Posted on substack September 19, 2023
Greetings and Best Wishes,
Sharing some good personal news for a change….
Legalese below, from Paul Murray, clown man who acts as “crown attorney” at Peterborough, Ontario.

English translation:
“you’ve noticed that our alleged court case against you is imaginary and based entirely on fake/fraudulent papers (including the “warrant” and “information”) – none of which have been filed with and stamped by anyone at Ontario Court of Justice and several of which bear the name of an imaginary court (Ontario Court of the Justice) – and a whole slew of other “abnormalities” aka fraud including the fact that “REGINA” is a fiction and so is MASSEY, Christine, and no man or woman has served a claim of trespass against you, and all the papers we’ve given you are just internal corporate forms, and well we’ve already held this fake court case over your head for TWENTY MONTHS causing you all sorts of stress, damage to your reputation, wasting massive amounts of your time and energy, and we don’t want all of this exposed on the record, including the 2 videos that prove you did absolutely nothing wrong and that Thomas Piggott is a lying POS, or the fact that Scott Gilbert and John Lyons acting as Chief and Inspector interfered in this matter by “demanding” that bogus “charges” be laid….”
aka “your persistence and attention to detail have paid off and we are forced to back down”
Special thank you to Christopher James of A Warrior Calls, Grace, Greg (not sure if they want their “full names” public), Andrew Devine and the many other people I’ve learned from 🙂
Why do I call Thomas a “lying POS”? Find out here:
Peterborough Medical Officer served Notice, LIES to police re fake assault attempt… Police arrest an innocent man and woman
For truth, freedom and sanity,
Christine, an unincorporated woman!