Response to Dr. Lynn Flynn re proof of SARS-COV-2

Posted March 1, 2022 Below is an email that I sent on Mon, Feb 28, 3:32 PM, to Dr. Lynn Flynn and others who are on the email list of Doctors for Covid Ethics Response to Lynn Flynn, MD, re the sources she cited yesterday on zoom as proof of “the virus”: Lynn said: “See … [Read more…]

Open Letter to Peterborough’s Sylvia Sutherland re her blatant hit piece

Emailed and Posted February 3, 2022(If you know of another email address for Sylvia please forward it to me.) Hi Sylvia, I don’t know if you’re wildly incompetent and ignorant, or intentionally malicious, but you certainly managed to misrepresent myself and other members of this community in your “A Warm Welcome to Peterborough, Dr. Piggottt” hit … [Read more…]

Peterborough Medical Officer served Notice, LIES to police re fake assault attempt… Police arrest an innocent man and woman

Posted January 20, 2022  Thomas Piggott is the man who works as “Medical Officer of Health” at the so-called “charity” “Peterborough Public Health”. Peterborough Police have aided security thugs, who in turn have repeatedly obstructed justice by preventing people from accessing the publicly-funded office of “Peterborough Public Health” and our so-called public servants like Thomas, … [Read more…]

Open Letter to Dr. Mercola January 17, 2022

Published January 17, 2022 Hi Dr. Mercola, You’ve published an blog titled “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus“. One of the sources you relied most heavily on for this claim is a recent blog by Steve Kirsch, which is really interesting because in that blog Steve admitted right off the top that he actually has no idea … [Read more…]

Communications with Peter McCullough and other freedom advocates

Earth to Dr. McCullough – November 15, 2021: As a result of some rather snarky public statements made by Dr. Peter McCullough (@38:20 here) insisting that: “the virus” has been isolated and sequenced, people saying otherwise are asking a “trick question”, and PCR tests are “legit”… …I asked Dr. McCullough, via an email list that we were … [Read more…]

“Security” thugs obstructing justice at Peterborough Public Health Jan 5, 2022

January 5, 2022 “These “security” “men” (I use the term loosely) prevented me from accessing a publicly funded office – Peterborough Public Health – and thus prevented me from serving an Emergency Communication (Statement of “COVID-19” Facts proving that the alleged “COVID-19 virus” aka “SARS-COV-2” has never been shown to exist and “COVID-19 is a … [Read more…]

Response to Peter Smith, “Canadian Anti-Hate Network”, re “virus” isolation

Posted December 3, 2021, by Christine Massey Peter Smith, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is identified as the author of an article containing false and misleading statements regarding both “COVID-19” and 2 gentlemen who I happen to have a great deal of respect for. The gentlemen in question are quite capable of speaking for and defending themselves, … [Read more…]