July 15, 2022
This afternoon Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Mark Bailey issued a challenge to the virus believers/promoters/logists of the world, in an attempt to quickly and collegially settle this issue of whether or not viruses actually exist.
Several others, including (myself and) some high profile health and science experts, i.e. Dr. Mike Yeadon, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Dr. Timothy Noakes, Dr. Sam Bailey, have also signed on in a show of support and encouragement to see this challenge through.

Essentially the challenge is for virologists to put their own methods to a simple test – a test that has the potential to disprove (but not prove) the theory behind their methodologies. A test that should be easy-peasy to pass if their methods are valid.
If they pass – great! We’ll support and require them to then move onto the rigorous, scientific steps that to date have not been carried out.
If for some reason they don’t pass:
then their claims about detecting “viruses” will be shown to be unfounded. All of the measures put in place as a result of these claims should be brought to an immediate halt.
Dr. Cowan and Dr. Bailey went into more detail in their live webinar, which was recorded and is shown below:
Discussing the Virus Challenge with Dr. Mark Bailey – live webinar from July 15, 2022
The full “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement can be viewed/downloaded here:
[and is backed up here:
If you would like to see this issue settled and to help bring an end to the division within the freedom movement, share the challenge!
Mike Stone, author of the wonderful ViroLIEgy blog, is another signatory to the challenge. His coverage of the challenge is below.
The No “Virus” Challenge — by Mike Stone