Posted December 7, 2020
[If you prefer to skip straight to the responses from PHAC, here is a compilation package including all of the pertinent emails and letters:]
The Senior Leadership at the Public Health Agency of Canada is comprised of:
Patty Hajdu – Minister of Health
Dr. Theresa Tam – Chief Public Health Officer
Iain Stewart – President (“from 2016 to 2020, he was President of the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada” – which also has no records of SARS-COV-2 isolation)

Further down this page you will see a screenshot of a Freedom of Information request that I submitted to the Public Health Agency of Canada almost 6 months ago, requesting evidence that is absolutely essential (but not on its own sufficient) for establishing the existence of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2”.
Without this step having been performed (followed by controlled experiments), there is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists.
Without this step having been performed and followed by the necessary controlled experiments, all claims of this alleged virus are nothing but wild, unscientific, fraud-based speculation backed only by fraudulent science, fraudulent tests and fraudulent diagnoses.
And naturally this entire procedure must have been performed not just once, but replicated.
A colleague in New Zealand and I have been collecting Freedom of Information responses from around the world (with assistance from a number of other request-submitters), and making them publicly available as evidence of the “COVID-19” fraud, conspiracy and terrorism that has been destroying lives and the economy world-wide this year, and used to usher in a vile globalist agenda that has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting or promoting public health.
Our wish is that all individuals responsible/complicit in this crime against humanity will be held accountable to the fullest extent lawfully possible.
Thus far, we have responses from roughly 40 institutions and offices around the world, yielding in total zero records describing the essential step of isolation aka purification.
All of these responses are publicly available here:
The Public Health Agency of Canada has been long overdue in responding to this Freedom of Information request that was very clearly stated (you can click on the image to make it larger):

Below is a request for clarification conveyed to me through a Senior ATIP Analyst via email on June 23, 2020, on behalf of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control branch of the Public Health Agency of Canada. It includes perhaps the most stunningly inane question one could possibly dream up in this situation, as well as a query re date range for the request.

Here is my response to Ms. Haase; note that I indicated “Jan. 1 2020 until the date of my request” for the requested date range:

A month ago the agency had given me a heads-up, via an analyst named Tammy Turpin-Loyer, that their response would be provided soon:

Due to the agency’s dubious suggestion that they actually have records describing legitimate isolation of “SARS-COV-2” (that no one else in the world seems to know about!), I reiterated that I am not interested in bogus “isolation” claims, and made clear that the Agency’s response would be made public:

Today I finally received the first official response letter from Curtis Mathews, Manager, Access to Information and Privacy Division, Public Health Agency of Canada.
The response was emailed to me as a pdf attachment by Ms. Turpin-Loyer, and it was strangely un-dated (just like Health Canada’s response to the same records request).
The first page of the response is shown below and the entire letter may be accessed here:

[Note that the letter indicates a date range for the requested records from January 1, 2020 until June 15, 2020. Technically this is correct (although arguably not in good faith), since my request was submitted on June 13, 2020. Had I dreamt that the Public Health Agency of Canada would take almost six months to respond to this very timely request for records that ought to have been at their fingertips I would have indicated “Jan. 1 2020 until the date of PHAC’s response” as the date range.]
Any who… the Public Health Agency of Canada’s response letter indicated that responsive records were enclosed. In fact, no additional attachments had been included in the email, however Ms. Turpin-Loyer had indicated that she would have to provide the response in 2 parts, and so I awaited an additional email.
In the meantime, I requested of Ms. Turpin-Loyer that the date be inserted into the letter, as shown in the email below. Also shown below are the emails that followed.

A short while later, Ms. Turpin-Loyer sent me the dated letter and 2 additional pdf attachments.
Below is a screenshot of page 1 of the dated letter. The entire letter may be accessed here:

Super, we are finally making progress.
Now for the allegedly responsive records, which contain a manuscript and emails between Staff at the Public Health Agency of Canada and Public Health Ontario (PHO/OAHPP) – another agency rife with scientific fraud.
[Note that FOI responses from Public Health Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of Health are long overdue:
Public Health Ontario (submitted July 16, 2020)
Ontario Ministry of Health (submitted May 14, 2020]
The allegedly “responsive” records from the Public Health Agency of Canada were provided in 2 pdf files consisting of 26 pages in total; they can be accessed at the following links:
By way of explaining the glaring problems with this response from the Public Health Agency of Canada – which indicate at best a stunning level of incompetence – I have pasted my email response to Ms. Turpin-Loyer (Dec 7, 2020 at 3:46 PM) below:
Hi Tammy,
Thank you for the dated letter, however there is still a problem with it. The letter states that responsive records are enclosed.
I’ve gone through both of the pdf attachments that contain the records and there is nothing in them that is responsive to my request.
The manuscript and emails discuss exactly what I stated in my request that I am not interested in: mixing patient samples (adulterating them) with genetic material, specifically monkey kidney (aka “Vero”) cells and fetal bovine serum (FBS); and PCR tests; the emails also mention sequencing.
There is no description anywhere of what I requested: separating a thing (the alleged “SARS-COV-2”) from everything else in a patient sample.
I don’t even see the word “isolate” (or “isolation”, or “purify” or “purification”) anywhere, except in the manuscript where it appears only in the context of isolating people, not a virus (the published version of the paper is searchable.) (And note the admission on page 1: “RT-PCR detects RNA, not infectious virus”).
All references here to “the virus” are absurd and fraudulent and based on wild, unscientific assumptions.
No one has looked for or found “the virus”. They simply assumed (based on PCR tests that are utterly incapable of determining the presence of an intact virus) that patient samples contained “the virus”; they then adulterated the samples with genetic material and toxic drugs, then irrationally blamed “the virus” for harm to the monkey kidney cells.
This is a typical example of what I call “fraudulent monkey business”, the only difference being that the manuscript and emails do not even make a fraudulent claim (that I can see) of having isolated (or “purified”) any virus.
[Also note that the samples were stored in “viral transport media” for 1-3 days before the PCR testing was even begun. The CDC’s SOP for such includes fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs. Thus in all likelihood, the samples in this study were contaminated with genetic material before any investigation even began.]
These records have nothing to do with isolation of a virus (as per the every day meaning that I indicated in my request); they are not responsive to my request.
Thank you for your efforts, but I require an accurate response from PHAC indicating that they have “no responsive records”.
Thanks and best wishes,
*** END OF EMAIL ***
Ms. Turpin-Loyer’s responses:

Update January 2, 2021: Subsequent to publishing this page I noticed that the response letter that I had been provided by PHAC had not been signed by Curtis Mathews, Manager, Access to Information and Privacy Division. Thus I emailed back and requested a signed copy, and was promptly provided one. Today I uploaded it here and low and behold the signature for some reason does not appear in my browser. Thus I have taken a screenshot of the signature, shown below:

Update February 2, 2021:
Today I received via email an updated (but unsigned and undated) response letter from the Public Health Agency of Canada where “someone” is clearly unhinged from reality, admitting that my “request has resulted in a “No Records Exist“” while insinuating that the problem is mine for not accepting an oxymoron (“isolation in culture”) + useless PCR tests + wild assumptions based on a wildly uncontrolled experiment as a substitute for actual “SARS-COV-2” isolation.
The entire pdf letter can be accessed here:
The so-called “gold standard” approach to “isolation” described by the Public Health Agency of Canada is the obviously-fraudulent, unscientific approach already discussed.
And recall that the so-called “responsive records” provided earlier by the Public Health Agency of Canada clearly (and correctly) state that “RT-PCR detects RNA, not infectious virus”. Yet the Agency now claims that a PCR test confirms that intact virus is present. Wow.
Below is my response sent via email on February 2, 2021:

Further emails are shown below.

Here is the most recent letter from PHAC (and reader has pointed out that PHAC’s dated letter indicated the wrong year: 2020 instead of 2021!):
Here is a compilation package including all of the pertinent emails and letters:
So “What The Hell Is Going?
At this point you might be scratching your head and wondering what on Earth is going on. If so, the collection of presentations, articles and facts (not theories) on the page linked below will reveal the fraud and trickery that’s behind the fake pandemic known as “COVID-19”.
If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at
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