Emails with Jeremy Hammond, Oct 25 – Nov 14 2020

Christine Massey <> Sun, Oct 25, 10:07 AM to jeremy, Chris Dear Jeremy, I am very disappointed in this article from you.Yes, the July version of the CDC document is a revision – that’s no secret.  The whole purpose of revising a document is to bring it up to date, correct errors, etc.  It is … [Read more…]

Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever

Posted December 7, 2020 [If you prefer to skip straight to the responses from PHAC, here is a compilation package including all of the pertinent emails and letters:] The Senior Leadership at the Public Health Agency of Canada is comprised of:Patty Hajdu – Minister of Health Dr. Theresa Tam – Chief Public Health OfficerIain Stewart … [Read more…]

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (223 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever

Video Introduction:Official Evidence that Virology is Pseudoscience – Christine Massey June 10 2023: version: [Go here for FOIs on other imaginary “viruses”, here for FOIs on “virus” control experiments, here for FOIs on whether bacteria have been shown to CAUSE disease, here for FOIs on contagion, and here for info about the 1.5 million … [Read more…]

“So What The Hell Is Going On”?

(Here is a tiny URL for this page: If you’re on this page it’s likely because you’ve learned, or are in the process of learning, that the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” and other alleged “viruses” have never been isolated/purified – as evidenced by the Methods sections in the published studies wherein authors claimed … [Read more…]

12 follow up q and a

The contents of Dr. Corbett’s May 2020 follow-up queries to Public Health England are available here: Public Health England’s responses to those 12 questions are available here: Summary April 2020 emails – ‘SARS-CoV2’ Antibody Tests: Public Health England were trying to assess the performance of lateral flow immunoassays [LFIA/ELISA] – see the paper … [Read more…]

Unanswered questions re Brampton’s alleged mask bylaw

Posted August 17, 2020 Ontario’s Municipal Act states: Seal 249 (1) Every by-law of a municipality, (a)  shall be under the seal of the corporation; and (b)  shall be signed by the clerk and by the head of council or presiding officer at the meeting at which the by-law was passed.  2001, c. 25, s. 249 (1). Regarding … [Read more…]

Any proposed MASK BYLAW is fraud-based, unlawful

(Email sent July 7, 2020. I requested the City Clerk to add it to the agenda for the July 8 meeting of Council.) Dear Brampton Council and Mayor, Be advised: The following relates to evidence that I brought to your attention in my June 30 2020 communication (, specifically that both Health Canada and the … [Read more…]

Tooth decay rates did not increase faster after fluoridation stopped in Calgary

Tooth decay rates did not increase faster after fluoridation stopped in Calgary   Ending Fluoridation Had No Effect on Cavities by Attorney Michael Connett:–fluoride-facts.pdf and… Posted October 11, 2017 [The following information was emailed today to Peel Council / CWFC Members, Peel Medical Officer Dr. Jessica Hopkins, Peel Health Commissioner Nancy Polsinelli, the region’s … [Read more…]

Updated HFSA MSDS provides Warning for Children

Updated Fluoridation Chemical Material Safety Data Sheet Provides Warning for Children order generic viagra Sometimes getting married or moving together in as a couple make stress related to sexual activity. You can cialis generic 10mg to get over with ED. * AntihistaminesThere are many people who suffer from allergies but some common drugs such … [Read more…]

March 2015 peer-reviewed article finds no cost benefit to fluoridation

March 2015 peer-reviewed article finds no cost benefit to fluoridation A critique of recent economic evaluations of community water fluoridation published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health “BACKGROUND: Although community water fluoridation (CWF) results in a range of potential contaminant exposures, little attention has been given to many of the possible impacts. … [Read more…]