Christine Massey M.Sc.: christinem@fluoridefreepeel.ca
Mark: markc@fluoridefreepeel.ca
Note: this website has been set up as a resource for information on artificial water fluoridation, with a focus specifically on what is happening in Peel Region, Ontario.
For more comprehensive information on water fluoridation – a harmful and illegal uncontrolled medical experiment being forced on unsuspecting people – please visit Fluoride Action Network. http://fluoridealert.org/ (There are over 53,000 fluoride studies listed on PubMed alone!)
I would like to help. This is a serious issue. I’ve even had to spend over $400 just to get a flouride filter in my home. Is there a petition where I could sign other than emails to politicians which probably don’t get read anyway?
It’s actually your regional councillor that you need to contact 🙂
You can find out who that is, at this link:
And you can email all of Peel Council at this address:
You have Elaine Moore’s email address wrong on your website.
Thanks Kevin!
I have looked through this website and find an inconsistent message. Either it’s about fluoride or fluoridation, but not both. There is a difference and confusion exists when people use the word fluoride when they mean fluoridation. The act of fluoridating drinking water is the reprehensible crime being committed where it is practiced. The substance (HFSA), for doing this is a secondary and an irrelevant argument. Discussing anything else regarding fluoride(s) is also irrelevant. We are best understood when we all learn to sing the same tune. I suggest that you modify the composition of this website to better align yourselves and your message(s) with the thing that is unlawful, unethical, unnecessary, unproven, and unsafe, drinking water fluoridation.
Respectfully, for your consideration. PeterVC
Nice work love what you had to say
I want to get involved in eliminating harmful chemicals from our water and from our food.
If it’s in the water it will be also in most of our food!!!.
There are many chemicals in our food that are not labeled and harm our kids!!!
Let’s work together to end this practice!!
Thank you
Hi I’m from Edmonton with a mayor that yes yes to flouridization, end of discussion. He doesn’t return phone calls or emails on this subject and won’t look at any new info. He says they checked Health Canada’s website and that’s good enough for him.
So I am following this case with great interest and would be grateful if you keep me updated.
Thank you
Good luck
Hi Lyn,
Your Mayor has a big say, but not the only say.
Others within the coucil also have some power to change things.
Your best bet is to meet with your local councillor.
Ask for 1/2 hour. Spent 20 minutes of it showing the Ten Facts about Fluoride video.
It’s well done and the arguments are compelling.
Good luck!
Sounds like we are not getting anywhere mostly, and I see Crombie is corrupt 🙁
Thank you for continued efforts, please see this release if you have not, dated Mar 31, 2017, I’m sure they will want to ignore this too: Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal
And this a#*^#hole Delaney and his motion is very disconcerning. This is even more cut and dry than the stupid vaccine debate where they are forcing poison.
One of their main pathetic arguments, “well all families, rich and poor should have access to good fluoride water” blah blah. If Fluoride even did anything for teeth, it is not going to do it drinking water. If people really thought it was helpful, they can buy fluoride toothpaste, which is actually applied topically, AS A CHOICE, and everyone can afford toothpaste, so their argument is total crap. It pisses me off to no end I have to shower in this crap, and since being damaged by a Fluorine containing Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic the shower increases my Tinnitus and Neuropathy, not to mention the cumulative damage we all know it does
Christine I watched you on awarriorcalls tonight thanks for all you do. Are you aware that one of the people that Dr Lanka worked with was Dr Hamer and the woman who teaches Dr Hamer’s work (New German Medicine) lives in Ajax. Her name is Ilsadore Laker and she has info on what Dr Hamer;s view of a virus is on her blogs and website. She also did an interview about C 19 with Dr Lanka. She may be a good contact I do not know her website but can I
can find it for you if you are interested. I was in Peterbourgh last week fabulous fluoride water for lunch
Thank you, and no I didn’t know this. Please tell me you’re joking re the F water lol.
Hi Christine,
I am wondering if you happen to know anyone who has reached out to the company Abbott over their Panbio Covid 19 Ag rapid test. In the test booklet on page 7 under detection limit it states the test device was confirmed to detect 2.5 X 10 to the 1.8 TCID small print 50/ml of SARS- CoV-2 which was isolated from a COVID 19 confirmed patient in Korea.
Do you know of any isolations of the virus from Korea or anyone who has done an FOI of this info from Abbott. This test kit is utilized in Alberta and I believe you did an FOI to the Alberta government and they too do not have the isolation of the virus or said variants.
This is interesting as Alberta Health Service owns the Alberta Precision Laboratories which boasts enhanced testing for COVID 19. https://www.albertaprecisionlabs.ca/news/Page13919.aspx
Very curious about your thoughts on this. Thank you for all that you do!
Your open letter to Dr. Mercola is OUTSTANDING!!!
Bravo for speaking out so quickly and so forcefully. The only way I could ever cut him any slack is if it turns out his family members have been physically threatened (which I wouldn’t put past the cabal running this show). Failing any proof of that, his action is complicit with genocide, and he would need to stand trial under the new Nurenburg Code types of juried efforts which may soon emerge.
Recently came across one of your interviews with Ramola D Reports.I also have been telling people since the beginning of 2020, that there is no virus and all this is bogus. But no one believes me, even my entire family believes the virus exist, except my mom, she is on my side from the beginning.
I have one question.
Please let me know why some areas are masked with black boxes in the screen shots and pdfs’.
To redact personal information.