EPA scientists oppose fluoridation
Letter and References explaining why the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Scientists are opposed to the fluoridation of public water supplies. (1999)
Statement of Dr. J. William Hirzy, National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 280, before The Subcommittee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Drinking Water, United States Senate, June 29, 2000
Dr. Robert Carton, who gave 20 years of service and was twice president of the EPA Professional Union: “EPA has more than enough evidence to shut down fluoridation right now.” “I basically accused EPA of scientific fraud. You can read that presentation …”
EPA scientists take action against EPA for failing to protect public health — Important scientific and technical considerations were ignored when the Recommended Maximum Contaminant Level (RMCL) for fluoride was set (1986 Amicus Brief).
Applying the NAEP Code of Ethics to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Fluoride in Drinking Water Standard: The need for a Code of Ethics at the EPA became critical when the Agency published the Fluoride in Drinking Water Standard in 1985. Without an enforceable code of ethics with sanctions, the distortion of truth caused by the pressures of politics would continue, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency insiders
Environmental Protection Agency Union fights back over artificial water fluoridation: EPA scientists have a right to express opinions about the disposal of toxic waste into public drinking water for artificial water Fluoridation
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The EPA tampered with a fluoride cancer study, in order to protect the water fluoridation program and industry polluters. Fluoridation should have ended years ago.
SUBJECT: Fluoride Conference to Review the NTP Draft Fluoride Report
FROM: Wm L. Marcus, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Criteria & Standards Division, ODW (WH-550D)
TO: Alan B. Hais, Acting Director, Criteria & Standards Division, ODW (WH-550D)
Video: On June 29th, 2000, Dr. William Hirzy was invited to give testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water on behalf of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) Chapter 280 – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Headquarters.
See also:
Fluoride Action Network’s “extensive documentary history of EPA’s decision in 1985 to increase the allowable levels of fluoride in drinking water. The documents show that EPA Management allowed political pressures to trump the clear consensus among its scientists that the altered standard was not safe.” http://fluoridealert.org/researchers/epa/