“germ” FOIs – NIAID, NZ ESR & Otago, NY State, Muskoka, Wiltshire – no records! — July 6, 2022

Greetings and Best Wishes, November 1, 2021:Wiltshire Council, UK confessed to our dedicated FOI-filer in England that they have no record describing any alleged “SARS-COV-2” (or “variant”) being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified… by anyone, anywhere, ever… in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied with controlled experiments … [Read more…]

SARS-COV-2 & Marburg FOIs: PH Canada & Scotland, U of Otago, OPP, ON Solicitor General, Calgary Police – no records! — October 28, 2021

First published elsewhere JUL 7, 2022 Greetings and best wishes,  September 10, 2021: Public Health Scotland confirmed once again, this time for Richard Anthony, that they have no purified sample of the alleged “COVID-19 virus/variants” and know of no one in Scotland who does, and they equated isolation/purification with meaningless, unscientific monkey cell culturing:https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Scotland-PH-FOI-2021-000848-2.pdf October 22, … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs & LIVE ANNOUNCEMENT TODAY re “the virus challenge”

First posted elsewhere JUL 15, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, First an Announcement:Today, July 15 at 4 PM EST Dr. Mark Bailey will join Dr. Tom Cowan LIVE to discuss “the virus challenge”.Watch live here on youtube and the recording will be posted on all social platforms following the event. FOIS June 17, 2022:A man or woman working on the “OIA Services Team”, Ministry of … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – Deluxe Special Edition!!

First published elsewhere July 27, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, Today at 4pm EST (less than 2 hours from now) LIVE, Dr. Tom Cowan and guests Dr. Andrew Kaufman, scientist Mike Donio and Mike Stone (viroLIEgy) will be talking about the Virus Challenge and some of the reactions we’ve received to it:http://theviruschallenge.com/ If you don’t know what … [Read more…]

Response to Jeff Green’s “Challenge”

First published elsewhere JUL 31, 2022 Some of my colleagues and I had some back and forth with Jeff Green recently, in the comments under one of his blogs (a hit piece on Mike Stone of the incredible ViroLIEgy website). Jeff has now challenged my colleagues and I to answer some “basic questions”. Here is Jeff’s first “challenging” question: This question is nonsensical. … [Read more…]

“germ” FOIs – W.H.O., Australia’s DOHAC, Somerset UK, NZ ESR, Waikato, Otago no records!

First published elsewhere August 4, 2022 Greetings and Best Wishes, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, acting as Director-General of the World Health Organization has failed to provide/cite any record that describes any alleged “SARS-COV-2” being found in the bodily fluid/tissue of anyone on Earth and purified, by anyone, anywhere, ever in order for “it” to be sequenced, characterized and studied … [Read more…]