The long-awaited “response” letter from the provincial Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Posted July 3, 2018
It seems the Regional Chair, Frank Dale, “sat” on this letter from the Assistant Deputy Minister Roselle Martino (see item 6.43 on page 632 of Council’s April 19, 2018 agenda) from the day of its receipt, March 23rd, until April 5th.
Council had no idea of its existence until Councillor Sprovieri ranted at length at the April 5th Council meeting about the Ministry’s failure to reply to Council for over 1 full year. It was only due to his rant and motion to reactivate the committee that the existence of this letter was revealed to Council and the public.
The letter fails to truly address:
1) the non-existent “appropriate and comprehensive” toxicology studies that Council had requested the province carry out as required for a legitimate NSF 60 certification (as opposed to the “testing” done by NSF simply to ascertain the composition of the chemical) , and
2) Council’s request that the province “take legislative responsibility for the regulation and administration of HFSA in water fluoridation treatments“.