CADTH report refuted by scientists, researchers, physicians, toxicologists, dentists working with Safe Water Calgary

CADTH report refuted by scientists, researchers, physicians, toxicologists, dentists working with Safe Water Calgary

July 23, 2019:  SWC refutes CADTH report

On on July 17th, Safe Water Calgary submitted a Statement in Opposition to Water Fluoridation prepared by scientists, researchers, physicians, toxicologists and dentists from across North American, Australia, Ireland and the UK, to the City of Calgary and the O’Brien Institute of Public Health.

The statement is a science-based refutation of a massive but deeply flawed 2019 “Health Technology Assessment” (review) of water fluoridation from a disturbingly secretive, unaccountable and biased (pro-fluoridation) non-governmental organization called Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) that astonishingly refuses to identify the authors of its water fluoridation reports.

Representatives of Safe Water Calgary were scheduled to delegate to the City of Calgary’s Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services Hearing on Water Fluoridation, along with dozens of concerned citizens and experts on July 24th, to present the serious concerns and scientific evidence outlined in their report.

The meeting had initially been scheduled in order for Dr. William Ghali, Scientific Director of the O’Brien Institute for Public Health (at University of Calgary), to present the Institute’s summary of water fluoridation literature, which was to be based mainly on the biased CADTH review.  However, after months of preparation,  and only 2 days before the pending and potentially explosive meeting, Council voted to postpone the meeting until later this year, on the premise that Council is too busy dealing with budget cuts to properly consider the fluoridation evidence at this time.

The motion to postpone was introduced by the same Councillor that initially proposed that the O’Brien Institute perform a review of the existing evidence and report back to Council.  Safe water advocates, including those at Safe Water Calgary, speculate and are concerned that the meeting was actually postponed in order to allow the pro-fluoridation lobbyists to regroup, knowing that they were about to be scientifically and ethically “out-gunned” on July 24th.  Their concern is heightened by the fact that an agenda submission from Canada’s top fluoride expert and dental researcher, harshly critiquing the O’Brien Institute’s report, was omitted (censored?) from the agenda without explanation.

The pro-fluoridation side likely went into a state of shock and panic upon reading Safe Water Calgary’s submission, published in the meeting agenda, and upon finding that even the O’Brien Institute could no longer deny the strength of evidence in the growing body of fluoride/cognition studies (see pages 19 – 21).

Safe Water Calgary‘s Statement in Opposition to Water Fluoridation can be viewed below, or downloaded by clicking here.