another “top” institution has failed Ruth’s FOI test
April 3, 2024 newsletter
Greetings and Best Wishes,
In my “past life” as a statistician working with cancer researchers, well before I had any idea that virology is pure pseudoscience, I was co-author on 2 “HPV” studies.
The indirect tests upon which the studies are based are invalid/fraudulent to the extent that they are passed off as having anything to do with “HPV status”.

In December 2021, I wrote to the lead author of those studies explaining what I had since learned. I didn’t get a response and don’t know if the email address that I used for Dr. Brian O’Sullivan (who I didn’t know well but remember as seeming like a really nice and well-meaning man) was/is still active.
Working on this newsletter has prompted me to search again, and this time I’ve found another address. So I will try writing to Dr. O’Sullivan again. I didn’t write directly to the journals in 2021 because given my role as statistician I anticipated that the editors would not take my concerns seriously.
Last month I published a failed freedom of information response from Denmark showing that Hvidovre Hospital and resident test-pusher Jesper Bonde have no scientific evidence showing that “HPV” exists let alone causes cancer.
That newsletter also included a flashback to the “Disruption Corona Press Conference Denmark Sept 29th 2020” wherein people who fancy themselves “health authorities” were confronted in person by journalist Kristofer Krarup with their own official “SARS-COV-2” confessions/failures regarding the missing “virus” (“SARS-CoV-2”)…
… and their earlier official confessions of having no record of any alleged “virus” that “authorities” recommend children be “vaccinated” against having been isolated/purified from any sick person, by anyone, anywhere, ever(purification being just 1 necessary step for scientifically showing that a “virus” actually exists).
Today we’ll have a look at the official response that Ruth Thorresen received from Statens Serum Institut in response to her June 26, 2023 request under the Danish Act on Public Access to Public Administration for full access to (emphasis is mine) (pgs 5-6):
“all studies and/or reports in the custody of or administered by Statens Serum Institut (Danish sector research institute), the Danish Health Authority, hospitals, universities, and/or any other entity worldwide that describe and scientifically prove the isolation and purification (via maceration, filtration and use of ultracentrifugation; commonly referred to as “isolation”) of “HPV” i.e. “Human Papillomavirus” directly from a sample taken from a sick patient, where the sample material has not first been mixed with other genetic material (such as monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells; fetal bovine serum, HEK-293, HUH7, etc.)… and [all studies/reports that] scientifically prove that HPV causes cervical cancer.”
Ruth also requested citations for any such studies that are already publicly available.
A month later, on July 26, 2023, Ruth wrote back to the institute reminding them that per the legislation her request should have been answered within 7 working days of receipt (pg 7).
A couple of weeks later, on August 8, 2023, Johanne Tange Thams acting for “The Executive Secretary’s Office” wrote to Ruth (pg 8) and provided/cited zero relevant studies yet insisted that:
“…there are many studies in this area, and SSI is not able to collect information on all studies that may fit the established criteria. On PubMed you can find scientific studies regarding HPV virus and cervical cancer, such as this study establishing causality between HPV virus and cervical cancer The causal relation between human papillomavirus and cervical cancer- Pub- Med ( PubMed is a publicly accessible database of scientific literature.”
The full text of the referenced “study” can be found here. It is a 2002 review, not a primary study with detailed Methods and Results sections.
The review does notcontain any of the following words: isolate, isolated, isolation, purify, purified, purification, but does contain over 90 instances of this phrase: “HPV DNA”… along with >15 references to “PCR”. The review relies on indirect, impossible-to-validate tests and contains no scientific evidence for the existence of “HPV”.
Next, Johanne listed a series of useless, irrelevant webpages for Ruth. Four of the 5 pages load and none lead to scientific evidence of “HPV”:
“On the SSI website, you can find a range of information about the HPV virus, including the link between the HPV virus and cervical cancer. SSI writes, among other things: In some people, infection with HPV becomes chronic and causes cell changes that can develop into cervical cancer. Types 16 and 18 are particularly carcinogenic – they are responsible for up to 70% of all cervical cancer cases. The Institute refers in particular to the following pages:
• How the HPV vaccine protects against cervical cancer ( [“page not found”]
• Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection (
• Facts about cervical cancer 030417 (
• Facts about the effect of HPV vaccines July 2017 ver 2 (
• New large study shows that HPV vaccination protects against cervical cancer (”
Lastly, Johanne referred Ruth to useless, irrelevant W.H.O. webpages, the last of which does not contain the cited “position paper” – which would not contain scientific evidence anyways.
“You can also find more information about cervical cancer and the HPV virus on the WHO website, for example here Cervical cancer ( In their newly updated position paper from December 2022 on HPV vaccines, you will find the latest information on the topic as well as references to research articles on HPV virus and cervical cancer Human papillomavirus vaccines: WHO position paper, December 2022.”

Original communications and Ruth’s English translations:
Stayed tuned for 1 more “HPV” freedom of information request by Ruth and the response from Sundhedsstyrelsen (“Danish Health Authority”).
Also see for relevant articles dismantling the “HPV” myth, this video from Dr. Sam Bailey, and Joan Shenton’s documentary Sacrificial Virgins: The Dangers of the HPV Vaccine.

Thank you to whoever created the relevant meme below. The referenced study is here, see page 3815 for the quoted passage.

If you’d like to support my efforts, there is a paypal button at the bottom of my main FOI page, and I’m set up for email transfers (which work within Canada).
Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (222 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 222 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “virus genomes”:
3000+ pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,