Unanswered questions re Brampton’s alleged mask bylaw

Posted August 17, 2020

Ontario’s Municipal Act states:


249 (1) Every by-law of a municipality,

(a)  shall be under the seal of the corporation; and

(b)  shall be signed by the clerk and by the head of council or presiding officer at the meeting at which the by-law was passed.  2001, c. 25, s. 249 (1).

Regarding Brampton’s so-called “mask by-law” that was originally posted by the City at this link (which I fortunately downloaded and preserved here), and the document that is currently posted at that link:

Neither of these documents is a signed or sealed by-law. 
Neither of these documents appear in the City’s by-laws archive.

I have been questioning Brampton’s disgraced (see further below) Mayor Patrick Brown, Council, the City Clerk and Enforcement Staff about the city’s so-called mask by-law since it was first made publicly available. Dead silence ensued for the following month.

An email dated August 13, 2020 from Peter Bryson Supervisor, By-Law Enforcement Enforcement & By-Law Services has now heightened, rather than alleviated, my concerns. Important questions remain:

Does Brampton have a signed, sealed mask by-law?

If not, is it lawful to enforce an unsigned, unsealed mask by-law?

Is “By-law 146-2020” (alleged in the later “mask by-law” document to amend the original alleged mask by-law) signed or sealed?

If the alleged by-laws are signed, sealed and lawfully enforceable, why do they not appear in the City’s by-laws archive?

If there is no lawfully enforceable mask by-law, why are the Mayor, Council and Staff participating in fraud by pretending that there is?

Where is the original signed, sealed version of Brampton COVID-19 Emergency Measures By-law MO 1-2020?

Where are the signed, sealed By-laws 112-2020 and 145-2020, alleged to amend the original Brampton COVID-19 Emergency Measures By-law MO 1-2020?

Where are the Mayor’s Orders 2-2020and 3-2020, alleged to amend the original Brampton COVID-19 Emergency Measures By-law MO 1-2020?

Where are the 100+ “missing by-laws” voted on by Council since the last by-law, 026-2020, that is listed in the City’s by-laws archive? [update Aug. 25, 2020: there are now 36 2020 by-laws in the archive, still 100+ missing]

And, in case you missed it, be sure to check out the outstanding investigative journalism by Rebel News:
Caught Lying: Brampton Ontario Mayor Patrick Brown Breaks His Own Pandemic Rules

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