Even 0.5ppm F would overdose infants

Even 0.5ppm F would overdose infants

Email of March 9, 2017


Dear Council,


As I showed you on Feb. 9th (slide 11):

Fluoride Poisoning of Formula Fed Babies
Units = mg of F / kg body weight / day

EPA’s Ref. Dose for Chronic Oral F Exposure, based on deleterious, objectionable dental fluorosis: 0.06

NRC 2006: effects on thyroid function at 0.05 – 0.13, and at 0.01-0.03 when iodine is inadequate

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Health Canada, 2010, Table B3 (which only reports one number per scenario, presumably a mean or median, rather than a minimum and maximum): formula-fed infants receive up to 0.12 when F concentration in water is 0.99ppm: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/healthy-living/guidelines-canadian-drinking-water-quality-guideline-technical-document-fluoride/page-4-guidelines-canadian-drinking-water-quality-guideline-technical-document-fluoride.html#tabb3

Even if you reduce F concentration in water to 0.5ppm, you will have only halved the contribution of F in Health Canada’s table that comes from the water. The contribution of F from the formula itself will still be the same. Hence, the total F intake for formula-fed infants will be more than half the numbers shown in table B3. Hence, some infants will still receive more than 0.06 mg of F / kg body weight / day.

Further, based on EPA-822-R-00-001: Infants consuming 0.8ppm F’d water receive up to 0.21 mg of F / kg body weight / day from the water alone (not including the formula contribution). Again, reduce the contribution of F from the water to correspond to 0.5ppm, and infants will still be overdosed from the water alone. See “slide 3” for F intakes from water, see “slide 4” to compare those intakes to the “no effect levels” for various adverse health effects (neurotoxicity, impaired thyroid function, etc): http://www.fluoridealert.org/wp-content/uploads/thiessen-2007.pdf

Further, F concentrations in Canadian formulas have been shown to be higher than those in U.S. formulas.

formula Canada vs US

Continue fluoridating our water, even at 0.5ppm, and you will know from official sources that you are still overdosing infants. And you already know that even un-fluoridated children are getting dental fluorosis.

Please do the right thing. Impose a moratorium immediately.

Best wishes,
Christine Massey