Would a sane person mix a patient sample (containing various sources of genetic material and never proven to contain any particular virus) with transfected monkey kidney cells, fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs, then claim that the resulting concoction is “SARS-COV-2 isolate” and ship it off internationally for use in critical research (including vaccine and test development)? Because that’s the sort of fraudulent monkey business that’s being passed of as “virus isolation” by research teams around the world. See the screenshot below, or click here for 1 example from Australia: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/australian-dept-of-health-has-no-record-of-covid-19-virus-isolation/.

A colleague in New Zealand and I (CM) have been submitting Freedom of Information requests to health/science institutions in various countries seeking records that describe the actual isolation of a “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) from any unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.
Our requests are deliberately worded to weed out fraudulent, irrational claims of “isolation” – of which there are many.
Our requests have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, or limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to any records describing “COVID-19 virus” isolation performed by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet.
Thus far (February 18, 2021) 17 Canadian institutions have provided their final responses.
Every institution has indicated the same: that they searched their records and located none describing the isolation of any “COVID-19 virus” directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka “Vero” cells and fetal bovine serum).
Numerous individuals have been submitting the same, and similar, requests to institutions in various countries.
As of February 18, 2021: Zero institutions have provided or cited any record describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation by anyone, anywhere, ever.
Check the following link regularly for new FOI responses and the latest compilation pfd containing all of them: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
(And yes, we are aware of the many publications wherein authors claim to have “isolated the virus”. We’ve looked at numerous such studies and have yet to see one where they actually did so. Claiming to have done something and actually doing it are sometimes 2 different things, even in peer-reviewed science. And yes we are aware of the many published alleged “SARS-COV-2 genomes” – these were in fact manufactured, not discovered. And yes we are aware that EM photos have been published, allegedly of “the virus”, however a photo of something does not tell you what the thing is, where it came from or what it does. One has to scrutinize the Methods used to “isolate the virus” / obtain said photos / obtain alleged genomes, and that is when absolutely everything falls apart with “COVID-19”.)
Regarding Health Canada specifically…
- the fact that a virus that has never been isolated has also never been sequenced or shown scientifically to be the cause of any illness;
- the fact that COVID-19 diagnostic “tests” (PCR “tests”) are sequence-based;
- the fact that the entire country has been under lock-down and Canadians have experienced a mind-boggling level of disruption and devastation over an alleged deadly “novel coronavirus”;
- having authorized 51 clinical trials for “COVID-19” drugs and vaccines as of July 19, 2020; and
- being the sole authorizing authority for “COVID-19” testing devices imported or sold in Canada, and having already authorized 26 “COVID-19” medical devices;
Health Canada has apparently seen no need to ensure that “the deadly virus” has actually been isolated from a patient sample by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet, and has no records indicating that it has been.
Virus isolation and other basic “COVID-19” science is simply an article of faith with Health Canada.
Below is a screenshot of the request I submitted to Health Canada via email (please note: I made a typo in the date when submitting my request… which I hear is fuelling rumours that all of these communications are actually “fake”, as if I have nothing better to do with my time than spend endless hours creating “fake” emails that I never actually sent, and “fake” response letters from government institutions on their “fake” letterhead – something I’m sure could get me into a lot of trouble if I actually did it.):

For the sake of transparency, below are all the emails back and forth between Health Canada and I.

When Health Canada finally provided their final response via email on June 24, 2020, sure enough “we were unable to locate any records…” (a partial screenshot is below; the full letter is provided further down the page).

At the next link below, you can view and/or download the pdf of Health Canada’s final full response.
Note: Barbara Haase of Access to Information and Privacy, Health Canada / Public Health Agency Canada / Government of Canada emailed me the final response letter – which is provided in full at the link below – as a pdf attachment on June 24.
Health Canada’s final response letter has no date in it and the file name “FinalResponse-A-2020-00208-2020-06-13” indicates June 13. (I added “Health Canada” to the file name for clarity.)
It’s been pointed out that 1) it’s strange for the letter to be undated (I agree, and it’s not the 1st time I’ve received bizarre communications from Health Canada), and that 2) June 13 was a Saturday.
I cannot account for how Health Canada chooses to name their files or tell you whether or not someone from Health Canada actually wrote this letter on a Saturday.
If you think this somehow makes me a “fraud”, well God bless you and have a nice life.
Final, full response pdf letter from Health Canada:
All of the communications with Health Canada are compiled in a pdf here:
So “What The Hell Is Going?
At this point you might be scratching your head and wondering what on Earth is going on. If so, the collection of presentations, articles and facts (not theories) on the page linked below will reveal the fraud and trickery that’s behind the fake pandemic known as “COVID-19”. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/what-the-hell-is-going-on/embed/#?secret=KpGDxq7bOv
If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at Christine.Massey@protonmail.com.
Connect with me (CM) on Twitter: