There is a toxin in our tap water and it’s being piped into our homes without our permission.
Our mission:
To reveal to the public and Region of Peel decision-makers the disturbing reality of artificial water fluoridation and put a stop to this egregious practice.
Who we are and a brief explanation of why we oppose the fluoridation of public water:
We are a truly grassroots group of concerned citizens who have been, for many years, calling for an end to the Region of Peel’s decades-long practice of adding industrial waste fluoride acid (or, any other form of fluoride) to our municipal drinking water. You can find our contact information here.
Our efforts have always been funded entirely through our own personal pocket-books. We do not seek or receive financial assistance from any outside sources, thus each of us remain beholden to no one and no-thing, other than our own conscience.
Fluoride is added to our water for the stated purpose of reducing cavities, without the informed consent of those receiving this ‘free dental care’, with no control over the total dose received by each individual, without regard to the individual health status of each individual, and without monitoring individuals for adverse reactions.
This is mass-medication (as stated in a 1957 Supreme Court ruling), and entirely different from the purpose of adding chlorine, and of water treatment in general. In fact, water fluoridation does the exact opposite of water treatment. Water treatment is meant to reduce the risk of water-borne disease, while water fluoridation, as you will learn, increases the risk of water-borne disease – it even harms the very body part that fluoride is alleged to protect – the teeth!
Chlorine is added to our water for the alleged purpose of killing microbes that are already in the water. It is not intended to act directly on our bodies; hence it is not a form of medication. With fluoride, on the other hand, tap water is intentionally used as a vehicle to deliver fluoride to our bodies in order for it to act directly on our bodies. This violates our inherent and lawful right to not be medicated/drugged without informed consent.
Worse, fluoride is not an essential nutrient but a regulated water contaminant! It is a known neurotoxin, endocrine disruptor, enzyme inhibitor and mitochondria poison. Judicial findings in 3 landmark court cases have recognized that water fluoridation causes cancer. Fluoride also damages teeth and bones.
The fact that calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral does not make fluoride or F ions safe for ingestion! Nor does the fact that fluoride is the 13th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, yet we hear this repeatedly from fluoridation promoters. Aluminum is the 3rd most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Clearly this is not justification for adding aluminum to public drinking water.

Harm caused by fluoride: severe dental fluorosis; Peel’s 2003 oral health report showed that 1% of Peel’s children had severe dental fluorosis. A 2007 study showed that 34% of Brampton’s fluoridated 7 year old school children have some degree of dental fluorosis. The Region’s 2017 oral health report contains a fraudulent, unscientific statistic that grossly under-states the current rate of dental fluorosis.
Fluoridation chemicals are man-made industrial acids containing additional regulated water contaminants that have no known safe level (EPA MCLG of zero), such as arsenic and lead.
We patently reject the claim that there is no harm caused by ingesting fluoridation chemicals (disassociated or not), even in small concentrations.
Even the pro-fluoridation health authorities concede that fluoridation harms teeth by causing dental fluorosis!
Everyone has the right to supplement their diets with neurotoxic, tooth-damaging fluoride if they so choose. However, nobody, including a governmental body, has the moral, lawful or ethical right to drug anyone without informed consent or to intentionally increase the levels of of various regulated water contaminants (fluoride, arsenic, lead, etc.).
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Most everyone would agree that the government and our neighbours have no business forcing us to treat a cancer diagnosis in any particular way. Likewise, they have no business forcing us to ingest and bathe in a toxic fluoridation chemical every day of our lives.
Under common law, and common sense, a medical procedure carried out on a person without that person’s consent is an assault (see R. v. Morgentaler, Collection Supreme Court Judgments, Date 1988-01-28).
Many suffer the effects of fluoridation without realizing the cause. Some who have discovered the cause buy expensive filtration systems, if they can afford it. Many can’t. Some purchase bottled water, however this is harmful to the environment and contains additional toxins leached from the plastic.
Many residents have no idea that their water is even fluoridated or that fluoridation contributes to ill health and harms the environment.
Fluoridation must be stopped as soon as possible to prevent further injury to innocent people, pets and ecosystems.
It’s time to stop this injustice. It’s time to stop this public heath disaster.
Please get involved. We’re in this together, and together we will end water fluoridation in Peel.
Explore our website to learn more.
Click here for resources and suggestions on how you can help.
Note: this website has been set up as a resource for information on artificial water fluoridation, with a focus specifically on what is happening here in Peel Region.
For more comprehensive information on water fluoridation – a harmful and unlawful uncontrolled medical experiment being forced on unsuspecting residents – please visit Fluoride Action Network. (There are over 53,000 fluoride studies listed on PubMed alone!)
For more information specific to Canada, please visit Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation