Any proposed MASK BYLAW is fraud-based, unlawful

(Email sent July 7, 2020. I requested the City Clerk to add it to the agenda for the July 8 meeting of Council.)

Dear Brampton Council and Mayor,

Be advised:

The following relates to evidence that I brought to your attention in my June 30 2020 communication (, specifically that both Health Canada and the Region of Peel admitted in freedom of information responses to having no scientific evidence whatsoever that the alleged virus “SARS-COV-2” (purported to be the cause of “COVID-19”) has been isolated from any patient sample, ever, by anyone on the planet.

1. A theoretical virus apparently never isolated from a patient (despite false claims to the contrary published in peer-reviewed journals and press releases), let alone from many patients, has also never been sequenced and never proven to cause any illness whatsoever. 

2. Any “test” for a theoretical virus cannot be assessed for accuracy because there is no gold-standard (the virus itself) with which to compare the test.

3. The “COVID-19” diagnostic “tests” used in Ontario are sequence-reliant and appear to be purely fraud-based and completely unscientific.  (See Public Health Ontario’s Case Definition – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), attached.)

PHO confirmation based on 1 PCR test.jpg

(Note: the only “sequencing” of a so-called COVID-19 virus that has occured to my knowledge has in fact entailed the performance of many meaningless PCR “tests” on patient samples containing many possible sources of genetic material – cells, viruses, bacteria, exosomes…)

4. Reliance on polymerase chain reaction aka PCR “tests” (a DNA snippet manufacturing technology) is inappropriate for diagnostic testing at the best of times, as pointed out by its Nobel Prize winning inventor; to use PCR in connection with a never-isolated, never-sequenced purely theoretical virus is the height of illogic.

5. Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory (Version 8.5. June 6, 2020) by Canada’s David Crowe addresses the above issues and more, and is attached for you and for the public record and also available to the public online at

6. Any bylaw (like the City of Toronto’s “mandatory” mask by-law 541-2020) based on unscientific, misleading and/or inaccurate claims, declarations, recommendations, endorsements, advice or instructions is not lawful, ethical, needed or advisable

7.  Any sort of coercion of, or interference with, business owners and/or the public based on unscientific, misleading and/or inaccurate claims, declarations, recommendations, endorsements, advice or instructions is not lawful, ethical, needed or advisable. 

8. For those who prefer descriptions of “COVID-19” fraud in video format, I have found the following presentations from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD powerful antidotes to disease-causing “COVID-19” fear-mongering:

COVID test procedures

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Evidence that viruses cause disease

9. Reminder: Legendary Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati is addressing the trampling of the public’s rights and freedoms and the nation’s superior laws by the Canadian government (and others) during the covid-1984 scamdemic.


Residents are encouraged to Support the Legal Action:

10.  Below are excerpts from COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless by award-winning journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demete:

[I have omitted most of the excerpts here since the full article can be accessed at I’ve included 2 of the excerpts below because in the email I added notes re Public Health Ontario.]

…Furthermore, the “Drosten PCR test” uses the unspecific E-gene assay as preliminary assay, while the Institut Pasteur uses the same assay as confirmatory assay.

According to Corman et al., the E-gene assay is likely to detect all Asian viruses, while the other assays in both tests are supposed to be more specific for sequences labelled “SARS-CoV-2”.

Besides the questionable purpose of having either a preliminary or a confirmatory test that is likely to detect all Asian viruses, at the beginning of April the WHO changed the algorithm, recommending that from then on a test can be regarded as “positive” even if just the E-gene assay (which is likely to detect all Asian viruses!) gives a “positive” result.  [PUBLIC HEALTH ONTARIO USES AN E-GENE ASSAY FOR “CONFIRMATION”, see also the attached screenshot.]

This means that a confirmed unspecific test result is officially sold as specific.

…. Stephen A. Bustin, Professor of Molecular Medicine, a world-renowned expert on quantitative PCR and author of the book A-Z of Quantitative PCR which has been called “the bible of qPCR.”

In a recent podcast interview Bustin points out that “the use of such arbitrary Cq cut-offs is not ideal, because they may be either too low (eliminating valid results) or too high (increasing false “positive” results).”

And, according to him, a Cq of 20 to 30 should be aimed at, and there is concern regarding the reliability of the results for any Cq over 35. [PUBLIC HEALTH ONTARIO APPEARS TO USE A CUTOFF OF 37; see attached screenshot.]

Christine Massey, M.Sc.