“germ” FOIs – New Zealand institutions, Cheshire West and Chester Council, UK – no records!

First published elsewhere AUG 18, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, November 18, 2021:The unidentified people working on the Disclosures Team, Customer Relations and Information, Cheshire West and Chester Council, UK confessed to our dedicated FOI-filer in England that they have no record describing any alleged “Zika virus, HIV, Ebolavirus, Polio virus, MERS virus, Measles virus, HPV, Influenza virus or … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – Euro CDC, ANSM France, UBC, Patrick Wood, John Abeles, PH Ontario, Diane Therrien – no records!

First published elsewhere August 26, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, February 15, 2022:John Kennedy, acting as City Clerk and FOI Officer for the City of Peterborough (Ontario) confessed that no one at the city (including classy Diane “STF home” Therrien who acts as mayor) has any record whatsoever describing any alleged “SARSCOV-2” being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – Taiwan, CDC, Toronto, Grey-Bruce, NZ ESR, U Canterbury, Lambeth – no records!

First published elsewhere September 11, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, November 10, 2021:London Borough of Lambeth confirmed for our dedicate requester in England that they have no record of any zika, HIV, ebola, polio, MERS, measles, HPV, influenza, SARS-COV-1, or any alleged “virus” addressed by any “vaccine” on the childhood or adult “immunization” schedule having been found in and … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – CDC, UNC Chapel Hill, NZ MBIE, Health Canada, PHAC, Maine CDC, Peterborough – no records!

First published elsewhere September 26, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, August 9, 2022:Larry Stinson acting as Director of Operations at the “non-profit” Peterborough Public Health (PPH) has declared war on transparency and accountability and reached a new low  in the wacky world of “virus” FOIs.  Larry now labels anyone asking for evidence of any alleged “virus” as “frivolous and/or … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – World Council for Health, Gavin Newsom, CDC, Aust DOH, NZ Min Health, Ireland’s NVRL – no records!

First published elsewhere November 6, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, September 2021:The “Australian Government Department of Health” admitted once again to having no record of the alleged SARS-COV-2 found in and purified from any sick patient, by anyone anywhere ever:https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Australian-DOH-2022-PACKAGE-redacted.pdfSome past responses:https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/australian-dept-of-health-has-no-record-of-covid-19-virus-isolation/ July/August 2022:Michael S. filed a FOI with NZ Ministry of Health for records showing scientific evidence that bacteria demineralize tooth … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – Igor Chudov, German, Belgian, Dutch “scientists”, CDC, Simcoe Muskoka – no records, no controls!

First published elsewhere December 10, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, June/July 2022:Marcus Panning, Virologist of Freiburg, Germany confessed to another researcher that he finds to idea of implementing negative controls (when making-up a so-called “SARS-COV-2 genome”) “odd”, and thus he didn’t bother to.Thank you to our “Control Experiment” friends on Telegram, for passing this on to us: https://t.me/control_experiment/308?singleBack up … [Read more…]

Why is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. running from the missing virus problem?

by Eric F. Coppolino First published elsewhere on JAN 25, 2023 Greetings and best wishes, Eric Coppolino asks a very good question. I suspect it’s answered in RFK Jr.’s private correspondence, which is included in Eric’s article.https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/why-is-robert-f-kennedy-jr-running Related, also from Eric:Made for Hulu: Open Letter to Jay Couey about the Early Origins of the Covid … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – UK HSA, Bigtree/ICAN, RFK Jr/CHD, WHO, CDC, Ayesha Verrall – no records!

first published elsewhere, February 1, 2023 Greetings and Best Wishes, October 18, 2022:My colleague Michael S. required Ayesha Verrall, who plays “Associate Minister of Health” in New Zealand, to provide her scientific proof of the existence of “SARS-COV-2“.  Instead, Ayesha sent him links to the strictly in silico transcript called MN908947 that corresponds to nothing in the physical realm … [Read more…]