SEP 25, 2023 newsletter, also posted here.
Greetings and Best Wishes,
“Ontario Court of Justice” has a listing for MASSEY, CHRISTINE on “Docket Line” 33, Tuesday September 26, 2023, 9:00 am. (Email below from “Peterborough Court Services” says 9:30 am.)
That’s funny, because in the 20+ months since being handcuffed, etc. – thanks to the false police report made by unreasonable quackcine-promoter Thomas Piggott that’s been taken as gospel by most of the involved “public servants” despite the videos disproving his lies – I have never been served with any proceeding issued by that or any other court.
And I have never been served with any claim from a man or woman that I trespassed against them causing wrong or harm.
And I never gave an “undertaking” to any “peace officer”. And I’ve never contracted or consented to anything in this “matter”.
And, in the so-called “disclosure” that I accepted conditionally upon it containing a verified claim from a man or woman that I trespassed against them causing wrong or harm (which it doesn’t), and in all the records that court staff have been able to find, there are zero records bearing the words “Ontario Court of Justice”.
Meanwhile, there are several records bearing the name of what appears to be an imaginary court called “Ontario Court of the Justice”. Interesting!

Peterborough Court #3
Zoom –
Join Zoom Meeting by Audio – 855 703 8985
Meeting ID: 694 7219 0312
Passcode: 459301
I’ve sent a letter to the people acting as Clerk and Justice/Judge tomorrow, copied to “crown attorneys”.
I have never been served with any proceeding issued by any court, or contracted / agreed to / promised anything in this “matter”, and thus cannot “fail to appear”.
I feel that I am being harassed, intimidated, coerced via Paul’s email and the corresponding entry in the “docket” for today.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
Christine – an unincorporated woman