they failed Ruth’s FOI test
March 21, 2024 newsletter
Greetings and Best Wishes,
First, a flashback to 2020 when people who fancy themselves “health officials” were confronted in person with their own official “SARS-COV-2” confessions/failures:
The Disruption Corona Press Conference Denmark Sept 29th 2020…the missing virus [SARS-CoV-2]…
Kudos to Alex Holmsted and Kristofer Krarup 🙂

And a quick reminder that these same “officials” also confessed, through their institutions, to having no record of any “virus” that “authorities” recommend children be “vaccinated” against having been isolated/purified from a sick person, by anyone, anywhere, ever.
And now the new FOI:
Ruth Thorresen received 2 letters from Jesper Bonde who acts as Molecular Biologist, Senior Researcher in the Pathology Department of Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark.

Jesper offered Ruth a home test for “HPV”, which he insists exists and causes cervical cancer.
So, on June 26, 2023 Ruth wrote back to Jesper (pg 6) requesting under the Danish Act on Public Access to Public Administration full access to (emphasis is mine):
“all studies/reports in the custody of or administered by you, your hospital, other hospitals, universities, Statens Serum Institut [Danish sector research institute], the Danish Health Authority and/or any other entity worldwide that describe and scientifically prove the isolation and purification (via maceration, filtration and use of ultracentrifugation; commonly referred to as “isolation”) of “HPV” i.e. “Human Papillomavirus” directly from a sample taken from a sick patient, where the sample material has not first been mixed with other genetic material (such as monkey cells, cow serum, etc.)… and [all studies/reports that] scientifically prove that HPV causes cervical cancer.”
Ruth also requested citations for any such studies that are already publicly available.
She has kindly shared the resulting communications and provided English translations.
On June 27, 2023 Jesper responded (pg 8, emphasis is mine):
“If you have any doubts about the quality of the HPV home test or the examination method, you are always welcome to contact your GP for a regular cervical screening test.”
So if you’re skeptical or don’t believe that “HPV” even exists let alone causes cancer and are therefore filing an FOI to challenge an institution to provide proof, the solution is to opt for the regular “HPV” test? Hmm.
Jesper then implied that all studies listed on Pubmed adhere to the scientific method, and that the existence on Pubmed of studies mentioning X and “cause of” Y is valid scientific evidence that X causes Y… which is demonstrably false and quite a ridiculous suggestion.
“all the information you request is publicly available. On, a freely available scientific search engine, you get 3,137 scientific articles with the keywords [HPV AND cause of cancer] and 4,120 scientific articles on [HPV AND cancer]. The articles are published in the period 1983-2023.”
Next, Jesper provided 3 useless, distracting and irrelevant references:
“Below you will find three references to publicly available documents describing the screening and HPV and cancer
• The Danish Health Authority:— anbefalinger-maj-2018.ashx
• WHO/International agency on Cancer Research:
• In addition, the correlation between HPV infection and cancer resulted in the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine:”
The 1st is a pdf from the people at Sundhedsstyrelsen (“Danish Health Authority”) entitled “Screening for cervical cancer – recommendations”, which is not a scientific study/report. The 2nd is a W.H.O. webpage stating “This page cannot be found”. The3rd is a page about Nobel Prize winner Harald zur Hausen. Yawn.
Finally, Jesper confessed that he and the folks at Hvidovre Hospital (where he acts as Senior Researcher and Laboratory Manager in the Department of Pathology) would not provide or cite “all” (euphemism for “any”) records showing that “HPV” causes cervical cancer.
Jesper did not provide or cite ANY such studies – which of course he could and would have done if they had any to provide/cite.
And, Jesper completely sidestepped Ruth’s request for records of the imaginary “HPV” being found in and purified from the bodily fluid/tissue of a sick person, even though (or, because) this is a necessary step for demonstrating the existence of particles with the purported “HPV” “genome” and proteins – which would require sequencing and characterization of purified particles.
Jesper used the lame/irrelevant excuse that Ruth had requested studies that are in the custody of other institutions in addition to his own, which is an improper and disingenuous way to respond.
Quote (emphasis is mine):
“Access as described to “All studies and/or reports in the custody of or administered by you, your hospital, other hospitals, universities, Statens Serum Institut, the Danish Health Authority and/or any other entity worldwide that scientifically prove that HPV causes cervical cancer.” cannot be met as we as a hospital cannot grant access to documents on behalf of the institutions and agencies you mention, nor worldwide. Please contact the relevant institutions, agencies and organizations.”
Screenshot from Ruth’s English translation:

Ruth wrote back to Jesper on July 4, 2023 (pg 9), giving him a chance to redeem himself (emphasis is mine):
“I have received two letters signed by you, offering me a HPV home test and also containing several statements about HPV. You repeat one of them in your answer, that the HPV test is “a cancer prevention screening”.
… I have looked through countless scientific studies on pubmed and medical journals. No one does control experiments and no one isolates anything in the literal sense of the word, despite the technology allowing it. In other words, they don’t meet the criteria to be called science. If this is not scientifically proven, then the statements about cancer causes and preventive studies are consequently also unproven.
So I assume that you and your hospital have irrefutable evidence to claim that cervical cancer is caused by HPV, so you and your hospital can offer HPV home testing as a cancer prevention test to all women between 23 and 64 years old in Denmark.
…Is there any scientific evidence behind your statements and offers that meet the criteria I have set out in the freedom of information request?”
Jesper responded within 30 minutes with the following false statement (pg 10, emphasis is mine):
“As I wrote, document access request is not relevant as all requested information is publicly available.
As I read your request and your latest email, you are asking for a librarian service to find the information you are looking for, and with all due respect, I cannot provide that. I can suggest contacting the Royal Library, which manages the collection of scientific journals. The service I would like to provide, however, is to forward you a few of the, in my opinion, more central sources on the use of HPV analysis for cancer prevention. However, I’m not going to discuss methodology, validity or significance with you in this regard. Time does not permit this.
Basis for decision and review of evidence for the basis for decision can be found in the references already submitted, including thepopular science RECOMMENDATION from the Nobel Committee.”
Screenshot of Ruth’s translation:

Originals and translations of the communications:
As Ruth noted:
“Despite of it all, one can always have a good laugh going through their nonsense:
“In the rare cases where HPV infection is not detected in cervical cancer, studies have shown that this is most often due to the technical impossibility of detecting the virus in laboratory testing…“
from page 21 of the link here:—anbefalinger-maj-2018.ashx”
Stayed tuned for 2 more “HPV” freedom of information requests by Ruth and the responses from Sundhedsstyrelsen (“Danish Health Authority”) and Statens Serum Institut.
The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology — Kate Sugak
Kate was invited to give a presentation for the XXII Russian Scientific Conference with international participation called “Interdisciplinary studies on security and development problems: economic, social, technological instability: search for solutions.”
“The conference and its program will be posted on the website of Moscow’s Lomonosov State University (founded in 1755, it is the largest and most important university in Russia”.
Also available in Russia and Italian (see comment under the video).
Watch out for Kate’s upcoming Truth About Measles documentary.
A Farewell To Virology – Part 3 — film version of Dr Mark Bailey’s landmark essay, by Steve Falconer
The Common Cold Vacation —Mike Stone, viroLIEgy
No risk, nice reward.
Why our terrain is the key to health — Betsy
And has nothing whatsoever to do with pathogens or an ‘immune system’
The Dengue Drop Shot – Dr Sam Bailey
Lyme Disease is not Caused by a Microorganism — Amandha Dawn Vollmer
It’s not the tick’s fault either.
Tetanus – Lockjaw — Danni MØller
The true cause was never really proven but was published in the news
Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience
(Amit Sade has now provided me with his FOI documentation from the Israeli “Ministry of Health” and so the Ministry has now been added to the “SARS-COV-2” list, bringing the total to 221 institutions.)
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (221 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 221 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “virus genomes”:
3000+ pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Failed freedom of Information responses re contagion:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
p.s. The following people have been sent this information (many have blocked my email address… oh well, that’s on them, not me):