October 5, 2023 newsletter

Greetings and Best Wishes,
This is an update on my personal situation regarding false/fake/fraudulent “criminal charges” and what happened in court last week. It does not deal directly with fake-covid or any imaginary viruses or the contagion myth (although it does feature a lying POS “medical officer”, Thomas Piggott).
For anyone unfamiliar with the situation and curious, many details and video evidence re how it all got started back on January 19, 2022 can be found here.
Very briefly, Thomas Piggott who acts as “Medical Officer of Health” in Peterborough, Ontario lied to police about some colleagues and myself. The first officer who investigated saw that absolutely nothing unlawful had occurred and so she refused to lay any charges even when pressured by the “Chief” and an “Inspector”. Kudos to “the good cop” – Alicia McGriskin (here is an old article about her). Her police notes are posted here.
So the “case” was reassigned to some “bad cops”, including a man named Lee Schubert. Lee invented a scenario wherein there really were grounds for charges. A colleague and I were both “arrested” and “charged” with 2 “criminal counts”, kinda sorta, based on the invented scenario and false/fake/fraudulent paperwork featuring the name of an imaginary court (shown here). These were serious trespasses against my colleague Tyler Berry and I.
We were smeared by the lamestream media, even featured on the evening news the next day – despite video evidence proving we’d done nothing unlawful – and received lots of hate on social media.
One of the “charges” against each of us was withdrawn on June 23, 2022. The other “charge” against BERRY, TYLER was withdrawn months ago. Funny how the lamestream media never report these facts.
(Also funny is how they don’t report on the fact that staff at the courthouse cannot find even 1 document in this alleged “case” bearing the name of a real court, let alone stamped or sealed by a real court. Nor can “the crown” or police.)
Two weeks ago Paul Murray who acts/does business as “crown attorney” (prosecutor) sent me a casual email about a hearing on September 26th, implying that there was no need for me to attend. A set-up hoping to get me “arrested” again, perhaps?
I received no summons for this date (or for any prior court “appearance”, ever) but a normal practice in the Ontario Court of Justice is to issue a “warrant for arrest” if the man/woman associated with the name on the docket “fails to appear”. So I attended the hearing.
I attended via “zoom”. Timothy Breen was acting/doing business as “judge”.
Paul Murray, doing business as “the crown”, discussed the false/fake/fraudulent “harassment charge” on the record as though it were 100% legit.
He then “directed the court” to enter a “stay” as per Criminal Code s. 579(1), and to vacate the scheduled December 5, 2023 trial date and a “confirmation date” of October 18, 2023 (which I had never even heard of before, sheesh).

Apparently Doug Downey acting/doing business as “Attorney General of Ontario” had intervened because I’d sent him 3 registered letters since August 8, 2023. (I’d also sent a letter to Timothy Breen acting as “judge” the day before.)
Note that a “stay” is not the same thing as a withdrawal. It means they might (legally, not lawfully) try to resurrect the false/fake/fraudulent matter again later.
By “staying” the matter instead of “withdrawing” it, they avoid the risk of having all the fraud/lies, etc. exposed during a trial, they keep the fake/false/fraudulent “charge” and possibility of a trial hanging over my head, and they continue damaging my reputation.
At the same time, an interesting detail is that s. 579 (2) of the Criminal Code (which they operate under if/when it suits them) addresses the potential for a “recommencement of proceedings”. This section references a 1 year time limit for recommencement, and “the expiration of the time within which the proceedings could have been commenced, whichever is the earlier”.

Given that:
1) 20+ months have already passed since I was handcuffed, etc., and
2) anything more than 18 months is generally considered an unreasonable delay (counting from date of “charges” until end of arguments at a trial)…
it seems they have kinda/sorta effectively backed away from the false/fake “matter” altogether as though it never commenced, without coming out and admitting it in plain language. At least that is my take. No guarantees they wouldn’t try to recommence though, especially if I contact the lying POS “medical officer” Thomas Piggott.
Also, under the s. 579 (2) “stay”, the “undertaking”/agreement that I was supposedly under to not contact the liar Thomas (which was null and void all along because it didn’t have the necessary check marks to indicate said conditions were in effect, and I never signed it or agreed to it, and I never gave it to any peace officer) is now supposedly “vacated”.
(If I contact the liar, what do you think will happen?)
Any who, after Paul Murray doing business as “the crown” had completed his theatrical performance about the fake/false/fraudulent “charge” and the “stay” (how do you “stay” something that never really existed in the 1st place and isn’t even stamped/sealed by a real court?), Timothy Breen doing business as “judge” said “ok”. Timothy then asked if CHRISTINE MASSEY was on the call.
Here is roughly what I managed to say on the record before Timothy rudely interrupted and had me muted:
“My name is Christine, I am the woman handcuffed and told she was “charged” in this so-called matter, appearing specially under threat, duress, coercion, not agreeing to contract or joinder, not incorporated or agreeing to incorporate, not under any oath to the court/crown/state, speaking English not legalese.
I have never been served with any proceedings issued by any court, or with a claim of trespass from a man or woman claiming that I trespassed against them in any way, or a bill of particulars.
I never gave an “undertaking” to any so-called “peace officer”. I’ve never contracted, agreed to or promised to appear, nor am I under an oath to REGINA or the state/crown, and therefore cannot “fail to appear”.
I draw your attention to….”
Timothy Breen doing business as “judge” interrupted me here so that I couldn’t finish my sentence, which was going to conclude with: “…. the letter and emails that I sent to the court yesterday and today, and stand on that. The only lawful thing you can do is strike/dismiss/discharge/withdraw this alleged matter altogether, permanently.”
Timothy heard me speak and responded. Others on the zoom call also heard me. He rudely blathered about “the charge” having already been “stayed”.
I responded repeatedly: “There is no charge.”
Timothy had me muted and someone kicked me out of the zoom “court” altogether.
Interesting detail: someone somehow prevented my voice (and only my voice) from being heard on a recording of the zoom call, even before I was muted. My voice is severely scrambled and unintelligible on playback, while all other voices are just fine. (Hmm, does this mean that a transcript will not include my speech?)
The nonsense continued the following day. By morning, the website that lists court cases in Ontario had updated the entry for this “matter” such that the December 5, 2023 trial date that had supposedly been “vacated” was listed again as the “next appearance date”.
So I sent yet another registered letter to Doug Downey who does business as “Attorney General”. By October 1, 2023 the “next appearance date” had been changed back to “September 26, 2023” – reflecting the fact that there is no new date scheduled, but giving the false impression that there is a real “case” before the court.
Moving Forward
I want my name/reputation cleared altogether, with the fake “case” withdrawn permanently. This is especially true now that I need to find some paying work in order to keep a roof over my head. I should not have to try to convince people that I was handcuffed, “charged”, etc. based on lies, a fake “information in Form 2”, a fake warrant, etc.
The one good thing about experiencing this stupidity/lawlessness is that it forced me far outside my comfort zone and forced me to better speak up for myself.
I received zero help from lawyers and paralegals. I paid nothing in legal fees. I filed zero applications to the court. I simply spoke and wrote what was/is true, including the fact that I did not consider the alleged jurisdiction of the court even remotely legit.
I have stood my ground as a woman, not as a legal fiction or a subject of “His Majesty” or a child of “the state”.
Not because I expected the clowns who act as policy officers, “the crown”, “judge”, “justice”, “clerk” etc. to suddenly recognize me as a sovereign being who didn’t want or need their “services”. I did it because I believe in telling the truth, and that the truth is powerful. It doesn’t always yield immediate results, but it’s still worth telling in my books.
For truth, freedom and sanity,
Addendum, October 9, 2023
On October 5th I published this article (that you are reading now) and tweeted it to the woman, Diane Therrien, who was acting as “Mayor” in Peterborough at the time of the unlawful “arrests”, and to Peterborough Police.
The next day I checked the court case website again and found that the entry for the “case” had been removed altogether. This website is totally unreliable though (I’ve seen many inaccurate listings for this and other “cases” in the past) and there is a disclaimer saying that it might not be accurate or up-to-date. So I still require confirmation in writing that this fake “case” has been withdrawn permanently.