Clown court update

October 5, 2023 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, This is an update on my personal situation regarding false/fake/fraudulent “criminal charges” and what happened in court last week. It does not deal directly with fake-covid or any imaginary viruses or the contagion myth (although it does feature a lying POS “medical officer”, Thomas Piggott). For anyone unfamiliar … [Read more…]

CDC “germ” FOIA fails: “dengue virus”, bacteria causing Lyme or psittacosis, Acinetobacter baumannii being deadly – no records!

October 14/16, 2023 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, The online version of this newsletter is here.   The CDC has no scientific evidence of Chlamydia psittaci causing psittacosis August 2, 2023:CDC confessed they have no scientific studies that used purified Chlamydia psittaci cultures and demonstrated causation of psittacosis through a natural exposure route. The CDC has no scientific … [Read more…]

“virus” FOIs – Canadian Food Inspection Agency, David Martin, PH Wales, Cardiff & Vale – no records, no science!

June 6, 2023 Greetings and Best Wishes, April 11, 2023:3+ years later and still the folks at Public Health Wales failed to provide or cite for Tim any record of anyone on Earth finding and purifying the imaginary “SARS-COV-2” from any bodily fluid/tissue/excrement, ever: Health Wales’ earlier confessions/failures can be found here.)  May 2023:Some anonymous man/woman, or perhaps AI program, … [Read more…]

Open Letter to Denis Rancourt: Have you lost your mind?

June 8, 2023 Denis, Re your new interview with the euphemistically-named “Canadians for Truth”: You admitted that no-virus arguments are well founded. But you said that you don’t agree when we supposedly say “you haven’t done this, therefore viruses don’t exist” – misrepresenting our actual argument, which is that the onus is on the yes-virus people to prove their claims … [Read more…]

“virus” FOIs – CDC, UK APHA, Derrick Broze, Steve Kirsch, Greg Hunt MP – no records!

June 27, 2023 Greetings and Best Wishes, The online version of this newsletter, with images, is here: November 17, 2021:The man Greg Hunt at Australia, who calls himself “The Hon Greg Hunt MP Minister for Health and Aged Care“, confessed he has no record of anyone on Earth “isolating COVID-19” (sic), and referenced the ludicrous fake-isolation … [Read more…]

A Canadian virologist put no-virus FOI response from McMaster University on “the public record”

and some details about the “National Citizens’ Inquiry” (sp?) A National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) into fake-covid was launched by a “former” well-known politician and recently conducted at Canada. This inquiry was said to be “completely independent from government” and in fact “Independence” is listed as one of the NCI’s Guiding Principals. The idea is that independence from “government” would … [Read more…]

A response to Robin Monotti’s “NOTICE” to no-virus “theorists”

No-virus is not a theory, it’s refutation of virus “theory”. Greetings and Best Wishes, The online version of this email is posted here. It is my response to a public “Notice” issued by a filmmaker named Robin Monotti. Greetings Robin, You’ve tweeted a “Notice” to no-virus “theorists”.  I’ve quoted most of your “Notice” in brackets and italics below, and give my … [Read more…]

Stefano Scoglio resources (English)

Written Jan 31, 2021 by Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Stefano Scoglio, Torsten Engelbrecht, and Konstantin Demeter: THE INVENTED PANDEMIC, the lack of VIRUS ISOLATION and the INVALID COVID-19 test — by Nobel Prize nominee (Medicine) Dr. Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc, Ph.D.English text: Videos March 2021: Debunking Virology with Nobel Prize nominee (Medicine) Dr. Stefan Scoglio and Dr. Tom … [Read more…]