“virus” FOI confessions/failures from Denmark

June, September, 2020: The folks at Statens Serum Institut, Denmark confessed to Alex Holmsted that they have no documentation to convince them of the existence of the alleged “SAR-COV-2” (translation): “The Statens Serum Institut can state that we have now carried out a journal search for documentation that has convinced the Statens Serum Institut about … [Read more…]

CDC admits: no scientific evidence of cowpox or Alaskapox “virus”… or contagion of symptoms

March 1, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, Inspired by some recent “Alaskapox virus” fear-mongering from “public health experts” and the lamestream media… … on February 12, 2024, I decided to file yet another FOIA request to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to verify whether or not they … [Read more…]

1.5 million € prize for proof of a coronavirus! An update from Germany

PhD takes bizarre approach to claiming a prize February 18, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, Below is a recent account by investigative journalist Torsten Engelbrecht of an ongoing “coronavirus” dispute in Germany involving entrepreneur Samuel Eckert’s long-standing offer of a 1.5 million Euro reward for any: “virologist who presents scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including documented … [Read more…]

CDC FOIA confession: no scientific evidence of any encephalitis “virus”

February 13, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, The FOIA below was inspired by Donald J Netolitzky, a former “virus” researcher who currently acts as Alberta Court of King’s Bench lawyer, yet proudly admits that he is “not really interested in law, legal theory, etc.” Donald regularly churns out wildly biased hit-pieces about people who don’t bow … [Read more…]

CDC has no evidence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus or any alleged Bunyavirus

Just impossible-to-validate test results February 1, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, “Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus” is an alleged “tick-borne virus”. In July, 2023 some fear-mongering was being spread through baseless media reports, like the one below from www.independent.co.uk: “Deadly tickborne virus that’s spreading in Europe ‘likely to reach UK’Climate change is causing infectious ticks to move north in … [Read more…]

Freedom of Information responses re contagion

(Be sure to check out the 1919 Spanish flu study by Roseau. Some excerpts are provided at the bottom of this page) CDC can’t find any studies demonstrating contagion of colds/flu/fake-covid… because they don’t exist Latest in long string of CDC “germ” FOI failures November 25, 2023 newsletter:https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/cdc-cant-find-any-studies-demonstrating-contagion-of-colds-flu-fake-covid-because-they-dont-exist/ CDC has no scientific evidence that pox … [Read more…]

Calif. Dept of PH confession: no record of ANY “vax” schedule “virus” or “SARS-COV-2” on Earth being found, purified from “host”

Including veterinary “viruses” January 27, 2024 newsletter Greetings and Best Wishes, Before someone could sequence and characterize particles suspected of being a “virus”, and study them with valid scientific controlled experiments to find out if they actually fit the definition of a “virus”, it would be necessary to first find these purported particles where they … [Read more…]