Including veterinary “viruses”
January 27, 2024 newsletter
Greetings and Best Wishes,
Before someone could sequence and characterize particles suspected of being a “virus”, and study them with valid scientific controlled experiments to find out if they actually fit the definition of a “virus”, it would be necessary to first find these purported particles where they supposedly thrive/replicate (in sick “hosts”) and purify them.
Many people are now catching onto the fact that these steps have never been carried out and resulted in the successfully demonstration of any purported “virus” in history.
Many institutions where supposed “experts” have fear-mongered over “viruses” and encouraged/coerced people to get tested, traced and/or “vaccinated” are now being put to the test.
The challenge for “the experts” at California Department of Public Health
May 28, 2023:
Robin filed a request under the Public Records Act to the “experts” at California Department of Public Health for:
“All studies and/or reports in the possession, custody or control of the California Department of Public Health describing the purification… of any “COVID-19 virus” (…including any alleged “variants”…) directly from a sample taken from a diseased human, where the patient sample was not first combined with any other source of genetic material”
and the same for:
“any and all “viruses” covered by the CDC recommended vaccine schedule, especially as it applies to children”
and for:
“any and all “viruses” covered by the CDC recommended veterinary vaccine schedule for live stock and companion animals”
Robin noted that she was seeking allsuch records held by the Department regardless of whether they were authored by someone working there or elsewhere, and that if such records were held and were already publicly available, she would like citations.
California Department of Public Health’s “expert” confession:
“CDPH has completed a diligent search and has determined that it is not in possession of records that are responsive to your request. This concludes CDPH’s response to your request, which will now be closed.”

Pdf of the confession:
FOIs Summary
Freedom of Information Responses reveal that health/science institutions around the world (220 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 (the alleged convid virus) isolation/purification, anywhere, ever:
Excel file listing 220 institutions:
FOI responses re other imaginary viruses (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.):
FOIs re secretive and unscientifically “mock infected” cells (aka invalid controls) and fabricated “virus genomes”:
3000 pages of “virus” FOIs (updated as of December 31, 2022) in 8 compilation pdfs, and my notarized declaration re the anti-scientific nature of virology:
Do health and science institutions have studies proving that bacteria CAUSE disease?
Because “they” (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don’t exist and virology isn’t a science.
For truth, freedom and sanity,