A colleague in New Zealand and I have been submitting Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to various institutions in Canada, NZ, Australia, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S., seeking any records that describe the isolation of a “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased human patient.
Our requests have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institutions, or limited to records authored by the respective institutions, rather they have been open to any records held by the institutions describing “COVID-19 virus” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, any time.
We are also collecting responses to FOI requests on the topic of “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification that were submitted by other people.
[Update October 25, 2023: 218 institutions in 40 countries have provided their responses thus far.] None have provided or cited any records authored by anyone anywhere ever, describing the isolation of a “SARS-COV-2 virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient. All of these FOIs responses can be accessed from this page:
My colleague in NZ was recently inspired to submit such a request to the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (“a joint venture between The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital“) in Melbourne, Australia after learning that the Doherty Institute claimed to have “isolated the virus” (and to be the first to have done so outside of China). (Note too the interesting admission about PCR tests and “other zoonotic coronaviruses” in the screenshot below.)

“Scientific American” publicized the Doherty Institute’s claim: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/australian-lab-first-to-grow-new-virus-outside-china/

A quote from Scientific American’s article: “Julian Druce, head of the Virus Identification Laboratory at the Doherty Institute… thinks the success was due to the lab’s combined expertise in diagnosing infections as well as isolating and growing viruses in culture.”
Another quote: “Catton says having samples of the virus will enable scientists to create tests that can detect specific immune cells—antibodies—that indicate whether a person has been infected with the new virus. Such tests are especially useful for people with mild or no symptoms.”
I invite you to explore the Doherty Institute’s website. It explains that the Institute combines “research, teaching, public health and reference laboratory services, diagnostic services and clinical care“, “is named in honour of Patron, Laureate Professor Peter Doherty, winner of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering how the immune system recognises virus-infected cells“, and conducts “discovery research; diagnosis, surveillance and investigation of infectious disease outbreaks; and the development of ways to prevent, treat and eliminate infectious diseases“.

Not surprisingly, the Doherty Institute’s website is loaded with “COVID-19” content. Doherty Institute solicits donations to Support COVID-19 Research and is heavily involved in Phase II trials of “SARS-COV-2” vaccine candidates. They even have a special website dedicated to their VAX4COVID venture that received start-up funding from taxpayers through the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services.

Am I the only one a little concerned with the wording below?

Now for the response that my colleague received from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. First I will show you the request that my colleague submitted, since the response letter does not quote the wording of the request. The wording is the same as we have used in all of our requests.

And now page 1 of the response. The full letter can be viewed/downloaded here:

“…your request relates to a process which is outside the scope of the usual operations of the Doherty Institute and therefore no documentation is available.”
More information re the Doherty Institute’s “isolation” claim is available here:
Australian Government Department of Health has no record of a “COVID-19 virus” isolated from any human on the planet
February 2022:
So-called scientists at Australia’s Doherty Institute confessed to Marvin Haberland (via Eugene Toh, acting as Information Regulation Officer, University of Melbourne) that they neglected to use adequate controls when “sequencing”/assembling their in silico “SARS-COV-2 genome”, and thus admitted that their result is anti-scientific:

Marvin vs Virology: COVID Taken To Court – with Dr. Sam Bailey
German engineer Marvin Haberland has worked out a way to get a public admission that SARS-CoV-2 has not been shown to exist. When Marvin broke “corona” legislation, the German authorities unwittingly took the bait. If they want to convict him, they will have to justify the fraudulent nature of virology in a public court. The virologists better come up with some decent excuses fast…

So “What The Hell Is Going?
At this point you might be scratching your head and wonder what on Earth is going on. If so, the collection of presentations, articles and facts (not theories) on the page linked below will reveal the fraud and trickery that’s behind the fake pandemic known as “COVID-19”.
Would you like to help?
If you would like to submit your own FOI request to another institution, or obtain an updated response from an institution that has already been FOI’d, here is a suggested template that may assist you:
Please share with me any responses that you receive!)
If you would like to receive email updates re new FOI responses, let me know at Christine.Massey@protonmail.com.
Connect with me (CM) on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisMasseyFOIs