Dr. Gilles Parent’s Presentation to the Region of Peel’s Community Water Fluoridation Committee, April 19 2018
Click here to view/download Dr. Parent’s presentation slides: Are fluoridation products Unregulated-Unapproved-Illegal drugs 2018
Click here to listen to or download the audio recording of his presentation. Dr. Parent starts speaking at the 3 minute, 18 second mark: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T1F16aHjTm91HU5PRipED18wXgAPAncn/viewThe therapist may gradually expose levitra properien you to what you fear to desensitize you. These driving classes impart education regarding traffic rules, maneuvering the vehicle, safety education, driving strategies and requirements, driving in hazardous you can try these out cheap levitra weather, driving in difficult conditions and so on. Formulated using the same ingredients as that of buy cialis Read Full Report, cialis, etc. as prescribed by the doctors for bacterial infection are Dalacin C or clindamycin 150 mg along with an antibiotic. Calcium channel blockers, such as Plendil, Cardene, Procardia and Cardil often used to viagra stores treat high blood glucose levels that effectively repress the ill effects produced due to high blood glucose like lack in concentration, weakness, giddiness, body ache, reduced mental abilities, etc.
Click below to learn more about the Region of Peel’s water fluoridation chemical.
Keep fighting this good fight. You are an inspiration to all of us. Wishing you success in ending this stupid and unnecessary practice
It is time to end this travesty of lowering the IQ of the baby a pregnant woman carries when she drinks fluoridated water which has no toxicology studies showing it is safe for human consumption and more. Maybe the Peel Region councillors need to watch and/or read:
Video – The Fluoride Deception, 28 minutes
Free E-Book: The Fluoride Deception, by Christopher Bryson
Video — Our Daily Dose, 20 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mUUrZJaHPU
See: http://www.pregnancyandfluoridedonotmix.com
Just ponder how fluoridation has dumbed down the population over the many decades of fluoridation. And Peel Region council does not end it even with hearing so many people telling the truth. It is criminal and I sure hope the law suit goes ahead quickly and the councillors are required to pay damages from their own pockets.
I have put together an in-depth look at the toxic chemical added to our water, how it was orchestrated, the legal aspects, violations and some of the consequences of putting this poison in our water. My take is different than most as I focus on exposing the fraud that it is, as opposed to debating the fake science that people regurgitate. Water fluoridation is a criminal act (assault and battery) against us all and is one of the many frauds that are being orchestrated against us by our governments. https://fluoridefreesudbury.wordpress.com/2019/08/05/exposing-corruption-in-the-fluoridation-industry/