FFP’s latest delegation to Peel Council
Posted February 9, 2018:
Yesterday FFP did a last-minute delegation to Peel Council, the video is below. It was very similar to the email sent to Council the previous evening (pasted below).
1:25 Our safe-water hero, Councillor John Sprovieri, and Councillor Elaine Moore fought to have the delegation added to the agenda.
46:55 Delegation began.
53:45 Councillor Sprovieri’s expressed dismay at the Region’s stalling, and his hope that the new Integrity Commissioner will address Council’s unethical behaviour.
57:50 Councillor Sprovieri blasted the now-replaced former Commissioner for not attending the meeting to answer questions about his report. “I’m glad he’s gone.”
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Feb. 7, 2018 email:
Dear Peel Council and Chair,
Tomorrow’s agenda includes a letter to you from Integrity Commissioner Swayze regarding his activities of the past year. According to his letter, the “second complaint was against all members of Council except Councillor Sprovieri and related to Council’s support of fluoridation of water. ”
As shown further below, my complaint was not simply about your support for adding carcinogenic, brain, tooth, bone, gut, endocrine, enzyme and mitochondria-damaging industrial waste fluoride acid to baby bottles.
It was also about:
- your illegally closed meeting of January 2016,
- you indefinitely suspending the fluoridation committee and then preventing the public from communicating on the topic of fluoridation by referring us to the indefinitely suspended committee,
- preventing the public from getting answers re your bizarre reference to non-existent so-called “provincial standards” for the addition of fluoride to drinking water,
- preventing the public from getting answers re the lowered F level (which for 4 months was not specified to the public),
- preventing the public from getting explanations re the fraudulent, grossly misleading and nonsensical dental fluorosis statistic published last year by incompetent and/or intentionally dishonest Peel Public Health Staff and Commissioner Nancy Polsinelli,
- preventing the public from getting answers re the Peel Public Health’s failure to monitor or report on dental fluorosis in a remotely meaningful fashion while falsely claiming they are carefully monitoring the situation,
- your failure to correct Brampton Guardian reporter Roger Belgrave’s false report claiming that the new F level was 0.5 ppm when it was actually 0.65 ppm,
- your disturbing consideration of a new policy that would allow the Regional Clerk to dismiss any complaint on the grounds that he/she considers it to be grounded in “conspiracy theory”.