Windsor Area Medical Officer & Tecumseh Mayor EXPOSED: no responsive fluoride/pregnancy studies

Windsor Area Medical Officer & Tecumseh Mayor EXPOSED:

FOI responses reveal they have “no responsive studies” indicating fluoride exposure is safe during pregnancy with respect to IQ or ADHD symptoms


Tecumseh, Ontario Mayor Gary McNamara and Dr. Wajid Ahmed, Medical Officer of Health at the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, made some very bold claims regarding the safety of community water fluoridation in an article by Dave Battagello published April 11, 2019 in the Windsor Star.

See: Fluoride to return to Windsor-area tap water after Tecumseh vote

“As a persons of science, we stay up to date on all research and areas we
work with,” Ahmed said. “We look at the results and based our
recommendations on that. One research paper does not negate
longstanding research that dates back 73 years that shows fluoride is
safe.”  –Dr. Wajid Ahmed

“A lot of it was repetitive, but I must say I’m proud how council did their
homework on this and based their decision on good science…. The reality
is the science is solid and peer-reviewed.”  — Tecumseh, Ontario Mayor Gary McNamara

Yet both the Mayor and Medical Officer had already been provided recent studies strongly indicating that fluoride can cause harm to babies in the womb at exposure levels experienced by mothers-to-be in Canadian fluoridated cities.

Recent high quality, U.S. government-funded research, published by an international team of top public health departments found that fluoride exposure during pregnancy is associated with lower IQs and increased ADHD symptoms. The maternal fluoride exposures in this research were very similar to those recently reported for Canadian fluoridated cities.

Therefore, the confidently dismissive comments of the Mayor and Medical Officer were formally challenged via  a Freedom of Information request that was submitted to each of their respective institutions, asking to see the peer-reviewed scientific research relied upon in making these bold statements.


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The requests and responses are available for download/viewing further below.

Town of Tecumseh’s response: dealt directly only with the part of the request relating to Mayor McNamara’s quote, and provided no responsive records.  (The privacy officer provided a copy of the Health Unit’s highly critiqued Oral Report 2018 Update and a link to a Council agenda, neither of which contained, or cited, any responsive studies showing that fluoride exposure during pregnancy is safe with respect to IQ or ADHD symptoms.)

The town dealt with the part of the request relating to Dr. Ahmed’s quote by transferring it to the Windsor Essex County Health Unit.

Windsor Essex County Health Unit’s response: addressed the part of the request relating to Mayor McNamara’s quote by transferring it to Tecumseh.  Regarding Dr. Ahmed’s quote, the Health Unit’s response contradicts the Medical Officer’s claim and states “there are no responsive records”.

FOI requests submitted to Windsor Essex County Health Unit and Town of Tecumseh, Ontario, April 11, 2019:

Windsor Essex County Health Unit’s response (“no responsive records“):

Town of Tecumseh’s response (which provided/cited/led to no responsive records):

All-in-one pdf including commentary, the FOI requests, and the response from each institution: