Acting Director of Peel’s Water Division, Jeff Hennings, acts dumb when questioned about HFSA

Acting Director of Peel’s Water Division, Jeff Hennings, acts dumb when questioned about HFSA

[Jeff Hennings was pictured in a June 2016 Brampton Guardian article about fluoridation]

Email of March 9, 2017:
Dear Council,

I ran into Mr. Hennings in Tim Hortons after the delegations, and asked how HFSA can be no worse than calcium fluoride in our bodies, when HFSA would eat right through the floor but calcium fluoride can be safely held in the hand.

He smirked and kept insisting, “I don’t understand your question.  I don’t follow your point.  I don’t know what you are getting at,” then walked away.

And we are supposed to trust this man with the safety of our drinking water?

Later today I will be submitting yet another formal complaint against Dr. de Villa for once again repeating her insistence that residents are not exposed to HFSA even though for many months she has failed to supply valid evidence to support this claim, and has ignored all my queries on the topic.

Best wishes,
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Christine Massey
Fluoride Free Peel


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Learn more about HFSA here: