Freemason – Canadian Parliament Buildings Connection

By People-United
© All rights reserved March 2024, People-United

Freemasons have been running Canada for two centuries, even building our ‘government’ buildings, infiltrating our courts, judiciary, police, political structure, religions and education.

Why is this important to know?

Because they are a cult that worships Lucifer and their oath requires them to (a) keep secrets, (b) support their brother Masons, even to the point of perjuring themselves and (c) to dominate and control the world.

Canada is legally a Christian society and this was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada, so having those who worship Lucifer running things, building our buildings and destroying our Christian society has caused Canadians great suffering.

This video will show you how deeply entrenched the extremely dangerous Freemasonry cult is and why assassinated US President John F. Kennedy was trying to dismantle it and warned the world about secret societies.

First, we learn about how Freemasonry came about:

Templars as Freemasons and their Connection to Canada’s Parliament Buildings

After almost 500 years of hiding from the Catholic Church, the Order of the Knights Templar was resurrected in 1790 by Alexander Deuchar in Scotland under a new name: Freemasonry.  Since at least the 18th century the secret society of Freemasons have incorporated Templar symbols and rituals.  Templar/Freemasonry symbols are carved into the Canadian Parliament Buildings and many federal government institution infrastructure.

The Freemasons have five separate degrees or orders: The Entered Apprentice, The Fellowcraft, The Master Mason, The Royal Arch and finally: The Knights Templar.

Freemasonry worships Baphomet. Their Oath requires absolute secrecy as an enemy of Christian democratic governments

Image 1 The picture of a Freemason session where Baphomet is worshipped is from a book by Leo Taxil.  This shows that Freemasonry worships Baphomet which is satanic.

About Thomas Fuller, the Freemason Who Designed and Built the Canadian Parliament Buildings

Although a newcomer to Canada, Fuller was awarded the contract to design Canada’s Parliament Buildings in 1859, which is curious since Canada was a Christian country, but Freemasonry is anything but. Other buildings he designed:

1859 – Parliament Buildings (burned 1916) Library (remaining), Ott awa

1889 – Langevin Block, Ottawa

1861 – St. James Church, Perth

At this site, you can learn more about the Templar-Freemason-Parliament Buildings connection.

Thomas Fuller was, according to some historical articles, a 33rd degree Mason.

Image 2 Fuller’s Library of Parliament under construction 1860s. Note dome similar to original Templar headquarters at the Solomon Temple.

He also designed and built:

1862 – St. Paul’s Church, Almonte 1866 – St. Alban’s Church, Ottawa

1866 – St. James Church, Hull (burned 1900) 1866 –All Saints Church,  Westboro village within Ottawa City limits.

The ceremonies of laying the corner stone for these buildings were performed in full Masonic style, as outlined in this excerpt from the 1866 laying of the cornerstone of a church Thomas Fuller designed in Hull, Quebec.An unusual and ritualistic ceremony that dates back to the time of the Templars.

On September 1, 1860, The Prince Of Wales, Albert Edward, a known member of Freemasonry, presided over the Masonic ritual of laying the cornerstone of the Parliament Buildings. The Masonic Ceremony included The Prince Of Wales and Fuller exchanging Masonic vows while lowering the ceremonial stone. In 1875 Albert Edward became Grand Master of the Convent General of the Knights Templar.

The Prince Of Wales, Albert Edward here seen in full Freemason attire.

Image 3 The cornerstone of the Parliament Buildings being laid under Freemason ceremony on Sept. 1, 1860 by Fuller and the Prince Of Wales, soon to be Grand Master Of The Convent General Knights Templar in 1875.  Yet, as held by the Supreme Court of Canada, legally Canada was a Christian country.

The Constitution of Canada, 1867, a full thirteen years prior to the Templar/Freemasons marking their territory with these buildings, stated the Constitution was founded on the supremacy of God.  Freemasons do not worship God, but Lucifer/Baphomet.

From 1881 to 1896, Fuller was appointed Chief Dominion Architect for the Government of Canada, during which time he played a role in the design and construction of every major federal building in Canada.

The then Minister of Public Works appointed Thomas Fuller the Dominion Chief Architect. Fuller wanted high design standards and to create an imposing government presence across the country, with special focus on Freemasonry symbolism. Fuller excelled in the design of small-to-medium-sized public buildings tailored to individual sites.  Fuller’s work can be seen in almost every town and city in Canada through post offices and court houses built in this time period.

Note in all available historical articles on the Freemason designing and building of many Canadian federal buildings, always the architecture is discussed, but never the carvings of the macabre ugly Freemason/Satanic creatures found in the West, East and Centre Blocks of Parliament Buildings.

Image 4 Thomas Fuller died in 1898 and was interred in Beechwood Cemetery, in East Ottawa.  His grave stone had, above his name the Templar/Freemasonry cross, consistent with the Freemason connection to what were supposed to be our Christian government buildings.

Canadian Parliament Buildings and Satanic/Freemasonry Symbols

Image 5 This is an aerial view sketch of the 3 Parliament Buildings.

#1 = Centre Block, House of Commons, Peace Tower

#2 = West Block

#3 = East Block

Image 6 During the COVID lockdowns, the entire Centre Block was barricaded by a very high wall.  In December 2020, that wall was blank.

Image 7: In December 2023, the entire length of that blank wall suddenly had ghastly images of the very Freemason/Satanic symbols carved into the buildings.  The images are extremely large so that the viewer can make out details of the carvings on the buildings.

Centre Block Freemason/satanic symbols carved into the Building:  Centre Block is #1 on the Sketch

The Sketch is Image #5

Image 8 Half man/half animal chimera with small skulls

Image 9 Satanic Owl

Image 10   Empty masks/helmets or upper section of adult skulls

Image 11 Image on the wall blocking construction activity of man’s head with claws of an animal – this carving is actually on the front of the Centre Building very high up.

Image 12 image imposed on the construction wall of half-man, half-animal chimera that is actually located on the Centre Block building.

Image 13 Satanic male located on the left side of the Peace Tower.

Image 14 Chimera carving on Centre Block building

Image 15 Dog-like hybrid creature

Image 16 Peace Tower with gargoyle on each corner

West Block of the 3 Parliament Buildings:  West Block is #2 on the Sketch

Sketch is Image #5

Image 17 serpent hybrid clutching skull on West Block building

Image 18 back entrance of West Block hybrid creature on left of doorway guarding entrance.

Image 19 Gargoyle on West Block by Waymark

Image 20 emaciated hybrid creature looking back from West Block building.  The Templar/Freemason rose is clearly carved into the side of the building.

Image 21 face of man-animal chimera at the top of West Block building

Image 22 angry man-animal chimera on West Block building.

Image 23 hybrid serpent with carvings symbolizing skulls

Image 24 man’s head mouth open next to row of skulls

Image 25 pouncing creature over West Block building doorway

Image 26 man creature eating child next to carvings symbolizing children skulls

Image 27 2 bizarre emaciated creatures looking back

East Block of Parliament Buildings: East Block building is #3 on the Sketch

Sketch is Image #5

It is believed that the satanic/masonic rituals were held in this East Block building. 

It is the only building where there is a large back entrance for vehicles, with bars over the windows.  Recently the back of the building has been backfilled up to the windows with bars, appearing to disguise the basement of the building.

The follow images were taken of the various satanic/masonic symbols carved into the East Block building.  Note the two eyes and mouth built into the tower.

This particular entrance is where the row of carvings symbolizing children’s skulls are seen directly over the entrance steps.

There are 157 grotesques on the East Block building alone.  In 2020, a project was underway to clean and restore the masonic symbols, instead of replacing them with Christian symbols!

Image 30 row of children skills under eve looking from Wellington Street side of entrance

Image 31

Image 32 closeup of carvings symbolizing children skulls carved on east-side entrance into East Block.

Image 33 row of skull symbols directly over east side entrance of East Block and under the British Coat of Arms.

Image 21

Image 21a demonic man-creature carved into front of East Block.

Image 22 angry chimera

Image 23 Angry hybrid serpent surrounded by symbols of children’s skulls

Image 24 man-creature with mouth open next to carvings symbolizing human skulls

Image 34 this is the image mounted on the wall around the construction as seen in December 2023. It was from a photograph taken of the actual carving on the East Block building.

Image 35 this is the image of the actual carving on the East Block building depicted in the above Image 34 of a man-animal chimera holding a bunch of small skulls depicting children skulls sacrificed.

Image 36 Baphomet head on East Block.  The masonic ritual sacrifices are always to Baphomet, thus Baphomet on this building could also indicate what went on in this building.

Image 37 long serpent under window of east side of East Block building

Image 37a row of satanic male heads on East Block building

Image 38 angry Baphomet head

Image 39 angry creature attacking over entrance of East Block building, located near row of carvings symbolizing children’s skulls and with a man-animal chimera at the end of the row.

Image 40 backfilling of the east side of the East Building all the way to the to of the barred windows.

Image 41 east side basement windows of East Block building showing backfilling almost to top of barred windows.

Image 42 east side of East Block showing more basement windows barred and backfilling up to the windows.

Image 43

Image 44 backfilled area showing young trees not part of original layout – the foundation of the stairs to nowhere are seen in background.

There was no reason to disguise the back of the East Block after people started to asked questions about the pedophile networks and the political and royal involvements in satanic rituals and sacrifices, particularly of children, EXCEPT if this building was part of the network.

We were unable to find a single Christian symbol anywhere on any of these buildings.

We were unable to find a single reference to the backfilling and disguising of the east side windows of the East Block, even though it is clear that it was done recently and it makes no sense to backfill to the top of barred windows.