim I’ve made in my “Covid lies” summary.
Here’s a version a month or two old.
In the end, the arguments about the existence or non existence of SARS-CoV-2 cannot rescue us. I’ve explained why it can’t. Which part of that argument don’t you accept?
I’m ultimately not much interested either. I do not care if they exist or if they don’t exist. I’ve been repeatedly at pains to show you this cannot be resolved negatively using the scientific method. Continuing to assert otherwise eventually makes me concerned that the “no viruses” people care more about that argument that they care about freedom. Because they’re
not helping me, that’s for sure.
Humanity is I believe about to lose its freedom in a way from which I doubt escape is possible. If I’m right, that loss of freedom will be used by the tyrants to kill us, our children & grandchildren. Now that, I do care about. If I lose my life in the attempt to stop them, I’ll regard it as a fair trade.
I ask the “viruses don’t exist” folk to put down their weapons, paradoxically often directed at people like me, and – for the duration of the truly existential struggle to remain free – redirect all their strength, determination & considerable skills of persuasion into persuading the unaware that they’re being lied to (copious examples provided above).
I genuinely believe they will convert many more people to deep concern & anger at what’s being done to them & by whom, than they will with an argument about viruses that, ultimately will be declined as insufficient.
I wish you the best of good outcomes. I pray daily for that.
Best wishes
Dr Mike Yeadon
Ps: may I share this exchange on Telegram? (With or without your name).
Ps: I’ve still not had anyone explain convincingly, with evidence, how it is that common colds appear exactly as you’d predict if in fact there were transmissible agents involved.
As a separate matter, no one has offered a satisfactory explanation for the high rate of appearance, in blood of subjects who’ve been diagnosed as having had covid19, T- cells which respond vigorously to short lengths of protein predicted to be part of SARS-CoV-2. Such T-cells were mostly absent from at least half of those who said they’d never had covid19.
These are quite troublesome observations & they’ve been made by many people.
Of course, the easiest explanation is “viruses!”
Now, that may well be wrong, but I hope you can see how lacking in persuasiveness the arguments about the non existence of viruses are.
There’s no doubt that frankly silly experiments are repeatedly used by those claiming they do exist. If I was an editor or peer reviewer on such manuscripts, I’d point out the logical failings of their draft manuscripts & reject them! I’m in no way defending this bunch of frauds.
from: Christine Massey wrote:
Dear Dr. Yeadon,
Scientific debate and asking for proof-of-claim is not a personal attack. With all due respect, your insinuation sounds like a cop-out and you repeatedly made statements in your recent interview that are not remotely supported by science.
I can assure you that you and your “virus” colleagues do not have a monopoly on noticing the tyranny and caring about the future of humanity. We have the same motivations. Except the “no virus” crowd chooses not to reinforce the core lie while we work for a better future.
“The truth will set you free” is my motto. Truth matters, even when it doesn’t get you immediate results.
Thanks in part to the stubbornness of the “virus pushers against clot shots”, in case you haven’t noticed, “monkeypox virus” propaganda is now being ramped up. The virus-based fraud that’s been causing carnage across this planet for decades carries merrily along.
I think you are underestimating the ability of people to apply simple logic. Yes, it’s difficult for many people in the beginning due to decades of conditioning, but then again lots of people who initially thought the “no virus” argument was “crazy” have since seen the light. This is because the “no virus” camp doesn’t rely on beliefs and we only have to point out some irrefutable facts.
It really comes down to the simple point that no one on the planet has demonstrated that they even have a pure sample of any alleged virus. Without purified samples to characterize, extract nucleic acid from and perform controlled experiments on, the entire narrative collapses.
Many lay people are now able to argue this issue very skillfully and articulately. More are coming forward all the time, and the rate of conversion will only accelerate.
A public health inspector of over 20 years told me that she quit her job on principal largely due to the FOIs. A former “infectious diseases expert” has told me he now has to rethink everything, due to the FOIs. I’ve had emails from many MDs (including some in the Doctors for COVID Ethics group) who aren’t ready to go public yet but thank me and encourage me to keep going with this. And God-only-knows the number of people who’ve seen the light thanks to experts like Stefan Lanka, Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, the Baileys, David Rasnick, the Perth Group etc, etc.
Yes, it’s true that lack of evidence is not strictly speaking proof of absence. But given that the existing “evidence” is so incredibly weak and anti-scientific in nature, when virology relies on wild assumptions and the “viral genomes” are so clearly made up, it stretches the imagination of reasonable people to think that maybe SARS-COV-2, HIV, HPV, etc etc actually do exist. And “maybe” doesn’t cut it when approving “vaccines”, closing businesses, mandating masks, distancing, etc. And, the onus is on those who say there is a virus to prove it.
I do appreciate that you were inserting “alleged” here and there in your recent interview. It’s a step in the right direction.
Please consider: there is no need for someone like you to say “viruses don’t exist”. (I’m comfortable saying it b/c the specific “viruses” we’ve been told about are clearly made-up) You could simply point out the demonstrable facts that virology is not a science, no alleged virus has ever been proven to exist (or just mention SARS-COV-2 for now), and that the existing evidence is shockingly weak. That’s all it would take and no one could prove you wrong!
There is nothing reasonable or scientific about someone sticking to a belief until someone can disprove it!
Re your postscript:
The fact that you haven’t heard anyone explain convincingly how it is that common colds appear as they do is hardly justification for you to carry on with your wild claims about viruses. What a bizarre suggestion, especially coming from a scientist.
A fraudulent, meaningless diagnosis (allegedly) correlating with T- cells in blood that respond to short lengths of protein is just that – a correlation between a fraudulent test and T-cells. It’s hardly proof of a specific “virus” existing and causing a specific disease.
How anyone could be troubled by such observations or conclude that “the easiest explanation is “viruses!”” is beyond me. A logical man or woman does not have difficulty countering such arguments. Logic please!
So Mike… if you were an editor or peer reviewer on silly virology manuscripts you would point out the logical failings and reject them. Yay! But when those silly manuscripts have actually made their way into journals and used as the basis of worldwide terrorism…. Are you sure you’re not defending this bunch of frauds?
Yes, do feel free to publish this exchange. I think I will do the same.
Best wishes,